What's the difference between bizarre and illustrated?



  • (a.) Odd in manner or appearance; fantastic; whimsical; extravagant; grotesque.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) One of the most interesting aspects of the shadow cabinet elections, not always readily interpreted because of the bizarre process of alliances of convenience, is whether his colleagues are ready to forgive and forget his long years as Brown's representative on earth.
  • (2) Pearson had been informed after that bizarre incident that he was out of a job only to be told that he was back in work a few hours later .
  • (3) Wimbledon said the world No1 Williams had been suffering from a viral illness and it was a sad and bizarre end to the American’s tournament, not to mention a worrying sight, seeing her hardly able to play.
  • (4) All four predictor variables were found to be related, and it was shown that ratings of figure bizarreness alone adequately predicted the criterion.
  • (5) When the director told him he wanted to make The Deal, Morgan thought, bizarrely, that it was an act of kindness.
  • (6) Electron microscopy of two cases of anaplastic giant cell tumor of the thyroid revealed that these neoplasms consisted of pleomorphic cells with large, bizarre-shaped nuclei and relatively little cytoplasm rich in rough endoplasmic reticulum.
  • (7) Deeper levels showed aggregations of bizarre structures, which the authors term "vermiform bodies," and which appear to be collections of abnormal amounts and types of elastic tissue.
  • (8) When the blind monkey sleeps, the bizarre EEG is replaced by patterns wholly normal in appearance,32 indicating that some nonvisual system has extensive access to striate cortex in this state.
  • (9) In a bizarre moment, Campbell turned to Morrison and asked: "Minister, is the government considering now or in the future a change to Australia's border security policies regarding illegal maritime arrivals?"
  • (10) A pair of bizarre photographs have been widely circulated online, that appear to show alleged EgyptAir hijacker Seif Eldin Mustafa posing for pictures with passengers in what is believed to have been a fake suicide belt.
  • (11) What makes that really bizarre is that his club manager Ricki Herbert is also his international manager, so presumably New Zeland can reasonably be assumed to be worse than A-League also-rans Wellington."
  • (12) Our tolerance for this bizarre and inexplicable system of reward is the most extreme but far from the most damaging effect of the hold that the City has on the country.
  • (13) The following differential signs were underlined: initial symptoms, such as rudimentary cenesthopathia, stable insomnia, etc., preceding the formation of delusions; appearance of episodic exacerbations in the form of short-time acute paranoiac states; a combination of paranoiac delusion with stable phasic affective disorders; unusual possession of delusional patients expressed in bizarre delusional behaviour, etc.
  • (14) The bizarre feelings about the images of body and objects are called the 'Alice in Wonderland syndrome' due to the similarity with Alice's dreams.
  • (15) Although containing no obviously extreme items, its cumulative effect may be used to assess the prevalence of bizarre and eccentric thought patterns in psychiatric patients, and as an estimate of psychotic risk in the general population.
  • (16) In 1761, while still an apprentice surgeon, he made his discovery of the unique and bizarre cause--compression of the oesophagus by an aberrant right subclavian artery--of a fatal case of 'obstructed deglutition' for which he coined the term 'dysphagia lusoria' and for which he is eponymously remembered.
  • (17) The loss of vision, hearing, and speech, even on a temporary basis, may be responsible for strange, unpredictable, or bizarre behavior.
  • (18) Neu-Laxova syndrome is a rare form of congenital malformation characterized by intrauterine growth retardation, microcephaly with bizarre facial features, short neck, apparent edema, scaly skin, and perinatal death.
  • (19) David, the RSA manager, said the emergence of a communist relic as a 21st century security threat was a bizarre blast from the past.
  • (20) Clinical and demographic correlates of bizarre delusions were examined in subsets of patients diagnosed as schizophrenic according to DSM-III-R who also received CT scans and neuropsychological testing.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Illustrate

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By presenting the case history of a man who successively developed facial and trigeminal neural dysfunction after Mohs chemosurgery of a PCSCC, this paper documents histologically the occurrence of such neural invasion, and illustrates the utility of gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance scanning in patient management.
  • (2) In contrast, resting cells of strain CHA750 produced five times less IAA in a buffer (pH 6.0) containing 1 mM-L-tryptophan than did resting cells of the wild-type, illustrating the major contribution of TSO to IAA synthesis under these conditions.
  • (3) In this paper, we show representative experiments illustrating some characteristics of the procedure which may have wide application in clinical microbiology.
  • (4) A complex linkage between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix is illustrated both in the cord forming Sertoli and granulosa cells, and in the adjacent mesenchymal cells.
  • (5) The following case report illustrates such a case as well as its successful treatment using the BICEPS model.
  • (6) The most important causal factor, well illustrated by pressure studies, was the presence of a dynamic or static deformity leading to local areas of peak pressure on insensitive skin.
  • (7) Some numerical evaluations are presented for the normal and exponential distributions of gene effects, illustrating the effects of the number of alleles and of the variation in allelic frequencies.
  • (8) Examples illustrate these elements as they emerge in group psychotherapy.
  • (9) Physicochemical characterization of the monomeric, diacetylenic phospholipids illustrates the similarities to naturally occurring lipids, similarities that are confirmed by the capacity to enrich the membranes of A. laidlawii to the level of 90% diacetylenic lipid.
  • (10) A theory of action is presented which illustrates that certain forms of action are ones from which learning is not possible, but when the form of action is experiential or creative, then learning from it follows--as a result of both monitoring and reflecting.
  • (11) Two illustrative cases are presented to demonstrate such features.
  • (12) The information from the literature and the data from the authors' clinical experience have been used to illustrate important points in the discussion.
  • (13) These results illustrate that NGF can promote either growth or differentiation of PC12 cells, and that myc or E1A alter the phenotypic responses to growth factors and hormones.
  • (14) The record includes postoperative drawings of the intraoperative field by Dr. Cushing, a sketch by Dr. McKenzie illustrating the postoperative sensory examination, and pre- and postoperative photographs of the patient.
  • (15) Analysis of this mutant illustrates that indirect flight muscles and jump muscles utilize different mechanisms for alternative RNA splicing.
  • (16) Illustration by Andrzej Krause Photograph: Guardian The Foreign Office attributed the forgotten boxes to "an earlier misunderstanding about contents" and stated that there needed to be an "improvement in archive management".
  • (17) Although ET1 and ET2 binding sites were found in rat lung membranes, a selective ET1 receptor antagonist, BQ-123 (10 microM), did not displace [125I]-endothelin-1 ([125I]ET-1) from ET2 sites, illustrating the selectivity of the angatonist for ET1 receptors.
  • (18) The disorder illustrates the problem of variable expressivity of a trait which makes it difficult to predict the risk of having an affected child when only one feature of a syndrome is present in a relative of a fully affected patient.
  • (19) These problems are illustrated by a clinical vignette, and alternative approaches are explored.
  • (20) This case illustrates that lateral pontine and extrapontine myelinolysis can be associated with hypernatremia and hyperosmolality.