(a.) Of or pertaining to the family Canidae, or dogs and wolves; having the nature or qualities of a dog; like that or those of a dog.
(a.) Of or pertaining to the pointed tooth on each side the incisors.
(n.) A canine tooth.
Example Sentences:
(1) Using monoclonal antibodies directed against the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we demonstrated previously that a glycoprotein with an Mr = 23,000 (gp23) had a non-polarized cell surface distribution and was observed on both the apical and basolateral membranes (Ojakian, G. K., Romain, R. E., and Herz, R. E. (1987) Am.
(2) The oral nerve endings of the palate, the buccal mucosa and the periodontal ligament of the cat canine were characterized by the presence of a cellular envelope which is the final form of the Henle sheath.
(3) Fifty-two pairs of canine femora were tested to failure in four-point bending.
(4) The canine system allows quantitative separation of native heme containing alpha and beta chains which recombine to for tetrameric hemoglobin with normal functional properties (n = 2.17).
(5) The shock resulting from acute canine babesiosis is best viewed as anemic shock.
(6) Of 3,837 canine neoplasms from case records at Kansas State University, only 4 were of carotid body tumors.
(7) In only two of the killed and four of the hospitalized persons, reports of intact canine teeth as demonstrated by the typical lesions were available.
(8) The potential use of ancrod, a purified isolate from the venom of the Malaysian pit viper, Agkistrodon rhodostoma, in decreasing the frequency of cyclic flow variations in severely stenosed canine coronary arteries and causing thrombolysis of an acute coronary thrombus induced by a copper coil was evaluated.
(9) An in vitro, eccentric arterial stenosis model was created using 15 canine carotid arteries cannulated with silicone plugs containing special pressure-transducing catheters designed to measure pressure directly, within the stenosis.
(10) The fluorescent immunoassay offered several advantages over currently used methods for determining levels of canine haptoglobin in serum.
(11) The purpose of this study was to determine if aspirin, in doses that elevate plasma salicylate concentrations to values reported in patients with salicylate-induced pulmonary edema, produce pulmonary vasoconstriction in a canine, isolated perfused left lower lung lobe (LLL) preparation.
(12) A novel stimulant of gastric acid secretion was extracted and purified from the non-antral gastric mucosa of the canine stomach and some of its biological properties were examined.
(13) When the MD rule was used, the magnitude of the DFT gave the best performance for both canine and human samples.
(14) Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples of canine amelanotic melanomas and normal canine tissues were studied immunohistochemically for the presence of S100 protein.
(15) In 12 anaesthetized mongrel dogs, a canine stroke model was produced by occluding the left internal carotid and middle cerebral arteries with aneurysm clips.
(16) Blood flow changes in the dental pulp of lower canine teeth of mature cats and incisors of mature rats were investigated with simultaneous laser Doppler flowmetry and local 125I-clearance (wash-out) during electrical sympathetic stimulation, efferent stimulation of n. alveolaris inferior (IAN) (cats) and i.a.
(17) Following orthodontic treatment the canine's incisal edge occlusion demonstrates the tip and torque present in the appliance that was used.
(18) A technique of diversion of the gastroduodenal vein in a canine model is described to compare long-term metabolic effects of systemic versus portal pancreatic endocrine drainage.
(19) Large doses of dsFab are efficacious in the treatment of dysrhythmias in this canine model of N oleander cardiac glycoside poisoning.
(20) These cases suggest that the role of R. sanguineus in the transmission of the etiologic agent of canine ehrlichiosis and other pathogenic organisms to humans may be underestimated and warrants investigation.
(a.) Conforming to the fashion or established mode; according with the prevailing form or style; as, a fashionable dress.
(a.) Established or favored by custom or use; current; prevailing at a particular time; as, the fashionable philosophy; fashionable opinions.
(a.) Observant of the fashion or customary mode; dressing or behaving according to the prevailing fashion; as, a fashionable man.
(a.) Genteel; well-bred; as, fashionable society.
(n.) A person who conforms to the fashions; -- used chiefly in the plural.
Example Sentences:
(1) Future Brown have connections in the fashion industry, last year soundtracking a surreal film for the brand Telfar.
(2) Brilliant, old-fashioned speech, from the days before teleprompters became all-dominant.
(3) Our findings demonstrate that interleukin-2 (IL-2), but not interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) or interleukin-1 (IL-1), is able to inhibit the induction of T-cell unresponsiveness in a dose-dependent fashion.
(4) L-NAME abolished B contractions in a dose-dependent fashion.
(5) The primary focus of both nonpharmacologic and pharmacologic therapy should be to control systemic blood pressure in a simple, affordable, and nontoxic fashion that provides an adequate quality of life.
(6) From this proliferating layer, precursor cells migrate outwards to reach the developing neostriatum in a sequential fashion according to two gradients of histogenesis.
(7) He fashioned alliances with France in the 1950s, and planted the seeds for Israel’s embryonic electronics and aircraft industries.
(8) Ruminal digestion (% of intake) of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and hemicellulose decreased linearly (P less than .05), whereas acid detergent fiber (ADF) digestion responded in a cubic (P less than .05) fashion to increasing concentrate level; NaHCO3 improved ruminal digestion of NDF (P less than .10) and ADF (P less than .05), but not hemicellulose.
(9) The latter are located within the antigen combining site, since antiidiotypic antisera specifically inhibited the binding of the corresponding immunizing anti-human high-molecular-weight melanoma-associated antigen monoclonal antibody to cultured human melanoma cells Colo 38 in a dose-dependent fashion.
(10) Cholera toxin reduced absorption of water and electrolytes progressively over four hours and induced secretion in a dose dependent fashion.
(11) It is released into the urine in large quantities and thus represents a potential candidate for a protein secreted in a polarized fashion from the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells in vivo.
(12) It appears that tricyclic antidepressants act in a fashion different from opiate drugs that alter the sensory discriminative component of pain.
(13) Thirty patients were evaluated in a blind fashion to study the effect of oral propranolol on portal hypertension of varied aetiology.
(14) The molecule uncoils above pH 11.5 in a time-dependent fashion.
(15) Isomers and epimers of glucose influence insulin and cAMP in a parallel fashion as do sulfonylurea compounds (tolbutamide and glibenclamide).
(16) Based on these data, we propose that 19-oxygenated androgen intermediates are biosynthesized sequentially in a step-wise fashion as the cytochrome P450 and NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase form transient complexes, and that the amount of isolatable 19-oxygenated androgen is proportional to the amount of excess cytochrome P450 component.
(17) Platelets treated with varying concentrations of collagen and thrombin released osteonectin in a dose-dependent fashion.
(18) If added prior to cellular alignment, immunoglobulins from this serum inhibited fusion of both rat (L6) and mouse (C2) myoblasts in a dose-dependent fashion.
(19) Only centralised nation states had the capacity to collect data across large populations in a standardised fashion and only states had any need for such data in the first place.
(20) However, as already noted by Albert (1979) this is questionable, as average disease duration and survival have increased in a linear fashion related to the number of publications devoted to this subject from 1950 on.