What's the difference between belief and dogma?



  • (n.) Assent to a proposition or affirmation, or the acceptance of a fact, opinion, or assertion as real or true, without immediate personal knowledge; reliance upon word or testimony; partial or full assurance without positive knowledge or absolute certainty; persuasion; conviction; confidence; as, belief of a witness; the belief of our senses.
  • (n.) A persuasion of the truths of religion; faith.
  • (n.) The thing believed; the object of belief.
  • (n.) A tenet, or the body of tenets, held by the advocates of any class of views; doctrine; creed.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) You can see where the religious meme sprung from: when the world was an inexplicable and scary place, a belief in the supernatural was both comforting and socially adhesive.
  • (2) Our parents had no religious beliefs and there will be no funeral."
  • (3) The sexual attitudes and beliefs of 20 children who have been present at the labor and delivery of sibs and have observed the birth process are compared with 20 children who have not been present at delivery.
  • (4) Responding to a “We the People” petition, launched after Snowden’s initial leaks were published in the Guardian two years ago, the Obama administration on Tuesday reiterated its belief that he should face criminal charges for his actions.
  • (5) The spirit is great here, the players work very hard, we kept the belief when we were in third place and now we are here.
  • (6) The Hindu belief system accommodates this by prescribing use in such a way that this effect becomes beneficial.
  • (7) Despite tthree resignations and his reputation as a tribal operator in the Blair-Brown wars, however, his belief in the party he joined on his 15th birthday is undimmed.
  • (8) There can’t be something, someone that could fix this and chooses not to.” Years of agnosticism and an open attitude to religious beliefs thrust under the bus, acknowledging the shame that comes from sitting down with those the world forgot.
  • (9) It's not egotism, it's something else, a weird unshakeable belief.
  • (10) He restated his belief that it was in the national interest to remain in the EU, and said he was "confident" he could secure a successful renegotiation of Britain's relationship that could be put to the public.
  • (11) One view of these results stems from the belief that contraception is a necessary evil and the pill is the closest to a 'natural' sex act.
  • (12) What emerges strongly is the expressed belief of many that Isis can be persuasive, liberating and empowering.
  • (13) Following the cognitive orientation theory, we hypothesized that beliefs concerning goals, norms, oneself, and general beliefs would predict the extent of improvement following acupuncture.
  • (14) Curriculum writers and instructors of preservice elementary teachers could be more effective if they were aware of this group's beliefs about school-related AIDS issues.
  • (15) It is our belief that the reproductive and maternal capabilities of the colony-born females were adversely affected by the practice of removing neonates from their mothers at weaning and raising them with age-mates.
  • (16) But whether it arose from religious belief, from a noblesse oblige or from a sense of solidarity, duty in Britain has been, to most people, the foundation of rights rather than their consequence.
  • (17) The definition of midwife is given as midwives trained in a community setting to assist in delivery within the confines of accepted cultural beliefs.
  • (18) It has arisen from semantic errors, and a belief in ischaemia for which there is no scientific evidence.
  • (19) Many well-meaning female leadership development programmes share this belief, teaching women to negotiate, network and make decisions “like a man”.
  • (20) Hillary Clinton said that people who are pro-life have to change our religious beliefs,” said Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal in a statement released by the American Future project , which is backing his undeclared presidential campaign.



  • (n.) That which is held as an opinion; a tenet; a doctrine.
  • (n.) A formally stated and authoritatively settled doctrine; a definite, established, and authoritative tenet.
  • (n.) A doctrinal notion asserted without regard to evidence or truth; an arbitrary dictum.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In a Europe (including Britain) where austerity has become the economic dogma of the elite in spite of massive evidence that it is choking growth and worsening the very sickness it claims to heal, there are plenty of rational, sensible arguments for taking to the streets.
  • (2) Aware that her press secretary, Bernard Ingham, a former labour correspondent for the Guardian who understood the range of attitudes within trade unions, had tried to soften the impression that she saw Kinnock as another General Galtieri [Argentina’s president during the Falklands war], the draft text tried to distinguish between unions, rival parties and what the final text (the one she actually delivered) called “an organised revolutionary minority” with their “outmoded Marxist dogma about class warfare”.
  • (3) Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.
  • (4) On Thursday, conservative analyst Ross Douthat wrote: “A party whose leading factions often seemed incapable of budging from 1980s-era dogma suddenly caved completely.” On Friday, former top Barack Obama strategist David Axelrod tweeted : “The Day After: seems as if @GOP establishment is measuring @realDonaldTrump as a moldable vessel.
  • (5) Whatever the dogma, opposition to it is not just wrong, it is immoral.
  • (6) The results challenge dogma regarding the natural history of exacerbation rates and the assumption that we can reliably assign patients to a specific disease type.
  • (7) Nick Clegg's office sent out private briefings to Liberal Democrat MPs on Monday urging them to condemn Theresa May's plans to pull out of all EU judicial co-operation as an example of Eurosceptic Tory dogma being put before the need to keep UK families safe from criminals.
  • (8) There is nothing he said which could be understood as an incitement to violence, and nothing which is not obviously true, and commonplace outside the squalid little dogma that suffocates the human spirit in Saudi.
  • (9) The unquestioning citation of a dogma of the Ancients until modern times is a common phenomenon in medical history.
  • (10) He went on to make a series of well-received comedies set in his New Jersey "View Askewniverse" (Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back) before 2004's ill-fated Jersey Girl raised eyebrows by casting Jennifer Lopez.
  • (11) For children the world is still a flexible, plastic construct, and then the dogma and sense of adulthood drains in.
  • (12) Some original data are included, but for the most part a critical analysis is presented of such information as is available and the dogma which has become established in this difficult area of research.
  • (13) He has plans to change the way social workers are trained (they are too hamstrung by "dogma", too reluctant to take at-risk kids into care).
  • (14) This is simply about dogma from old-fashioned Tories wedded to privatisation.
  • (15) The dogma that keeps people heartlessly alive is not religious but entirely secular: it is the fear of lawyers and not the fear of God which runs health policy today.
  • (16) We can disagree about whether the EU has been a socialist or capitalist influence – too much red tape or too much free market dogma, too much statist meddling or too much restriction on government deficits – but it is undeniable that it wields that influence without asking the people.
  • (17) In comments to the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal, Parolin – who is the outgoing nuncio, or papal ambassador, to the Latin American country – said that as celibacy was a "church tradition" as opposed to dogma, it could be legitimately discussed.
  • (18) I said, ‘I want to make sure you had it right that you resigned in my office’, and he said, ‘Absolutely.’” Patterson also denied that Eastside is being unfairly selective in its application of Catholic dogma by allowing divorced people and those living together out of wedlock to continue working at the school.
  • (19) All of the most cherished human dogmas - deemed so true and undeniable that dissent should be barred by the force of law - have been subsequently debunked, or at least discredited.
  • (20) Neoliberal dogma says that the private sector manages things more efficiently – often by using its magic powers of ruthlessness and cynicism.