What's the difference between bow and manx?



  • (v. t.) To cause to deviate from straightness; to bend; to inflect; to make crooked or curved.
  • (v. t.) To exercise powerful or controlling influence over; to bend, figuratively; to turn; to incline.
  • (v. t.) To bend or incline, as the head or body, in token of respect, gratitude, assent, homage, or condescension.
  • (v. t.) To cause to bend down; to prostrate; to depress,;/ to crush; to subdue.
  • (v. t.) To express by bowing; as, to bow one's thanks.
  • (v. i.) To bend; to curve.
  • (v. i.) To stop.
  • (v. i.) To bend the head, knee, or body, in token of reverence or submission; -- often with down.
  • (v. i.) To incline the head in token of salutation, civility, or assent; to make bow.
  • (n.) An inclination of the head, or a bending of the body, in token of reverence, respect, civility, or submission; an obeisance; as, a bow of deep humility.
  • (v. t.) Anything bent, or in the form of a curve, as the rainbow.
  • (v. t.) A weapon made of a strip of wood, or other elastic material, with a cord connecting the two ends, by means of which an arrow is propelled.
  • (v. t.) An ornamental knot, with projecting loops, formed by doubling a ribbon or string.
  • (v. t.) The U-shaped piece which embraces the neck of an ox and fastens it to the yoke.
  • (v. t.) An appliance consisting of an elastic rod, with a number of horse hairs stretched from end to end of it, used in playing on a stringed instrument.
  • (v. t.) An arcograph.
  • (v. t.) Any instrument consisting of an elastic rod, with ends connected by a string, employed for giving reciprocating motion to a drill, or for preparing and arranging the hair, fur, etc., used by hatters.
  • (v. t.) A rude sort of quadrant formerly used for taking the sun's altitude at sea.
  • (sing. or pl.) Two pieces of wood which form the arched forward part of a saddletree.
  • (v. i.) To play (music) with a bow.
  • (v. i. ) To manage the bow.
  • (n.) The bending or rounded part of a ship forward; the stream or prow.
  • (n.) One who rows in the forward part of a boat; the bow oar.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Aldi, Lidl and Morrisons are to raise the price they pay their suppliers for milk, bowing to growing pressure from dairy farmers who say the industry is in crisis.
  • (2) The effects of maxillary protracting bow appliance were the maxillary forward movement associated with counter-clockwise rotation of the nasal floor and the mandibular backward movement associated with clockwise rotation.
  • (3) We have urged the government not to bow to the pressure of the opposition against this law.
  • (4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Mark Karpeles, president of Mt Gox bitcoin exchange, bows his head during a press conference in Tokyo after a $400m hack.
  • (5) We see central bank leaders seemingly bowing to political pressures .
  • (6) The tangential force caused massive swelling and one week later bowing of the forearm was noticed.
  • (7) Following the last model’s disappearance backstage, Galliano appeared briefly in front of the audience and bobbed a blink-and-you-missed-it bow, dressed in the white lab coat that is the uniform of the Maison Margiela label for whom he now designs.
  • (8) She walked around her Bethnal Green and Bow constituency in a crop top that showed her belly button ring; she also established herself as a hard- working MP for that area.
  • (9) A case of acute plastic bowing fractures of both the fibula and tibia in a child is presented.
  • (10) It soon became a standard text for aspiring Young Conservatives and Bow Groupers in the days before the Thatcherite tide had engulfed even those institutions.
  • (11) At 12, Focus E15 were served with a notice to appear in Bow magistrates court at 2pm.
  • (12) Labour's Michael Dugher said he welcomed the prime minister "bowing down to public pressure".
  • (13) We report four patients with unilateral bowing of the lower leg, affecting only the fibula.
  • (14) Isolated bowing of the ulna is rare, yet its occurrence, particularly in conjunction with congenital dislocation of the radial head, has been documented.
  • (15) Tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), when isolated from human colon fibroblast (hcf) cells, is N-glycosylated differently than when isolated from the Bowes melanoma (m) cell line (Parekh et al., 1988).
  • (16) President Obama's speech on Thursday seemed to put a neat bow on the past four years.
  • (17) Before negotiations have even started, the proposed trade deal between the EU and United States has been heralded as a game-changer: an unprecedented stimulus package for the European economy, a shot across the bow for British Eurosceptics and a chance for Europe and the US to set the standard for global trade before China beats us to it.
  • (18) Kevin Anderson and Alice Bows at the Tyndall centre for climate change research at Manchester University say global carbon emissions are rising so fast that they would need to peak by 2015 and then decrease by up to 6.5% each year for atmospheric CO2 levels to stabilise at 450ppm, which might limit temperature rise to 2C.
  • (19) On Saturday the president said he had no intention of bowing to critics' calls for him to step down.
  • (20) The present study was undertaken for the purpose of detecting the influence on upper first molars by the dynamic behavior originated in face-bow construction.



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the Isle of Man, or its inhabitants; as, the Manx language.
  • (n.) The language of the inhabitants of the Isle of Man, a dialect of the Celtic.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Mark Cavendish, the flash "Manx Missile", who has won 25 stages of the Tour de France, thanks his "sprint train" with expensive watches and designer clobber when they lead him out to victory.
  • (2) On the one hand, the desire to preserve languages and their cultural heritage is a highly commendable endeavour — it is the reason why languages such as Manx, Livonian and Cornish have been brought back from the brink of extinction.
  • (3) In the Manx shearwater, it is found that this novel area projects visually into the binocular field below the bill.
  • (4) The retinal ganglion cells in five species (Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus, Kerguelen petrel, Pterodroma brevirostris, great shearwater, Puffinus gravis, broad-billed prion, Pachyptila vittata, and common diving petrel, Pelecanoides urinatrix) were examined by Nissl staining and also by silver staining in the case of the common diving petrel.
  • (5) The Manx shearwater, Puffinus puffinus, is a pelagic sea bird which feeds from the surface of the sea and by shallow surface and plunge dives.
  • (6) Cook, who was born in Dorchester, will now fight in the European and world championships under a Manx flag, after he followed through on his promise to switch his allegiance unless the GB Taekwondo selectors responsible for his omission resigned.
  • (7) A progressive, apparently inherited corneal dystrophy is described in an inbred line of Manx cats.
  • (8) During studies on the etiology of puffinosis, a disease of the Manx shearwater, 1 to 4% of full-grown birds were found to have dry, non-pigmented lesions on the webs of the feet.
  • (9) Manx of these infants has additionally dermatological symptoms and some respiratory symptoms.
  • (10) Decreased serum and CSF chloride concentrations were documented in a 5-year-old Manx cat referred for evaluation of anorexia.
  • (11) This summer the Manx cyclists Mark Cavendish and Pete Kennaugh represented Team GB in London.
  • (12) The roads of Yorkshire are still marked with graffiti urging on the Brit favourite, Mark “Cav” Cavendish – a poignant reminder that the Manx sprinter didn’t even make it to stage two after crashing at the first finish in Harrogate.
  • (13) Verbs tend to ascribe benign agency to the parts of a dead animal, as with the announcement by the waiter at L'Enclume who, in Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon's TV series The Trip , introduces a dish thus: "You've got some little manx queenies which are baby queen scallops.
  • (14) Are Manx, Jersey and Guernsey coins legal tender in the UK?
  • (15) News of the chancellor's tax grab on the Isle of Man was read out by the island's chief minister, Tony Brown, in front of a sombre Tynwald, the Manx parliament.
  • (16) Scotland data are similar to Cumbrian and Manx results and dissimilar to the Irish data.
  • (17) The mononuclear retinal field of the Manx shearwater eye is 148 degrees wide and is asymmetric with respect to the optic axis.
  • (18) In Manx shearwater eyes, the ratio of focal length:axial length and the ratio of lens refractive power:corneal refractive power may be correlated with a nocturnal life style.
  • (19) The Manx population has higher Esterase D 2 gene frequencies than neighbouring populations.
  • (20) Saliva specimens were collected from 163 Manx and 994 Cumbrian individuals and tested for secretor group.