(1) Coated vesicle clusters found in the predawn receptive segments are AcPh-negative; this implies that their previous identification as GERL-derived "Nebenkerne" carrying hydrolytic enzymes to newly-formed mvbs (Blest, Kao and Powell, 1978) is dubious.
(2) In particular, ancient historical town areas are redeveloped to residential areas with the aim of creating "Isles of the Blest" while engendering a host of new problems; unhealthy additional density by building on originally free inside sites of blocks; new garages for residents right in the middle of redevelopment areas resulting in traffic nuisance due to congestion, noise and exhaust gases in narrow alleys; and hence, unhealthy living.
(3) It was integrated by academic members including 6 Europeans, T Armstrong, G Blest, N Cox, J Lafargue, L Sazie and 2 Chileans, L Ballester and F J Tocornal.
(4) Founding professors included Tomas Armstrong, Guillermo C. Blest, Nataniel Cox, Francisco Javier Tocomal, Juan Blest, Julio Lafargue, Manuel Cortés, Luis Ballester.
(5) Two Chileans, Luis Ballester and Francisco Javier Tocornal and 6 foreigners, the Britishmen Thomas Armstrong, Nathaniel Cox, Juan Blest and Guillermo Blest and the Frenchmen Lorenzo Sazie and Julio Lafargue were the first Faculty members.
(6) Blest, Cox, Bustillos and Moran were the architects of its splendour.
(7) Results are related to the classification of organelles in the receptors given by Blest, Powell and Kao (1978).