(n.) A small job; in the pl., the regular or daily light work of a household or farm, either within or without doors.
(v. i.) To do chores.
(n.) A choir or chorus.
Example Sentences:
(1) Parties are a tedious chore, while sponsorships are pretty tiresome too: can you remember the key messaging about that motor oil you agreed to plug to the nearest reporter?
(2) A bout three in every 10 people in Britain think social workers help with household chores like cooking and cleaning, with personal care like washing and dressing, and with childcare.
(3) You can't put off any longer the chore of correcting the stack of student papers.
(4) The findings indicate excessive uses of the time and energy budget on walking trips to accomplish basic household necessities in which domestic chores consume by far the largest portion of this budget with the highest burden falling on the female members of the household.
(5) Women often work in exploitative conditions and shoulder disproportionate unpaid care responsibilities (such as child rearing, domestic chores, and caring for the sick and elderly).
(6) Time at home, alone, without chores, is still often felt as shirking responsibility.
(7) The husband will tend to all domestic chores while the wife works and vice versa.
(8) When the daycare finished, she settled into simply helping her mother with chores, focusing on raising her daughter and having late-night taco-making sessions with Theresa.
(9) Daily use involved repetitive chores and contact with glutaraldehyde.
(10) Considerable, traditional inequity in the distribution of child-care tasks and chore responsibility was noted, but women were generally satisfied with their husbands' home involvement.
(11) A working woman may face difficulties in attempting to fulfill the demands of both worlds, at home and outside, while a housewife may feel tired and irritated with her household chores and financial dependence.
(12) Residents must be relieved of time-consuming, nonmedical chores and internal medicine training must be redefined to provide experiences which are important to gain competence.
(13) Had the Mayans been skilled in predicting the future, they might have foreseen that a week already chock-full with jobs undone, frantic present buying and horrific office parties was hardly the best time to trouble people with the bothersome chore of preparing for the apocalypse.
(14) Our results indicate that patients with RA experience more losses than controls in every domain of human activity and that patients with OA experience more losses in the performance of household chores, shopping and errands, and leisure activities.
(15) Instead, it began when my mother dreamed of owning a car to ease her household chores.
(16) This indicated to me that over several years, consultants at this hospital feel these summaries are a chore, and the DH directive was a waste of paper.
(17) The dishwasher Since the middle of the 19th century men and women have been devising machines to ease the endless household chores of washing clothes and dishes.
(18) It's a rare interlude of childish exuberance for girls whose young lives are dominated by the twice daily walk to the well and home, carrying heavy water cans, and other domestic chores.
(19) Similarly, in the village of Sarkisla, in the province of Siva in central Turkey, children are responsible for the care of animals and other chores, and have no problems in growing up.
(20) Until now he has been manipulating the rival candidates but now he needs to ensure that, if he steps aside from the day-to-day presidential chores, he and his family will be safe.
(n.) A sudden thrust or stab; a jab.
(n.) A piece of chance or occasional work; any definite work undertaken in gross for a fixed price; as, he did the job for a thousand dollars.
(n.) A public transaction done for private profit; something performed ostensibly as a part of official duty, but really for private gain; a corrupt official business.
(n.) Any affair or event which affects one, whether fortunately or unfortunately.
(n.) A situation or opportunity of work; as, he lost his job.
(v. t.) To strike or stab with a pointed instrument.
(v. t.) To thrust in, as a pointed instrument.
(v. t.) To do or cause to be done by separate portions or lots; to sublet (work); as, to job a contract.
(v. t.) To buy and sell, as a broker; to purchase of importers or manufacturers for the purpose of selling to retailers; as, to job goods.
(v. t.) To hire or let by the job or for a period of service; as, to job a carriage.
(v. i.) To do chance work for hire; to work by the piece; to do petty work.
(v. i.) To seek private gain under pretense of public service; to turn public matters to private advantage.
(v. i.) To carry on the business of a jobber in merchandise or stocks.
(n.) The hero of the book of that name in the Old Testament; the typical patient man.
Example Sentences:
(1) Not only do they give employers no reason to turn them into proper jobs, but mini-jobs offer workers little incentive to work more because then they would have to pay tax.
(2) That means deciding what job they’d like to have and outlining the steps they’ll need to take to achieve it.
(3) The idea that 80% of an engineer's time is spent on the day job and 20% pursuing a personal project is a mathematician's solution to innovation, Brin says.
(4) Of course the job is not done and we will continue to remain vigilant to all risks, particularly when the global economic situation is so uncertain,” the chancellor said in a statement.
(5) To this figure an additional 250,000 older workers must be added, who are no longer registered as unemployed but nevertheless would be interested in finding another job.
(6) When compared with self-reported exposures, the sensitivity of both job-exposure matrices was low (on average, below 0.51), while the specificity was generally high (on average, above 0.90).
(7) David Cameron has insisted that membership of the European Union is in Britain's national interest and vital for "millions of jobs and millions of families", as he urged his own backbenchers not to back calls for a referendum on the UK's relationship with Brussels.
(8) "We do not think the Astra management have done a good job on behalf of shareholders.
(9) No one has jobs,” said Annie, 45, who runs a street stall selling fried chicken and rice in the Matongi neighbourhood.
(10) For enrolled nurses an increase in "Intrinsic Job Satisfaction" was less well maintained and no differences were found over time on "Patient Focus".
(11) If black people could only sort out these self-inflicted problems themselves, everything would be OK. After all, doesn't every business say it welcomes job applicants from all backgrounds?
(12) It did the job of triggering growth, but it also fueled real-estate speculation, similar to what was going on in the mid-2000s here.” Slowing economic growth may be another concern.
(13) I hope they fight for the money to make their jobs worth doing, because it's only with the money (a drop in the ocean though it may be) that they'll be able to do anything.
(14) Guardian Australia reported last week that morale at the national laboratory had fallen dramatically, with one in three staff “seriously considering” leaving their jobs in the wake of the cuts.
(15) Which must make yesterday's jobs figures doubly alarming for the coalition.
(16) Such a decision put hundreds of British jobs at risk and would once again deprive Londoners of the much-loved hop-on, hop-off service.
(17) This defeat, though, is hardly a good calling card for the main job.
(18) Here's Dominic's full story: US unemployment rate drops to lowest level in six years as 288,000 jobs added Michael McKee (@mckonomy) BNP economists say jobless rate would have been 6.8% if not for drop in participation rate May 2, 2014 2.20pm BST ING's Rob Carnell is also struck by the "extraordinary weakness" of US wage growth .
(19) He's called out for his lack of imagination in a stinging review by a leading food critic (Oliver Platt) and - after being introduced to Twitter by his tech-savvy son (Emjay Anthony) - accidentally starts a flame war that will lead to him losing his job.
(20) Pearson had been informed after that bizarre incident that he was out of a job only to be told that he was back in work a few hours later .