(1) Now recovering with relatives away from the Levels – which are likely to remain flooded for weeks, possibly even months – Mallows does not know when, or if, she will see her farmhouse again.
(2) Nuvacron residues on 45-day-old mallow were less on mallow than on cotton or beans.
(3) Sevin was higher in 1-h residues on cotton and beans than on mallow.
(4) The 1-hour residue was higher on younger bean leaves than on mallow and cotton with very few exceptions (nuvacron, malathion and sevin: 2.125, 11.75 and 95 ppm on cotton leaves; 2.25 and 145 ppm on Jew's mallow and 3.750, 32.500 and 250 ppm on common bean leaves, respectively).
(5) The Environment Agency expressed sympathy for Mallows and said it had tried to help her – but had so far decided against building banks around her property because of the cost, around £70,000.
(6) 1-h deposits of malathion were higher on mallow than on cotton or beans (nuvacron, malathion and sevin; 2.3, 200 and 140 ppm on cotton leaves, 1.90, 191.15 and 92.86 ppm on mallow leaves, 2.25, 21.5 and 137.5 ppm on common bean leaves, respectively).
(7) The empty dirt path stretched towards it, through wild mallow flowers and nodding daisies.
(8) The def in Mallow was found to be 5.15 and the Met Need Index 14%.
(9) Mallow did not retain insecticides as long as did cotton and beans.
(10) For Mallows the future is as murky as the floodwater that still lies a metre-deep in her farmhouse.
(11) Mallows is angry at the Environment Agency, believing it deliberately floods the moor – and thus her house – to protect others and argues it ought to buy her out if it will not or cannot keep her home dry.
(12) The water on the road to Mallows's home was so deep that firefighters had to leave their engine a mile away and haul a boat through the water to the front door.
(13) 295 5-year-old children were examined in Mallow, a non-fluoridated town in North Cork to ascertain the dental status of children commencing first level education.
(14) They decided the best way to get Mallows out would be to carry her out down the stairs and through the flooded ground floor.
(15) Residues as determined by bioassay using Daphnia or mosquito larvae were in agreement with each other in most cases except sevin residues at 1 h and 8 days after treatment of mallow.
(16) Mallows moved with her late husband David to the Somerset Levels in the early 70s and they raised their family there.
(17) Dysphagia for solids of some degree was seen postoperatively in 26 patients and this was also demonstrated by delay in transit of a marsh-mallow swallow test.
(18) The complex extract and the polysaccharide isolated from the roots of marsh mallow were tested for antitussive activity in unanaesthetized cats of both sexes.
(19) Back in spring after the second wettest April on record in Somerset, Mallows's home was flooded and she had to move out to rented accommodation in Glastonbury.
(20) A week after she was hoisted on to the shoulders of six firefighters and carried "like a coffin" through the floodwater from her remote Somerset farmhouse, 90-year-old Diana Mallows is still struggling to find the right words to sum up her feelings.