(n.) That which attends, or relates to, or in some way affects, a fact or event; an attendant thing or state of things.
(n.) An event; a fact; a particular incident.
(n.) Circumlocution; detail.
(n.) Condition in regard to worldly estate; state of property; situation; surroundings.
(v. t.) To place in a particular situation; to supply relative incidents.
Example Sentences:
(1) They also said no surplus that built up in the scheme, which runs at a £700m deficit, would be paid to any “sponsor or employer” under any circumstances.
(2) The conus was found to contribute little to forward flow under ordinary circumstances, but its contribution increased greatly during bleeding or partial occlusion of the truncus.
(3) This paper details the circumstances of some of the cases and cites precautions to be taken in the use of this therapeutic mode.
(4) Attention should be paid to the circumstances under which the chart is applied, as normal micturition behaviour seems to be highly dependent on social factors.
(5) Anna Mazzola, a civil liberties lawyer who advises the National Union of Journalists and whom I consulted, told me that in general if police can view anyone's images, they can only do so in "very limited circumstances".
(6) Under any other circumstances, a penalty of life imprisonment could be imposed on both the woman undergoing the abortion and anyone assisting her – even if the abortion is sought because of a fatal foetal impairment, for example, or because the pregnancy is the result of rape.
(7) Duraphat-treated samples submerged in water after the exposure lost only about 50% of the deposited fluoride, whereas samples treated with 2% NaF are known to lose all their fluoride under similar circumstances, a condition which may be related to the favorable clinical effect of Duraphat.
(8) The circumstances surrounding 142 hospital admissions for acute asthma in 110 children during a one year period were examined.
(9) The length of the interpulse interval for LH release secretion decreased in unilateral decorticate animals, whereas the length of the cycle of FSH secretion increased in this circumstance.
(10) However, there are exceptional circumstances in which it is in a child’s best interests to be resettled in the UK.
(11) Differences in incidence of unplanned pregnancies among women was more a result of socioeconomic circumstance and the tendency to have a large family than attitude towards children.
(12) Ten patients (16.67 per cent) of the mortality group were in the ninety-ninth percentile of risk, whereas these factors or variables of similar weight produced an equivalent risk of only 0.34 per cent of the survivors; thus, operative death in these circumstances could be predicted with an estimated 98.0 per cent assurance.
(13) Under certain circumstances, the effects of chlordiazepoxide appear to be best predicted by knowledge of maintaining conditions.
(14) It is proposed that although the same retinoblastoma cells in different circumstances are responsive to HPD-PDT, no clinical response is demonstrable utilizing this model, due to the absence of tumor vascularity.
(15) • Police would be given discretion to remove face masks from people on the street "under any circumstances where there is reasonable suspicion that they are related to criminal activity".
(16) Naturally, in individual patients, special circumstances may exist which alter these decisions.
(17) In such circumstances faith in the project inevitably ebbs among the faithful.
(18) During this period, however, the cows were housed in a stable with markedly worse environmental circumstance than those in production stable.
(19) A Home Office spokeswoman said: "It is vital that police and security services are able to obtain communications data in certain circumstances to investigate serious crime and terrorism and to protect the public.
(20) In the second phase of diagnosis are further neurophysiological investigations, which are only indicated in more special circumstances.
(n.) Manner in which an object is placed; location, esp. as related to something else; position; locality site; as, a house in a pleasant situation.
(n.) Position, as regards the conditions and circumstances of the case.
(n.) Relative position; circumstances; temporary state or relation at a moment of action which excites interest, as of persons in a dramatic scene.
(n.) Permanent position or employment; place; office; as, a situation in a store; a situation under government.
Example Sentences:
(1) Of course the job is not done and we will continue to remain vigilant to all risks, particularly when the global economic situation is so uncertain,” the chancellor said in a statement.
(2) The most common reasons cited for relapse included craving, social situations, stress, and nervousness.
(3) The children's pulse, pulse rate variability, and blood pressure were then measured at rest and during a challenging situation.
(4) Utilizing a range of operative Michaelis-Menten parameters that characterize phenytoin elimination via a single capacity-limited pathway, a situation assuming instantaneous absorption (case I) is compared with the situation in which continuous constant-rate absorption occurs (case II).
(5) This situation should lead to discuss preventive rules.
(6) Other fusiform cells of the cPVN are oriented in a rostral-caudal plane and are situated more medially in this subdivision.
(7) They derive from publications of the National Insurance Institute for Occupational Accidents (INAIL) and refer to the Italian and Umbrian situation.
(8) Hamilton said it was uncanny to find themselves in another desperate emergency situation almost exactly one year on.
(9) In the case with a more distally situated VSD, the bundle branches skirted the anterior and distal walls of the defect.
(10) Being the decision-making agent, the rehabilitee must therefore be offered typical situational fragments of a possible educational and vocational future, intended on the one hand to inform him of occupational alternatives and, on the other, to provide initial experience.
(11) Why is it so surprising to people that a boy like Chol, just out of conflict, has thought through the needs of his country in such a detailed way?” While Beah’s zeal is laudable, the situation in South Sudan is dire .
(12) In clinical situations on donor sites and grafted full-thickness burn wounds, the PEU film indeed prevented fluid accumulation and induced the formation of a "red" coagulum underneath.
(13) In Paris, a foreign ministry spokesman, Romain Nadal, said the French authorities were “fully mobilised to help Serge Atlaoui, whose situation remains very worrying”.
(14) Cooper, who was briefly a social worker in Los Angeles, also suggests working hard to build a rapport with colleagues in hotdesking situations.
(15) Relaxation situations are marked by relaxation, usually after a meal.
(16) Many organisations choose not to affiliate their aid work with the UN, particularly in conflict situations, where the organisation is not always seen either as neutral or separate from the work of the UN security council.
(17) This situation highlights the potential importance of molecules with different inheritance patterns in elucidating complex cases of reticulate evolution.
(18) According to perimeter of leg, 13% of these girl students might he considered affected of second degree malnutrition, this situation prevailed from 13 to 18 years of age, but was not true in the 12--year--old group.
(19) Safety is increased through temporary discontinuation or dosage reduction of lithium in special risk situations.
(20) The relative importance of each of these growth factors in the in vivo situation will have to be elucidated by future studies using specific receptor antagonists or neutralizing antibodies.