(1) They are characterized by primary-like and chopper discharge patterns.
(2) Inbred strain ACI rats of both sexes were divided into 4 groups; Group 1 received a diet containing the unprocessed bracken dried at a room temperature of below 30 degrees, Group 2 received a diet containing bracken dried at 70 approximately 90 degrees with a hot, forced draft, and Group 3 received the diet containing processed bracken that had been minced to a paste-like consistency using a mechanical chopper.
(3) Outside, there’s no sign of life except one bearded oaf on a chopper and a kid at the back door, holding a picture of Hot Fuss-era Brandon Flowers , praying for a brief encounter.
(4) In INLL and VNLLm, response patterns are about equally distributed between tonic, chopping, and phasic; there are no single-spike constant-latency responses of the type seen in VNLLc, although some choppers and pausers do respond with constant first-spike latency.
(5) Compared to available filter wheel and chopper devices, the rapid scan monochromator has advantages of rapid and software-selectable wavelength control, excellent optical alignment, small size, and low cost.
(6) For 'chopper' units, however, it was possible to record sustained depolarizations accompaneid by spikes that lasted as long as the tone burst.
(7) Outside of the body are the main battery, the chopper and the primary of the energy transmission.
(8) Five major PST response type classes are used: chopper, primary-like, onset, onset-C, and unusual.
(9) Most lateral superior olivary (LSO) units were inhibited by contralateral stimulation, were narrowly tuned, produced low to high levels of maximum output, had short latencies, and produced regular discharge patterns characterized by chopper PST histograms with narrow initial peaks.
(10) Earlier reports said opposition fighters shot dead two pilots after they ejected themselves after their chopper was hit.
(11) The technique employs two phase-locked mechanical choppers and a slow-scan scientific CCD camera attached to a normal fluorescence microscope.
(12) The observations suggest that PVCN choppers can encode pure-tone frequency in a spatial profile more accurately than HSR or LMSR AN fibers.
(13) The effects of OFF-BF input (either alone or presented simultaneously with a BF tone in a two-tone stimulus) on the response patterns of choppers may include not only rate inhibition but changes in the discharge regularity and the temporal adaptation properties of the spike trains.
(14) Unit discharges were classified as laryngeal motoneuron activity according to their correlation with the time course (onset and end) of echolocation calls and their discharge rate as: Pre-off-tonic, pre-off-phasic, off-pauser, off-tonic, on-chopper, on-tonic, prior-tonic and inhibitory (Fig.
(15) Either way, seconds later the chopper is gone, skimming over the water towards the next village-island.
(16) I remember building a Chopper-style bike out of a smaller racer with a tiny wheel on the front.
(17) "Transiently adapting" choppers undergo a very rapid (less than 10 ms) decrease in instantaneous rate accompanied by a sharp increase in discharge irregularity.
(18) The most ancient evidence of toolmaking by early humans and their relatives dates to 2.6m years ago and includes simple pebble-choppers for hacking and crushing.
(19) To minimize electronic noise and drift for detection of very small SPR signals, a mechanical light chopper was used for gated-signal detection, and a pulse height analyzer for noise rejection.
(20) We present a specific point process model that describes the scaling process and successfully replicates the observed responses to monaural and binaural stimulation of the three types of LSO units: slow choppers, fast choppers, and bimodal units.
(n.) A small ax with a short handle, to be used with one hand.
(n.) Specifically, a tomahawk.
Example Sentences:
(1) Experimental blows with a saw like the used on the leg of a corpse showed an unexpected result: it was possible to produce wounds of the soft-tissues and the bone similar to those by hatchets.
(2) Hague declined to say whether the newspaper had carried out a hatchet job as he said: "These things do happen."
(3) However, as his release became imminent, the feminist blogger Jean Hatchet started a petition asserting that Evans should not be re-signed by United as this would only trivialise and normalise rape in the eyes of a large number of football supporters.
(4) Heseltine also said the Mail had published "hatchet jobs" on Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg.
(5) Nine years after Jonathan Franzen derided Oprah Winfrey's choice of "schmaltzy, one-dimensional" novels for her book club, becoming the first author to be formally disinvited to appear on her show, these two giants of American cultural life appear to have buried the hatchet.
(6) Abramson, though apparently non-violent, is judged "impossible", according to the unsourced Politico hatchet job.
(7) A hatchet has been thrown through the window of a Nigerian family's home in central Belfast in a suspected racist attack.
(8) The cover art for the Cranberries' Bury the Hatchet (1999) was an evocation of paranoia – a giant eye bearing down on a crouching figure – that did neither band nor artist many favours; his image for Muse's Black Holes and Revelations (2006) amounted to a thin revival of his work for the Floyd that, if you were being generous, suggested a wry comment on that band's unconvincing attempts to revive the excesses of 1970s progressive rock.
(9) Another Twitter user, going by the handle @CoreyOC21, sent a message to Ennis-Hill which read: “Hope Ched Evans gets you you little slut.” A spokesman for South Yorkshire police said: “Officers are looking into the tweets.” The feminist campaigner Jean Hatchet, who started a campaign signed by more than 160,000 people on change.org calling on the club to break all ties with the player , told the Guardian she has been receiving up 500 abusive tweets a minute from supporters of the disgraced footballer.
(10) Stephen Fry responds at length to a Daily Mail hatchet job.
(11) "Barristers have to ask themselves the question: are they merely the conduit, are they merely a paid cipher whose job is to do whatever hatchet job they can?"
(12) Yesterday, his voice was among those that cropped up in a hatchet-job run by the Times – titled "the fall of new Labour", and focused on the supposed illegitimacy of the younger Miliband's leadership win.
(13) A man carrying a hatchet charged the officers, hitting one officer in the right arm and then striking a second officer in the head, the spokesman said.
(14) BT has struck an £200m-plus deal to offer its sports channels to Virgin Media's 4 million TV customers, as the pay-TV rivals bury the hatchet to increase the pressure on BSkyB.
(15) Clooney is using his own power and clout to redefine the damaged dynamic that has existed since the days of gossip-columnist hatchet-jobs in old Hollywood.
(16) He told the room it was not just a band getting back together, but best friends burying the hatchet.
(17) My teenage years were spent getting to know our champion; I am now learning more and more about the man with the hatchet.
(18) "This sentence takes a hatchet to press freedom, and comes at a time when no-one can deny that leak-based nationals security reporting is critical."
(19) Hatchet was subjected to virulent internet abuse, some fans at United games sang songs naming and abusing his victim and declaring that Evans would “shag who he wants”.
(20) One executive who has worked closely with ailing businesses said: "People think Hilco does a hatchet job, but they have traded HMV Canada and traded it well.