What's the difference between circle and russia?



  • (n.) A plane figure, bounded by a single curve line called its circumference, every part of which is equally distant from a point within it, called the center.
  • (n.) The line that bounds such a figure; a circumference; a ring.
  • (n.) An instrument of observation, the graduated limb of which consists of an entire circle.
  • (n.) A round body; a sphere; an orb.
  • (n.) Compass; circuit; inclosure.
  • (n.) A company assembled, or conceived to assemble, about a central point of interest, or bound by a common tie; a class or division of society; a coterie; a set.
  • (n.) A circular group of persons; a ring.
  • (n.) A series ending where it begins, and repeating itself.
  • (n.) A form of argument in which two or more unproved statements are used to prove each other; inconclusive reasoning.
  • (n.) Indirect form of words; circumlocution.
  • (n.) A territorial division or district.
  • (n.) To move around; to revolve around.
  • (n.) To encompass, as by a circle; to surround; to inclose; to encircle.
  • (v. i.) To move circularly; to form a circle; to circulate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Variables included an ego-delay measure obtained from temporal estimations, perceptions of temporal dominance and relatedness obtained from Cottle's Circles Test, Ss' ages, and a measure of long-term posthospital adjustment.
  • (2) These findings suggest that conditioned circling is mediated by a bilateral involvement of the mesotelencephalic dopaminergic systems.
  • (3) The circle rate correlated with the extent of mural invasion.
  • (4) Single-stranded circles did not form if a limited number of nucleotides were removed from the 3' ends of native molecules by Escherichia coli exonuclease III digestion prior to denaturation and annealing.
  • (5) Possible explanations of the clinical gains include 1) psychological encouragement, 2) improvements of mechanical efficiency, 3) restoration of cardiovascular fitness, thus breaking a vicous circle of dyspnoea, inactivity and worsening dyspnoea, 4) strengthening of the body musculature, thus reducing the proportion of anaerobic work, 5) biochemical adaptations reducing glycolysis in the active tissues, and 6) indirect responses to such factors as group support, with advice on smoking habits, breathing patterns and bronchial hygiene.
  • (6) Single-stranded linear DNAs were prepared by separating strands of duplex molecules or by cleaving single-stranded circles at a unique restriction site created by annealing a short defined oligonucleotide to the circle.
  • (7) Rolling-circle replicating structures which represent late stage lambda DNA replication can be detected among intracellular phage lambda DNA molecules under recombination deficient conditions as well as in wild-type infections.
  • (8) One of these models, the cognitivo-behavioural approach developed by Beck since 1963, seems to be gaining a renewed interest in psychiatric circles, especially in North America.
  • (9) With Schirren's circle the obtained mean value was even higher (+ 52%) in comparison to the "real" volume by Archimedes' principle with a random mean error of 19%.
  • (10) In the beginning the only patient and his family circle are able to do something.
  • (11) In earlier studies with the SV40-transformed hamster cell line Elona two different types of DNA amplification could be identified: (i) Bidirectional overreplication of chromosomally integrated SV40 DNA expanding into the flanking cellular sequences ("onion skin" type) and (ii) highly efficient synthesis of extremely large head-to-tail concatemers containing exclusively SV40 DNA ("rolling circle" type).
  • (12) A week after the New York Film Critics Circle gave the movie its top award, a liberal political commentator wrote: "I'm betting that Dick Cheney will love [the film, which is] a far, far cry from the rousing piece of pro-Obama propaganda that some conservatives feared it would be."
  • (13) TRP1 RI circle (now designated YARp1, yeast acentric ring plasmid 1) is a 1,453-base-pair artificial plasmid composed exclusively of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosomal DNA.
  • (14) Thus did Dominic Cummings, former special adviser to Michael Gove , deliver to his prime minister what is, in certain Tory circles, the most crushing of insults.
  • (15) Two of Miliband’s inner circle – his director of strategy Tom Baldwin, and speechwriter Marc Stears – had suggested that the party seek out £3 supporters before 7 May in an attempt to engage people with the Labour party.
  • (16) Geometrical stimuli (48 6-item arrays of familiar forms, e.g., circle), tachistoscopically presented in the right or left visual field, were more accurately perceived in the right than left visual field by 15 college students.
  • (17) Both larval stages had an inner circle of 6 labial papillae, an outer circle of 6 labial papillae and 4 somatic papillae, and lateral amphidial pits.
  • (18) This vicious circle should be broken rather by finding optimal conditions than by a middle course determined by experimental requirements, economical frames and general notions about what may be good for the animal.
  • (19) Dimeric and oligomeric circles were present in the kDNA of the blood and intracellular stages in much greater proportion than in culture epimastigote stages.
  • (20) In spite of the relatively large sample and the given number of variables the problem of the vicious circle might occur.



  • (n.) A country of Europe and Asia.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) "There is … a risk that the political, trade, and gas frictions with Russia could lead to strong deterioration in economic relations between the two countries, with a significant drop in Ukraine's exports to and imports from Russia.
  • (2) A shrinking populace is perhaps a greater challenge than any problems with Russia.
  • (3) He said Germany was Russia’s most important economic partner, and pointed out that 35% of German gas originated in Russia.
  • (4) Mindful of their own health ahead of their mission, astronauts at the Russia-leased launchpad in Kazakhstan remain in strict isolation in the days ahead of any launch to avoid exposure to infection.
  • (5) One is that the issue of whether the World Cup should go ahead in Russia and Qatar still firmly remains on the table.
  • (6) When asked why the streets of London were not heaving with demonstrators protesting against Russia turning Aleppo into the Guernica of our times, Stop the War replied that it had no wish to add to the “jingoism” politicians were whipping up against plucky little Russia .
  • (7) The governing body said then that Russia’s hosting of the 2018 tournament was not in jeopardy.
  • (8) When allegations of systemic doping and cover-ups first emerged in the runup to the 2013 Russian world athletics championships, an IOC spokesman insisted: “Anti-doping measures in Russia have improved significantly over the last five years with an effective, efficient and new laboratory and equipment in Moscow.” London Olympics were sabotaged by Russia’s doping, report says Read more We now know that the head of that lauded Moscow lab, Grigory Rodchenko, admitted to intentionally destroying 1,417 samples in December last year shortly before Wada officials visited.
  • (9) Others said it might appeal to Russia, Assad's chief ally, which backs talks between the regime and the opposition.
  • (10) It’s unclear too whether Google will continue to pay Mozilla to be the default browser in countries outside the US, Russia and China when the current deal ends in December.
  • (11) That would be the first step towards banning Russia’s track team from next year’s Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
  • (12) Solzhenitsyn was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1974 and returned to Russia 20 years later.
  • (13) To be sure, when Russia withdrew Cuba's only deterrent against ongoing US attack with a severe threat to proceed to direct invasion and quietly departed from the scene, the Cubans would be infuriated – as they were, understandably.
  • (14) To a large extent, the failure has been a consequence of a cold war-style deadlock – Russia and Iran on one side, and the west and most of the Arab world on the other – over the fate of Bashar al-Assad , a negotiating gap kept open by force in the shape of massive Russian and Iranian military support to keep the Syrian regime in place.
  • (15) As the US and the European Union adopted tougher economic sanctions against Russia over the conflict in eastern Ukraine and downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 , Russian officials struck a defiant note, promising that Russia would localise production and emerge stronger than before.
  • (16) Russia Facebook Twitter Pinterest Russian dolls in the likeness of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and the US president-elect, Donald Trump.
  • (17) Sechin warned the west earlier this week that expanding sanctions over Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region would only make the political situation deteriorate further, according to Reuters.
  • (18) We need to start hitting companies within Russia … [to] destabilise their economy.
  • (19) Russia has no national museum of Stalin's repression but Moscow has two Gulag museums.
  • (20) Russia's most widely watched television station, state-controlled Channel One, followed a bulletin about his death with a summary of the crimes he is accused of committing, including the siphoning of millions of dollars from national airline Aeroflot.