What's the difference between assister and helper?



  • (n.) An assistant; a helper.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We determined whether serological investigations can assist to distinguish between chronic idiopathic autoimmune thrombocytopenia (cAITP) and immune-mediated thrombocytopenia in patients at risk to develop systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE); 82 patients were seen in this institution for the evaluation of immune thrombocytopenia.
  • (2) Periosteal chondroma is an uncommon benign cartilagenous lesion, and its importance lies primarily in its characteristic radiographic and pathologic appearance which should be of assistance in the differential diagnosis of eccentric lesions of bones.
  • (3) Serially sectioned rabbit foliate taste buds were examined with high voltage electron microscopy (HVEM) and computer-assisted, three-dimensional reconstruction.
  • (4) The methodology, in algorithm form, should assist health planners in developing objectives and actions related to the occurrence of selected health status indicators and should be amenable to health care interventions.
  • (5) There were 54 patients who had a family doctor, 38 felt he could assist in aftercare.
  • (6) A neodymium YAG (Nd:YAG) laser was evaluated in a dog ulcer model used in the same manner as is recommended for bleeding patients (power 55 W, divergence angle 4 degrees, with CO2 gas-jet assistance).
  • (7) Following mass disasters and individual deaths, dentists with special training and experience in forensic odontology are frequently called upon to assist in the identification of badly mutilated or decomposed bodies.
  • (8) Two lunches are recoded with John Yates and Andy Hayman, the former assistant commissioners.
  • (9) Cloning of the A-T allele(s) will assist in the early or prenatal diagnosis of A-T and provide a firm basis for determining who, in the general population, carries this gene and is therefore at a high risk of cancer.
  • (10) Four goals, four assists, and constant movement have been a key part of the team’s success.
  • (11) Despite this exposure, none of 255 dentists, hygienists and chairside assistants had the antibody to HIV following an estimated 189 or more exposures.
  • (12) Documents seen by the Guardian show that blood supplies for one fiscal year were paid for by donations from America’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) – and both countries have imposed economic sanctions against the Syrian government.
  • (13) Nursing staff can assist these clients in a therapeutic way by becoming familiar with the types of issues these clients present and the behaviors they manifest.
  • (14) Although left heart bypass has gained popularity as a powerful technique to assist the severely failed left heart, apparent right heart failure has often developed during the bypass procedure.
  • (15) It is shown that the combined effects of altitude and wind assistance yielded an increment in the length of the jump of about 31 cm, compared to a corresponding jump at sea level under still air conditions.
  • (16) A compensator connected to the section consisting of the pump-main line-operating member and including a pneumatic resistance and a flaxid non-elastic container enables it in combination with the feedback to maintain through the volumetric displacement of the gas, or changing the pump diaphragm position, the stability of the gas volume in the pneumatic transmission element of the assisted circulation apparatus.
  • (17) Restriction site analysis, DNA sequence analysis, and computer-assisted search revealed eight retrotransposon-like elements distributed over a 25 kilobase (kb) mouse Il-6 region.
  • (18) This is what President Carter did when he raised the spectre of terminating US military assistance if Israel did not immediately evacuate Lebanon in September 1977.
  • (19) Experiments have been performed using CO2 laser-assisted microvascular anastomoses, and they demonstrated the following features, in comparison with conventional anastomoses: ease in technique; less time consumption; less tissue inflammation; early wound healing; equivalency of patency rate and inner pressure tolerance; but only about 50 percent of the tensile strength of manual-suture anastomosis.
  • (20) Although the reeler, an autosomal recessive mutant mouse with the abnormality of lamination in the central nervous system, died about 3 weeks of age when fed ordinary laboratory chow, this mouse could grow up normally and prolong its destined, short lifespan to 50 weeks and more when given assistance in taking paste food and water from the weaning period.



  • (n.) One who, or that which, helps, aids, assists, or relieves; as, a lay helper in a parish.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The results indicate that OA-bearing macrophages primed T cells and generated helper T cells, whereas the culture of normal lymphocytes with soluble OA in the absence of macrophages generated suppressor T cells.
  • (2) Stable factor-dependent B-cell hybridomas were used to monitor the purification of the growth factor from the supernatant of a clonotypically stimulated mouse helper T-cell clone.
  • (3) Cyclosporine is a fungal endecapeptide of novel chemical structure that causes preferential inhibition of T helper cells.
  • (4) T cells admixed in the germinal centers were overwhelmingly of the T-helper type.
  • (5) The data indicate that activated helper T cells are required and sufficient to give rise to the inflammatory infiltrates that are characteristic of the inflammations and exacerbations in human rheumatoid arthritis.
  • (6) It was demonstrated that antigen specific helper T cell activity was promoted by diazepam administration in mice.
  • (7) Although T cells exposed to antigen in B-depleted LN of mu sm and irradiated mice gave negligible T proliferative responses in vitro, low but significant levels of primed T helper function were detected in a sensitive T helper assay in vivo.
  • (8) The neoplastic T cells of three patients had helper activity on both PWM- and IL-2-driven Ig synthesis, and in addition produced IL-2 in response to PWM stimulation.
  • (9) Analysis of mice injected with helper-free P90A virus stocks demonstrates that the variants are generated during viral replication in vivo, probably as a consequence of error-prone reverse transcription.
  • (10) The role played by macrophages in two effects of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) on the immune system of the mouse-substitution for helper T cells and induction of B-cell mitosis-has been investigated.
  • (11) These steps include soluble antigen processing and presentation and as a result reduced production of IL-4 and IL-1-Inducer Factor ("IL-1-IF") by the T-helper cells and reduced production of IL-1 and IL-2 by the antigen presenting cell population.
  • (12) LEW rats immunized with each of the three DA MHC chains produced alloantibodies to these chains, suggesting that indirect allorecognition did occur, because of the requirement for cognate recognition of B cells by T helper cells.
  • (13) These effects appear to be due to both T helper-dependent regulation and to a mitogenic activity associated with the parasites themselves.
  • (14) An immunohistologic study showed that the psoriatic plaques contained an infiltrate composed mainly of activated helper T lymphocytes.
  • (15) These and previous results support the hypothesis that decreased IL-2 production by both T-helper and NK cells from CML patients may be mechanistically related to the observed NK-cell immunodeficiency in CML patients.
  • (16) It is suggested that the capacity of large doses of L3T4+ cells to protect mice against lethal GVHD is a reflection of T helper function: the cellular immunity provided by the donor L3T4+ cells enables the host to repel pathogens entering through damaged mucosal surfaces, with the result that GVHD becomes sublethal.
  • (17) Therefore, Leu 7+ (Leu 3+) germinal-center cells are distinct from "classic" T-helper cells of blood and lymphoid tissues.
  • (18) The addition of concanavalin A-stimulated supernatants of the helper T cell clone, D9.1, to cultures of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated T-depleted mouse spleen cells caused more than a 100-fold increase in immunoglobulin (Ig) E production.
  • (19) Microcultures of helper T (Th) cells and a few appropriately primed murine B cells can be used to detect cognate T-B interactions which lead to clonal production of IgM, IgG1, and IgE.
  • (20) CD4+ helper T cells predominated in all tumors except melanomas, which had more CD8+ cytotoxic T cells.

Words possibly related to "assister"