What's the difference between arrose and moisten?



  • (v. t.) To drench; to besprinkle; to moisten.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) died from tumor arrosion bleeding during the treatment.
  • (2) By artificial embolization before extensive septic amputation arrosion bleedings that are otherwise noncontrollable can be prevented.
  • (3) Beyond the age of 18 years there is a sclerosis of the lesion and a less marked arrosion of the corticalis.
  • (4) The most important finding was an advanced arrosion of the supporting supramide loops.
  • (5) Indications were central abscess of the carcinoma, bleeding of the tumor by arrosion, pain because of infiltration of chestwall, patient's demand on operation.
  • (6) Chronic pulmonary embolism secondary to bacterial endocarditis situated opposite to an uncorrected small ventricular septal defect in the right ventricle caused arrosion of the pulmonary artery and subsequent severe fatal bronchial hemorrhage.
  • (7) Clinical mortality was 16%, with six deaths caused by technical complications (perforation, arrosion bleeding), and ten by cardiopulmonary problems.
  • (8) Arrosion of these veins during labour was the reason of a severe postpartal bleeding.
  • (9) In patients with chemotherapeutically induced neutropenia and invasive aspergillosis, bone marrow recovery may lead to the liquefaction of pulmonary foci, and, in view of the well-known vasotropic nature of the infection, to a potentially lethal arrosion bleeding.
  • (10) Arrosion of large arterial trunks was the basic cause of the secondary hemorrhage.
  • (11) Report on an 80-year-old male with a sacculated, hazelnutsized, intrapulmonary arrosion aneurysm of the right pulmonary artery in the environment of an anthracotically indurated lymphatic node.
  • (12) According to the author's opinion, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in reconstructive procedures on large arteries in patients, subjected to massive repeated radiotherapy, there is an increased danger of occurrence of arrosion hemorrhage, extensive thrombosis of vascular grafts and arteries changed under the effect of ionizing radiation.
  • (13) Results of the preventive surgical treatment in infection of vascular prostheses were much better than those obtained after operations performed against the background of arrosive hemorrhage.
  • (14) If the fistula persists, surgical closure should be considered after 30 days because of the increased possibility of severe arrosive haemorrhage.
  • (15) As uncommon and hitherto unknown complications postprandial syncopes and a letal arrosion of the right cardiac atrium occurred.
  • (16) Peracute massive pulmonary bleeding caused by the simultaneous arrosion of a greater pulmonary artery and a lobar bronchus by a liquefactive fungal focus was responsible.
  • (17) Among the complications are dry hemorrhagic tracheobronchitis with crusts, severe arrosion bleeding and quite frequently secondary tracheal stenosis.
  • (18) One of 12 patients died due to arrosive bleeding from the common carotid artery and jugular vein.
  • (19) Death at later terms was usually caused by pyo-septic complications and arrosive bleedings.
  • (20) Not considering 2 false indications because of arterial arrosion 46 patients were treated successfully with cimetidine.



  • (v. t.) To make damp; to wet in a small degree.
  • (v. t.) To soften by making moist; to make tender.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) At normal arterial pressure blowing moistened O2 over the CB did not affect Pto2 if the electrode tip was about 90 mum into the CB.
  • (2) Disc assay filter paper discs were moistened using the standard capillary action procedure and a method incorporating the use of a 90-microliters micropipetter.
  • (3) A small strip of special indicator sorbent paper (test stick) is moistened with this mixture for one minute.
  • (4) The unusually long period of time that the tooth survived might be attributed to a different approach to the replantation technique, such as occlusion adjustment prior to replantation, preoperative reduction of oral cavity bacteria and of the harmful aerosols commonly found in the dental operatory, placement of a noneugenol periodontal packing under the acrylic splint to prevent residual liquid monomer from seeping into the periodontal space, use of the patient's own blood and no other material to moisten the root while it was out of the socket, a short extraoral period, loose splinting, complete isolation of the operative site in the oral cavity, and completion of periodontal therapy before intentional replantation.
  • (5) Chemosterilization utilizing glutaraldehyde-moistened gauze as a wrap on simulated metal instruments was evaluated.
  • (6) To prevent from the recurrence of the disease it is sufficient to process the hydatid cyst fibrosal tunic with a tampon moistened with 5% formaline or 1% tripaflavine solution.
  • (7) These isolates grew very well on Gonococcal Agar and Mueller-Hinton Agar incubated at 34 degrees C in candle extinction jars containing moistened filter paper.
  • (8) After moistening with the aldehyde (HPE) it was fit tightly to the inner surface of the cap and, in situ, to the portio surface as well.
  • (9) If the fabric was moistened, sterilization occurred within five minutes.
  • (10) Results showed a consistent superiority of Solcoseryl eye drops in respect to speed of healing of corneal erosions and moistening of the cornea in the 'dry eye' syndrome which reached statistical significance in some parameters.
  • (11) After preclinical tests with additively moistened silicons and a new hydrophilic coating, clinical evaluation was conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the american health authorities (FDA).
  • (12) A powerful compressor (2 M3.H-1 flow--3 bar pressure) draws up the moistened and warmed gases and injects them into a double pneumatic capacity.
  • (13) I couldn’t go through this again.” John regards Eve and for the first time, his eyes moisten.
  • (14) In the fine needle aspiration cytology of the thyroid gland by the moistening of cannule and syringe with heparin or citric sodium rather disadvantages for the evaluation are the result.
  • (15) When the plant is crushed and moistened, allylisothiocyanate (AITC) is formed along with glucose and potassium acid sulfate.
  • (16) A water-moistened pacifier reduced crying to 49% (P less than .01).
  • (17) Moistening of the mucosa of gastric corpus with these juices seems to be unimportant.
  • (18) The nonstick properties always become obvious when the dressings are moistened.
  • (19) The glands responsible for these cysts are believed to function by moistening the mucous membrane of the vocal cords.
  • (20) Effect of disc moistening method on the Bacillus stearothermophilus disc assay zone size was studied.

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