(v. t. & i.) To abash; to disconcert or be disconcerted or put out of countenance.
Example Sentences:
(1) Someone close to the trust told me in the autumn, "Both parties are bashing the BBC – it used to alternate – but the Tories may have done a bigger deal with [longstanding BBC foe Rupert] Murdoch than Labour did in the mid-90s.
(2) They complained that while in Washington Cameron launched another round of Brussels-bashing when he was supposed to be promoting the merits of a potential gamechanging trade pact between the EU and the US.
(3) Last week Lebedev posted photos from his Hampton Court bash on his personal LiveJournal blog .
(4) In the end, Miliband's measures have a psychological effect not dissimilar to the youth-bashing policies that have come before: student fees, cuts to the education maintenance allowance and housing benefit for the under-25s , and the prioritising of private landlords at the expense of affordable housing.
(5) But at least it was offering something positive, not just bashing the Tories, like everything else.” But for many, it was symbolic of a vague and complacent Labour campaign strategy that would, ultimately, doom them to one of their worst ever election defeats.
(6) There is the Usdaw reception in the Hilton on Sunday, the Communication Workers Union drinks on Monday and a Unison bash on Tuesday.
(7) They are the only party which has refused to be drawn into the immigrant-bashing competition with the others, and the only which proposes a vote in the general elections for EU citizens based on residency, rather than nationality.
(8) For example, it's fashionable to continually bash the Taliban regarding women, especially when a massive Western army has invaded, but remain silent over women who suffer under Western foreign policies (I posted a link of a young Syrian woman being strangled in public, but it was deleted instantly).
(9) Swing your gaze from the aged and infirm to your fit and healthy peers here and abroad embracing fascism and poor-bashing.
(10) But Panmure's Zonneveld isn't so bashful - - he's got a target price of 570p.
(11) Jindal bashed the debate moderators to a crowd of roughly 50, saying: “The mainstream media lost the debate.” He went on to say that the GOP should take “a free market approach” to debates and “have as many debates as possible and let candidates decide which ones they should go to”.
(12) OFFICE COST PER DESK $10,430 pa Banker-bashing rating ■ ZURICH PROS The financial sector accounts for 6% of all jobs in Switzerland and 16% of tax revenue.
(13) If it means bashing your head against the wall, or whatever.
(14) I thought bashing bureaucrats was purely my domain.
(15) Theresa May has been accused of irresponsible “civil service bashing” by the mandarins’ union after using an interview to criticise Whitehall staff.
(16) But I will also defend my record, and will not take lectures on “the politics of division” from parties that bash immigrants and those on welfare benefits, or from politicians disgraced by expenses scandals, discredited by lies told to justify war, and intent on scapegoating the vulnerable in our society for an economic crisis caused by the most powerful.
(17) Downing Street has refused to release the guest list for this year's bash at the private Hurlingham members' club in Fulham, west London, but the gleaming Rolls-Royces and Jaguars streaming through the gates gave a hint of the wealthy passengers heading inside.
(18) Capitalism took a bashing in 2015: Corbynomics , the rise of anti-austerity parties Podemos and Syriza, Hillary Clinton slamming our culture of short-termism, COP21 protests and more.
(19) For many years afterwards, the family bashed their heads against a brick wall of indifference and worse.
(20) Debate moderators Anderson Cooper, Dana Bash, and Juan Carlos Lopez are sure to ask some tough questions of the candidates.
(n.) The transcript, image, or picture of a visible object, that is formed by the mind; also, a similar image of any object whatever, whether sensible or spiritual.
(n.) A general notion, or a conception formed by generalization.
(n.) Hence: Any object apprehended, conceived, or thought of, by the mind; a notion, conception, or thought; the real object that is conceived or thought of.
(n.) A belief, option, or doctrine; a characteristic or controlling principle; as, an essential idea; the idea of development.
(n.) A plan or purpose of action; intention; design.
(n.) A rational conception; the complete conception of an object when thought of in all its essential elements or constituents; the necessary metaphysical or constituent attributes and relations, when conceived in the abstract.
(n.) A fiction object or picture created by the imagination; the same when proposed as a pattern to be copied, or a standard to be reached; one of the archetypes or patterns of created things, conceived by the Platonists to have excited objectively from eternity in the mind of the Deity.
Example Sentences:
(1) Virtually every developed country has some form of property tax, so the idea that valuing residential property is uniquely difficult, or that it would be widely evaded, is nonsense.
(2) In this book, he dismisses Freud's idea of penis envy - "Freud got it spectacularly wrong" - and said "women don't envy the penis.
(3) A backbench policy advisory group will be established to develop ideas.
(4) The idea that 80% of an engineer's time is spent on the day job and 20% pursuing a personal project is a mathematician's solution to innovation, Brin says.
(5) More disturbing than his ideas was Malema's style and tone.
(6) These data, compared with literature findings, support the idea that intratumoral BCG instillation of bladder cancer permits a longer disease-free period than other therapeutical approaches.
(7) The starting point is the idea that the current system, because it works against biodiversity but fails to increase productivity, is broken.
(8) Unlikely, he laughs: "We were founded on the idea of distributing information as far as possible."
(9) On 17 December Clegg will set out his own script for the year ahead, testing the idea that coalition governments can function even as the two parties clearly show their separate colours.
(10) This is about the best experience for our users: the idea that the experience was lacking, the innovation was lacking and we weren't reaching that ubiquity."
(11) Bose grew up with the idea, as the child of a well-to-do Bengali family in Kolkata.
(12) The observations support the idea that the function of pericytes in the choriocapillaris, the major source of nutrition for the retinal photoreceptors, resides in their contractility, and that pericytes do not remove necrotic endothelium during capillary atrophy.
(13) He was really an English public schoolboy, but I welcome the idea of people who are in some ways not Scottish, yet are committed to Scotland.
(14) Differences in scar depression also supported the idea of more stretching in the Dexon group.
(15) These results are consistent with the idea that RPE pigment dispersion is triggered by a substance that diffuses from the retina at light onset.
(16) These conclusions are consistent with those obtained from other techniques and support the idea that the effects of dopamine agonists on the activity of dopamine neurons and globus pallidus cells can provide an indication of the relative selectivity of these drugs for pre- or postsynaptic dopamine receptors.
(17) They also dismiss those who suggest that the current record-low interest rates mean countries could safely stimulate growth by raising their borrowing levels higher: Economists simply have little idea how long it will be until rates begin to rise.
(18) These results favour the idea that the factor present in peak II fraction might behave as an ouabain-like substance.
(19) You could also chat to local estate agents to get an idea of what kind of extension, if any, would appeal to buyers in your area.
(20) When the alternatives are considered, it seems most consistent with Piaget's ideas to regard both cognitive and affective phenomena as problem-solving organizations.