What's the difference between choked and chuckle?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Choke

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Sometimes the way the MP [military policeman] holds the head chokes me, and with all the nerves in the nose the tube passing the nose is like torture,” Dhiab said in a legal filing.
  • (2) In a Europe (including Britain) where austerity has become the economic dogma of the elite in spite of massive evidence that it is choking growth and worsening the very sickness it claims to heal, there are plenty of rational, sensible arguments for taking to the streets.
  • (3) In an emergency, the devices use multiple mechanisms – including clamps and shears – to try to choke off the oil flowing up from a pipe and disconnect the rig from the well.
  • (4) Fourteen patients who were able to vocalize during the choking episode had probably suffered from esophageal impaction.
  • (5) With unemployment at a record as the debt-choked country endures a fifth consecutive year of recession, nearly 44% of the 907,953 out of work are between 15 and 24.
  • (6) In one experiment serial bronchial obstructions were made to determine whether flow-limiting sites (choke points, CP) would occur in series.
  • (7) Since she was 25-year-old, she had had insomnia which accompanied by choked feelings, palpitations, clumsiness of hands and anxiety.
  • (8) Failure to complete feeds, dysphagia, vomiting, coughing, choking and recurrent respiratory symptoms were also significantly more common in this group than in the primary anastomosis group (labeled as group A) even in the absence of stricture.
  • (9) If the abnormal sensation, such as a lump or choking, in the throat was mainly caused by inflammatory changes in the palatine tonsils or their surrounding tissues and conveyed via vagal nerve branches distributing there, the sensation might be reduced by topically injected Impletol (Procaine and caffeine in saline solution), i.e.
  • (10) From 2008 to 2011, as the economy worsened and a wave of new restrictions choked abortion access around the country, online queries about self-induced abortion almost doubled , according to Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, an economist who analyzes Google searches.
  • (11) Psychiatric patients have an increased risk for choking compared with the general population because of risk factors such as medication side effects and food gorging.
  • (12) It was evidenced that, from point of view of mean flow, the airflow flowed at a rate of Vmax through the choke point during the second phase.
  • (13) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Yemen government ground forces and Saudi-led air strikes attack Houthi militias The blockade – which is also being enforced in the air and on land – has choked a fragile economy already staggering under the impact of a six-month civil conflict pitting Yemeni forces loyal to the President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, now exiled in Riyadh, against Houthi rebels allied to his predecessor and rival, Ali Abdullah Saleh.
  • (14) A girl aged 13 years developed an acute unilateral Exophthalmos on the right side with disturbances of eye-motion, choked disc and nearly complete amaurosis within 3 days after onset.
  • (15) While some predicted their team would once again choke at the final hurdle, the chancellor had faith the “system” would be fully endorsed.
  • (16) The government further enraged Mubarak's opponents when it tried to cover up the killing by alleging he choked on a bag of drugs.
  • (17) The symptoms included inspiratory stridor, choking during eating, and aspiration.
  • (18) We examined the effects of the inhaled parasympatholytic agent atropine and the sympathomimetic agent salbutamol on partitioned frictional pressure (Pfr) losses to the site of flow limitation (choke point, CP) in dogs to see how changes brought about by these agents would affect maximum expiratory flow (Vmax) and response to breathing 80% He-20% O2 (delta Vmax) in terms of wave-speed theory of flow limitation.
  • (19) "Tax rises and spending cuts that go too far and too fast have crushed confidence and choked off the British recovery well before the eurozone crisis of recent months."
  • (20) 62: 2013-2025, 1987), we recently predicted that 1) axially arranged choke points can exist simultaneously during forced expiration with sufficient effort, and 2) overall maximal expiratory flow may be relatively insensitive to nonuniform airways obstruction because of flow interdependence between parallel upstream branches.



  • (v. t.) To call, as a hen her chickens; to cluck.
  • (v. t.) To fondle; to cocker.
  • (n.) A short, suppressed laugh; the expression of satisfaction, exultation, or derision.
  • (v. i.) To laugh in a suppressed or broken manner, as expressing inward satisfaction, exultation, or derision.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "Tell Harold Bloom, I've had much posher recommendations," she says, chuckling.
  • (2) Half-time Half-time analysis: It's like an end-of-season game in Italy," chuckles James Richardson, as he brings me my coffee ... because he knows his place.
  • (3) Then you’ll have two boats with the same name, and two with no name.” He chuckles.
  • (4) "I remember when I heard last year that Yorkshire was bidding to host the Tour and I must admit I chuckled.
  • (5) It is easy to point to lines that have a fortuitous topicality: knowing chuckles now greet George's admission that "There's a sense in which I even quite like a war", and later suggestion that, if Labour can't beat the Tories, the best solution is to join them.
  • (6) "This is where the gap between my theoretical desire and practical politics comes in," he chuckles.
  • (7) Today he can afford to chuckle, in a financial sense as well as an emotional one.
  • (8) Mumford gives a small chuckle, and concedes I might have a point.
  • (9) The biggest problem is there aren’t any people,” he said with a chuckle.
  • (10) I'd have to say a lion because he's bigger [little chuckle].
  • (11) Royles also had to endure more or less the entire committee laughing at him openly when he boasted about consultants' high levels of job satisfaction, something the chuckling Mps surmised might be caused by their stellar pay.
  • (12) Whetstone wrote: “ Given the tone of some of your publications, that made quite a few people chuckle ” and followed the comment with a gif of a baby laughing.
  • (13) She chuckled about that at a dinner last week with Arthur Sulzberger – the Times's publisher, who gave her the editor's job.
  • (14) One summer day in 1994, my best friend Steve – a gentle, jovial guy with the most disarming chuckle – called and asked me to meet him for lunch.
  • (15) In the flesh, though, he's more Bruce Forsyth than Bruce Willis: sweet-eyed, gleaming-teethed, with a keen ear for innuendo and a frankly mucky chuckle.
  • (16) Then he chuckles into the phone from his office in New York, where he now works.
  • (17) OK, well, first of all, Owen’s a very ambitious man,” adding with a dry chuckle, “He’s very evidently taken the opportunity that’s been presented.” That said, he would “absolutely not” call Owen “Blairite-lite”, and says crossly, “I think it’s a stupid phrase to use.
  • (18) [Chuckling] No, we didn't have some barbaric practices in the NBA.
  • (19) Sandwiched between the adverts, the programmes were comprised of laugh track chuckles and a life lesson for the kids, one per episode.
  • (20) Elsewhere, the corpses are swapped for tragedy and the Muttley chuckles turn to whimpers.

Words possibly related to "choked"