(n.) The state or condition of being celebrated; fame; renown; as, the celebrity of Washington.
(n.) A person of distinction or renown; -- usually in the plural; as, he is one of the celebrities of the place.
Example Sentences:
(1) says Gregg Wallace opening the new series of Celebrity MasterChef (Mon-Fri, 2.15pm, BBC1).
(2) Fatah leader Yahya Rabah said the organisation would celebrate "with our brothers in Hamas", the Ma'an news agency reported.
(3) If you want to become a summit celebrity be sure to strike a pose whenever you see the ENB photographer approaching.
(4) There are many examples to support his assertion, yet for the most part, it is celebrities who dictate what images can be published and what stories should be told.
(5) On a weekend that sees the country celebrate 50 years of independence it is certain that despite all things – good and bad – that have taken place in 2013, the next 50 years will be transformed by personal technology, concerned citizens and the media.
(6) The supporters – many of them wearing Hamas green headbands and carrying Hamas flags – packed the open-air venue in rain and strong winds to celebrate the Islamist organisation's 25th anniversary and what it regards as a victory in last month's eight-day war with Israel.
(7) They had watched him celebrate mass with three million pilgrims on the packed-out shores of Copacabana beach .
(8) July 7, 2016 Verified account A blue tick that tells you the user is either an A-list celebrity, a respected authority on an important subject or a BuzzFeed employee.
(9) Celebrity woodlanders Tax breaks and tree-hugging already draw the wealthy and well-known to buy British forests.
(10) Arsenal’s 10 men fall at the first hurdle against Dinamo Zagreb Read more This win, even against such feeble opponents, was celebrated, with the locals chorusing their manager’s name amid a wave of relief given so much of the team’s domestic campaign to date has been dismal.
(11) The writer Palesa Morudu told me that she sees, in the South African pride that "we did it", a troubling anxiety that we can't: "Why are we celebrating that we built stadiums on time?
(12) My boyfriend and I headed to a sushi bar to celebrate.
(13) In early 2009, he took part in Celebrity Big Brother for a rumoured fee of £100,000.
(14) Lion cubs fathered by Cecil, the celebrated lion shot dead in Zimbabwe , may already have been killed by a rival male lion and even if they were still alive there was nothing conservationists could do to protect them, a conservation charity has warned.
(15) We used to have a really good night in here on Bonfire night.” Communities across the UK are facing the same unwillingness by civic bodies to stage Bonfire night celebrations.
(16) Perhaps it’s the lot of people like my colleagues here in the centre and me to wrestle with our consciences, shed tears, lose sleep and try to make the best of a very bad, heart-breaking job and leave the rest of the world to party, get pissed and celebrate Christmas.
(17) Two days after Michael Morpurgo, author of War Horse , published a beautiful essay calling for this year's First World War commemorations to " honour those who died " and "celebrate the peace we now share", Michael Gove has delivered the government's response.
(18) Roche, 30, was born in High Wycombe, but moved with her British parents to Germany as a young child, and has been a national celebrity there since her teens, presenting music and culture shows.
(19) Trawling through the private telephone conversations of royals, politicians and celebrities in the hope of picking up scandalous gossip is not seen as legitimate news gathering and the techniques of entrapment which led to the recent Pakistani match-fixing scandal , although grudgingly admired in this particular case, are derided as manufacturing the news.
(20) The 2014 MTV Video Music Awards didn’t achieve the same degree of controversy as last year’s celebration of tongues, twerking and teddy bears , but between a speech by a homeless teen, an ill-timed wardrobe malfunction, and Beyoncé’s spectacular, epic, show-stopping finale, there were nevertheless a few moments worth watching.
(n.) The act of performing divine or solemn service, as established by law, precept, or custom; a formal act of religion or other solemn duty; a solemn observance; a ceremony; as, the rites of freemasonry.
Example Sentences:
(1) The Vatican's spokesman Federico Lombardi insisted the rite took place in "a specific situation in which excluding the girls would have been inopportune in light of the simple aim of communicating a message of love to all".
(2) If that is not possible, they should issue visas on an urgent basis for their families so that they can travel to the US and perform the last rites."
(3) The challenge of eliminating the practice in a culture that sees it as a rite of passage is huge, but the stakes couldn't be higher.
(4) Annually thousands of teenage boys from the Xhosa tribe embark on a secretive rite of passage in Eastern Cape province, spending up to a month in seclusion where they study, undergo circumcision by a traditional surgeon, and apply white clay to their bodies.
(5) Chinese authorities in Aba refused to allow locals to carry out traditional funeral rites for Gepey so as not to provide an opportunity for Tibetans to gather and protest, Free Tibet said.
(6) At the same time, only half of millennials have a driver’s licence, a rite of passage for prior generations.
(7) It is devastating that jail is seen as a rite of passage for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, part of the natural order of things.” Indigenous prisoner who killed himself wasn't in a 'safe' cell despite being at risk Read more He said a Labor government would fund three trials – in a city, a regional town and a remote community – of “justice reinvestment” programs, “redirecting funds spent on justice system to prevention and diversionary programs to address underlying causes of offending with disproportionately high levels of incarceration”.
(8) The authors present their experience with 28 patients who had incurred unstable thoracic or lumbar spine fractures and who were intraoperatively stabilized with the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (TSRH) universal instrumentation system.
(9) Rigorous training Mentors receive rigorous training and use a "rites of passage" approach where mentees are encouraged to form strong and enduring bonds to the older men who guide them.
(10) He may also have been giving the last rites, but he picked up the rifle."
(11) You need to go through rites of passage that only a man can do.
(12) For young people in Hartlepool, one of the most deprived parts of the country, going to university is more than just a rite of passage.
(13) In the summer of 1982, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital (Dallas, TX, U.S.A.) sponsored a camp for paraplegic adolescents.
(14) The "teenager" has proved a highly workable rite of passage for the past 70 years.
(15) Are we talking about a religious rite--or about child abuse?
(16) His life reads like a blockbuster of its own – after Tribal Rites he continued writing, true stories mostly, and in 1983 was arrested for conspiring to import millions of dollars worth of heroin and cocaine into the US.
(17) Child marriage: we must urge action to stop girls' initiation rites | Persilia Muianga Read more The prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, promised to end child marriage of under-15s by 2021 and reduce by more than one-third the number of girls married between the ages of 15 and 18, with the ultimate goal of eliminating the practice by 2041.
(18) All patients were treated by bracing at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital from 1970 to 1980.
(19) While Respond is supportive of people with learning disabilities who are able to give consent and do make the decision to get married freely, Khan is keen to stress the importance of providing support for those who may be pressured into doing so: “Through our referral service, we aim to work towards removing labels which further victimise people, taking each case on its own merit and working with people to fully understand what is actually happening within each situation.” She explains how nuanced some of the cases can be: Within many families there can be a belief that marriage is a rite of passage and some families may even perhaps wish or hope that it will “cure” the person of learning disabilities.
(20) It has long been a painful rite of passage for German schoolchildren – learning "die Schreibschrift", a fiddly form of joined-up handwriting all pupils are expected to have mastered by the time they leave primary school.