What's the difference between bag and plastic?



  • (n.) A sack or pouch, used for holding anything; as, a bag of meal or of money.
  • (n.) A sac, or dependent gland, in animal bodies, containing some fluid or other substance; as, the bag of poison in the mouth of some serpents; the bag of a cow.
  • (n.) A sort of silken purse formerly tied about men's hair behind, by way of ornament.
  • (n.) The quantity of game bagged.
  • (n.) A certain quantity of a commodity, such as it is customary to carry to market in a sack; as, a bag of pepper or hops; a bag of coffee.
  • (v. t.) To put into a bag; as, to bag hops.
  • (v. t.) To seize, capture, or entrap; as, to bag an army; to bag game.
  • (v. t.) To furnish or load with a bag or with a well filled bag.
  • (v. i.) To swell or hang down like a full bag; as, the skin bags from containing morbid matter.
  • (v. i.) To swell with arrogance.
  • (v. i.) To become pregnant.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a paired study 12 platelet concentrates (PC) of Fresenius AS-104 cell separator were stored in new polyolefin bags of Fresenius (LE2) and Fenwal PL-732 bags.
  • (2) The agency, which works to reduce food waste and plastic bag use, has already been gutted , with its budget reduced to £17.9m in 2014, down from £37.7m in 2011.
  • (3) It won't be worth putting away his travel bags after returning from Perth as the G20 summit in Cannes, France, beckons.
  • (4) After clinical examination and semen analysis, we studied 4100 patients by scrotal US with sector mechanical (7.5 MHz) probe with water bag and by transrectal US for prostatic vesicular region evaluation with 5-6.5 MHz linear probe (lately we used biplanar probe).
  • (5) Placing the collection bag at the base of the machine provided excellent plasma removal rates with only minimal blood flows.
  • (6) An actor dressed like one of the polar bears that figure in Coke ads limped up, wearing a prosthesis on one paw, a dialysis bag and tubing.
  • (7) Six leukocyte-rich platelet concentrates (mean, 0.6 X 10(9) white cells per bag; range, 0.3 to 1.0 X 10(9) per container) were prepared by removing as much of the platelet-rich plasma from blood as possible.
  • (8) Eventually I was given a bag with my name on it, containing my jacket, wallet, and camera equipment.
  • (9) It is possible that in a similar future case, discontinuance of dextran infusion and administration of a single bolus of 12 bags of cryoprecipitate may be adequate treatment.
  • (10) The accuracy and reliability of the new system were checked by comparison with the traditional (Douglas bag) method.
  • (11) Presentation of a new case of polyorchism, its first clinical evidence being a picture o acute scrotal bag requiring surgical examination.
  • (12) "And secondly, there will also be help with sand bags, which could help prevent further flooding."
  • (13) Dynamic and static nuclear bag fibres are shown to correspond with 'bag1 fibres' and 'bag2 fibres', respectively (Ovalle & Smith, 1972).
  • (14) In contrast, bilateral lesions of all cerebral ganglion peripheral nerves did not abolish spontaneous egg laying, suggesting that sensory input to the cerebral ganglion is not necessary for activating the bag cells.
  • (15) But volcanic liberation has never really been his bag.
  • (16) "I suddenly became aware of my own colour and the way I was looked at, carrying a bag on a train.
  • (17) You will also need to find alternative disposable bags for shops to stock while people get into the habit of bringing their own bag, however, and for when they forget.
  • (18) An average of 241,273 viewers gathered round the television (hospital bed) clutching the remote (bag of grapes) staring at the small screen (out of the window).
  • (19) In addition, the bag does not abrade or desiccate the bowel, potentially reducing serosal injury and adhesion formation.
  • (20) Burst augmentation of R15 induced by bag-cell afterdischarge did not cause detectable changes in the phosphorylation of the major proteins we examined.



  • (a.) Having the power to give form or fashion to a mass of matter; as, the plastic hand of the Creator.
  • (a.) Capable of being molded, formed, or modeled, as clay or plaster; -- used also figuratively; as, the plastic mind of a child.
  • (a.) Pertaining or appropriate to, or characteristic of, molding or modeling; produced by, or appearing as if produced by, molding or modeling; -- said of sculpture and the kindred arts, in distinction from painting and the graphic arts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The various evocational changes appear to form sets of interconnected systems and this complex network seems to embody some plasticity since it has been possible to suppress experimentally some of the most universal evocational events or alter their temporal order without impairing evocation itself.
  • (2) With the exception of PMMA and PTFE, all plastics leave a very heavy tar- and soot deposit after burning.
  • (3) The consequences of proved hypersensitivity in patients with metal-to-plastic prostheses, either present prior to insertion of the prosthesis or evoked by the implant material, are not known.
  • (4) We found that when neutrophils were allowed to settle into protein-coated surfaces the amount of O2- they generated varied with the nature of the protein: IgG greater than bovine serum albumin greater than plastic greater than gelatin greater than serum greater than collagen.
  • (5) FGF did not influence P production, while EGF clearly increased basal P production of the cells cultured on plastic.
  • (6) Alveolar macrophages (greater than 97% esterase positive) were isolated form bronchoalveolar lavage fluids by adherence onto plastic.
  • (7) During collection, the rat was restrained in a plastic holder where it was free to eat.
  • (8) The agency, which works to reduce food waste and plastic bag use, has already been gutted , with its budget reduced to £17.9m in 2014, down from £37.7m in 2011.
  • (9) Radiological examination provides more accurate indications for plastic surgery of the pelvic floor, influences the operative procedures and permits better evaluation of operative results.
  • (10) Unlike cells grown on plastic, RME cells grown on type I collagen were readily subculturable and serial subculture resulted in the cells undergoing 15-20 population doublings (5-6 passages) before exhibiting any loss of growth potential.
  • (11) In 36 patients plastic reconstruction of the urinary bladder, sphincter and urethra was performed with local tissues after the Young technic in the G. A. Bairov modification.
  • (12) This result contraindicates a general permissive-requisite role for forebrain NE for the mammalian brain's plasticity during its critical periods.
  • (13) Markram's papers on synaptic plasticity and the microcircuitry of the neural cortex were enough to earn him a full professorship at the age of 40, but his discoveries left him restless and dissatisfied.
  • (14) Thus functional plasticity in response to early experience appears to be a fundamental aspect of cortical development.
  • (15) A metal-plastic prosthesis was tested in positions and with forces considered applicable to arthritics.
  • (16) The surgeon must have an exact idea of this canal before undertaking operation for plastics of the hernial defect.
  • (17) HVc and RA grow during the subsong and plastic song periods of song development.
  • (18) Asymmetries occur less often whilst using the low-cervical-pull according to Sander, due to the reduced friction between the two plastic parts of this headgear system.
  • (19) This paper reports the findings of a national survey of Medical Schools and Plastic Surgery Units.
  • (20) Plastic surgery seems to be successful in mitral valve lesions, whereas lesions of the aortic valve are such that valve replacement is required.

Words possibly related to "bag"