(n.) Any protuberant part; a round, swelling part or body; a knoblike process; as, a boss of wood.
(n.) A protuberant ornament on any work, either of different material from that of the work or of the same, as upon a buckler or bridle; a stud; a knob; the central projection of a shield. See Umbilicus.
(n.) A projecting ornament placed at the intersection of the ribs of ceilings, whether vaulted or flat, and in other situations.
(n.) A wooden vessel for the mortar used in tiling or masonry, hung by a hook from the laths, or from the rounds of a ladder.
(n.) The enlarged part of a shaft, on which a wheel is keyed, or at the end, where it is coupled to another.
(n.) A swage or die used for shaping metals.
(n.) A head or reservoir of water.
(v. t.) To ornament with bosses; to stud.
(n.) A master workman or superintendent; a director or manager; a political dictator.
Example Sentences:
(1) Tap the relevant details into Google, though, and the real names soon appear before your eyes: the boss in question, stern and yet oddly quixotic, is Phyllis Westberg of Harold Ober Associates.
(2) The pressure is ramping up on Asda boss Andy Clarke, who next week will reveal the chain’s sales performance for the quarter covering Christmas.
(3) Every time I have seen him since – you stand up straight and it’s: ‘Hi, boss.
(4) Remember, if he did seize group power and dispose of the Independent , he'd still be boss of the rest of INM: 200 or so papers and magazines around the world, dominant voices in Australasia, South Africa, India and Ireland itself, 100 million readers a week.
(5) His boss, the Molenbeek mayor Françoise Schepmans, said that the seven people arrested seemed to suggest a network based in Brussels connected with the Paris attacks.
(6) Finally, the general philosophy of BOSS and applications to a multi-processor assembly are discussed.
(7) Sometimes in the other team’s half, sometimes in front of his own box, sometimes as the last man.” Die Zeit singles out Bayern’s veteran midfielder Schweinsteiger for praise: “In this historic, dramatic and fascinating victory over Argentina , Schweinsteiger was the boss on the pitch.
(8) However, while he considers the stock undervalued, the hedge fund boss said the software firm had missed a string of opportunities under Ballmer's "Charlie Brown management", referring to the hapless star of the Peanuts cartoon strip.
(9) Worst building Facebook Twitter Pinterest Where Merkel bosses other European leaders around ... a whole street was annihilated for the Justus Lipsius building, home of the Council of the European Union This is where Angela Merkel bosses other European leaders around: the Justus Lipsius building, home of the Council of the European Union.
(10) The current CEO, the aptly named John Boss, took home $5.4m in salary and other compensation in 2015.
(11) "We are going to be working this record for the next 18 months," says the boss of Atlantic, standing on a small podium surrounded by Astroturf.
(12) It is one of six banks involved in talks with the Financial Conduct Authority over alleged rigging in currency markets and Ross McEwan, marking a year as RBS boss, also pointed to a string of other risks in a third quarter trading update.
(13) "Well…" His delightful press secretary, Lena, starts giggling as her boss tries to unknot himself from this contradiction.
(14) Memo to bosses: expect zero loyalty from your zero-hours workers | Barbara Ellen Read more Field asked them to detail the costs couriers are expected to meet themselves, such as uniform and fuel, as well as data on their average hourly rate and information about what efforts the companies go to to ensure owner-drivers are earning the “ national living wage ”.
(15) Former Marks & Spencer boss Rose, chairman of the Britain Stronger in Europe campaign, was on Monday highlighting an analysis that claimed to show EU membership was worth an average of £670,000 in extra trade for each business that exports or imports goods within the bloc.
(16) Werritty, 33, a Scottish Tory who first met Fox when the defence secretary went to speak at Edinburgh University – where Werritty was a student of public policy – had arrived in the emirate a few days earlier to set up meetings for his "boss".
(17) North American box office estimates, 8-10 April The Boss: $23.48m - NEW Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: $23.435m.
(18) A complex form of pluridistrectual dysmorphic disorder (hypertelorism, prognathism, frontal bossing, multiple cysts of the mandible, calcification in falx cerebri, etc) was also present, suggesting a limited form of Gorlin's syndrome (nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome).
(19) "How these union bosses get elected, how they raise money, how they disperse money is a complete and utter mystery.
(20) He took over from long-serving boss Bart Becht in 2011 .
(n.) One employed by another.
Example Sentences:
(1) Keep it in the ground campaign Though they draw on completely different archives, leaked documents, and interviews with ex-employees, they reach the same damning conclusion: Exxon knew all that there was to know about climate change decades ago, and instead of alerting the rest of us denied the science and obstructed the politics of global warming.
(2) The leak also included the script for an in-house Sony Pictures recruitment video and performance reviews for hundreds employees.
(3) Compared to the data produced by the Lipid Research Clinics (USA), coronary risk appeared higher for all the surveyed factors in the Italian general population, and particularly in bank employees.
(4) An employee's career advancement, professional development, monetary remuneration and self-esteem often may depend upon the final outcome of the process.
(5) July 7, 2016 Verified account A blue tick that tells you the user is either an A-list celebrity, a respected authority on an important subject or a BuzzFeed employee.
(6) For Bush Sr, the dilemma is all the more agonising as some of the White House advisers he now criticises are former employees he bequeathed to his son.
(7) "Due to much higher housing costs, one in seven of London's employees receives wages which are below the poverty threshold," says Mr Livingstone.
(8) "Organisations that have employees that sleep better perform better in the marketplace.
(9) Male employees were more often positive than females (7.0% vs. 4.4%).
(10) Characteristics of the back injury and employee-related factors associated with back injury are presented in two subsequent articles.
(11) Nobody knows how often it happens but judging just from my inbox, it’s certainly not a rare occurrence and what struck me as I started to learn about the issue of health privacy is that employees are defenseless against things like this happening to them.” Fei said that she also received her fair share of emails saying: “What makes you think your baby was entitled to million dollars worth of care?
(12) It’s good stuff.” Opening markets to US-made products overseas is one of the better things that could happen for US small business and their employees, said Obama.
(13) A comparison of different age groups of employees in two occupations reveals that carpenters in the age group 30-40 years have more than ten times as many musculoskeletal disorders in their arms and hands as office workers in the same age group.
(14) A survey, employing the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN), was conducted among 344 employees of a Jerusalem hospital.
(15) Of interest here is the "synergy" in patterns of program adoption between employee assistance programs (EAPs) and health promotion activities (HPAs).
(16) Companies sometimes agree to pay for activities such as union-provided training for employees.
(17) The standardised mortality ratios were 889 (six deaths) in employees monitored for contamination by tritium, 254 (nine deaths) in those monitored for contamination by other radionuclides, and 385 (nine deaths) in those with dosimeter readings totalling more than 50 mSv (5 rem); but the same nine subjects tended to account for each of these significantly raised ratios.
(18) These incentives provided employees with evidence of tangible support for continuing education.
(19) Speaking in a debate in Westminster Hall on Tuesday, Kawczynski said: "What these employees are being told, some of whom have worked for the organisation for many years, is that if they do not set up their own companies and invoice the BBC through these companies, their contracts will be terminated.
(20) At the hearing, committee chairman Senator Patrick Leahy, praised the secret service as "wise, very professional men and women", and called it shocking that so many of the agency's employees were involved in the scandal.