(v. t.) To ascribe; to consider (something) as due or appropriate (to); to refer, as an effect to a cause; to impute; to assign; to consider as belonging (to).
(n.) That which is attributed; a quality which is considered as belonging to, or inherent in, a person or thing; an essential or necessary property or characteristic.
(n.) Reputation.
(n.) A conventional symbol of office, character, or identity, added to any particular figure; as, a club is the attribute of Hercules.
(n.) Quality, etc., denoted by an attributive; an attributive adjunct or adjective.
Example Sentences:
(1) We attribute this in part to early diagnosis by computed tomography (CT), but a contributory factor may be earlier referrals from country centres to a paediatric trauma centre and rapid transfer, by air or road, by medical retrieval teams.
(2) Inhibition of thymidine uptake is attributed to an observed decrease in thymidine kinase activity caused by growth in 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP, and possibly to a simultaneous alteration in membrane permeability.
(3) There were no deaths attributable to the treatment.
(4) Most of the infection was attributed to T. parva parva by application of field ticks to susceptible cattle.
(5) Our study suggests that a major part of the renal antimineralocorticoid activity of spironolactone may be attributable to minor sulfur-containing metabolites or their precursors having a high renal clearance that affords access to their site of activity via the renal tubular fluid.
(6) In vitro studies in cardiac Purkinje fibers suggested that reversal of amitriptyline-induced cardiac membrane effects by sodium bicarbonate may be attributed not only to alkalinization but also to increased in extracellular sodium concentration, diminishing the local anesthetic action of amitriptyline and resulting in less sodium channel block.
(7) Relative to the perceived severity of their asthma, both Maoris and Pacific Islanders lost more time from work or school and used hospital services more than European asthmatics using A & E. The increased use of A & E by Maori and Pacific Island asthmatics seemed not attributable to the intrinsic severity of their asthma and was better explained by ethnic, socioeconomic and sociocultural factors.
(8) Most survivors reported a range of problems that they attributed to having had cancer: 35%, proven or perceived infertility; 24%, sexual problems; 31%, health and life insurance problems; 26%, a negative socioeconomic effect; and 51%, conditioned nausea, associated with visual or olfactory reminders of chemotherapy.
(9) Their best evaluations were in medical care, personal attributes and communication.
(10) Many of the pathophysiologic effects of bacterial endotoxin have recently been attributed to a monokine, tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
(11) Results of this sort are reminiscent of several related findings that have been attributed to auditory adaptation or enhancement, or to a temporally developing critical-band filter.
(12) In Study 4, attributional biases and deficits were found to be positively correlated with the rate of reactive aggression (but not proactive aggression) displayed in free play with peers (N = 127).
(13) The prevalence of kola nut chewing and the effects attributed to it are briefly reviewed.
(14) The following results were obtained: 1) In normal subjects, the changes in ABR waveforms according to the changes of the rise-time, interstimulus interval and frequency of the stimulus were mainly attributed to component wave C. 2) In patients with central disorders, component wave C were initially affected.
(15) The decrease in cyclic AMP response to TSH induced to TSH was reversible, was not associated with a similar decrease to cyclic AMP response to PGE1, and could not be attributed to increased phosphodiesterase activity or to decreased adenyl cyclase activity.
(16) Line broadening detected in several of the high-field nuclear magnetic resonance spectra was attributed to cis-trans isomerization.
(17) We attribute the greater strength of the step-cut repair to the additional number of epitendinous loops, which lie perpendicular to the long axis of the tendon.
(18) Cardiac bradyarrhythmias in hypoxia have been attributed to an increased formation and release of adenosine.
(19) Those small problems which exist can be attributed to detector sampling problems, especially in the axial direction, which is a consequence of the geometry of these scanners, which are designed primarily for 2D data acquisition.
(20) These properties of the tissue culture-derived scrapie agent were identical to those of brain-derived scrapie agent and thus cannot be attributed to secondary effects of tissue pathology, since the infected cell cultures show no cytopathic effects as a result of infection.
(n.) The make, form, or outward appearance of a person; the whole turn or style of the body; esp., good appearance.
(n.) The make, cast, or appearance of the human face, and especially of any single part of the face; a lineament. (pl.) The face, the countenance.
(n.) The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic; as, one of the features of the landscape.
(n.) A form; a shape.
Example Sentences:
(1) The main clinical features pertaining to the concept of the "psycho-organic syndrome" (POS) were investigated in a sample of children who suffered from severe craniocerebral trauma.
(2) Low birth weight, short stature, and mental retardation were common features in the four known patients with r(8).
(3) The populations of Asia-Oceania have some features of the class II RFLPs in common, which are distinctly different from Caucasoids.
(4) The secondary leukemia that occurred in these patients could be distinguished from the secondary leukemia that occurs after treatment with alkylating agents by the following: a shorter latency period; a predominance of monocytic or myelomonocytic features; and frequent cytogenetic abnormalities involving 11q23.
(5) A marked overlap of input from the two eyes is an unusual feature for a diprotodont marsupial and has previously been seen only in the feathertail glider.
(6) Descriptive features of the syndrome in children, adults and adolescents are given based on the respective work of Pine, Masterson and Kernberg.
(7) The leukemic T-cells in two patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) had specific features of large granular lymphocytes (LGL), and those in two patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) had L2 morphologic characteristics.
(8) There was no association of DPA1 or DPB1 RFLPs with clinical features.
(9) A new propaganda video by Islamic State featuring the British photojournalist John Cantlie, in which he says it is the “last film in this series”, has appeared online.
(10) Aside from these characteristic findings of HCC, it was important to reveal the following features for the diagnosis of well differentiated type of small HCC: variable thickening or distortion of trabecular structure in association with nuclear crowding, acinar formation, selective cytoplasmic accumulation of Mallory bodies, nuclear abnormalities consisting of thickening of nucleolus, hepatic cords in close contact with bile ducts or blood vessels, and hepatocytes growing in a fibrous environment.
(11) Airbnb also features a number of independently posted holiday rentals in Brazil's favelas.
(12) The clinical aspects, the modality of onset and diffusion of the lymphoma, its macroscopic and histopathological features and the different therapeutic approaches are discussed.
(13) Many features of CFTR activity suggest that pharmacological interventions may be possible.
(14) The types, frequency, and clinical features of neoplasms encountered in the perinatal period are markedly different from those observed in older children and adolescents.
(15) We assumed that the sensory messages received at a given level are transformed by a stochastic process, called Alopex, in a way which maximizes responses in central feature analyzers.
(16) In self-opinions on own appearance the children mentioned teeth as a feature which they would like to change as first.
(17) A comprehensive review of the roentgenographic features of calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition disease (pseudogout) is presented.
(18) Extensive sequence homologies and other genetic features are shared with the related oncogenic virus, human papillomavirus type 16, especially in the major reading frames.
(19) Instead of later renal failure and, of course, mental retardation, it was the histological features of the fetus eyes which permit to diagnose and exhibit both congenital cataract and irido-corneal angle dysgenesis.
(20) A striking feature of BEN is the familial occurrence of the disease.