What's the difference between clothing and number?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Clothe
  • (n.) Garments in general; clothes; dress; raiment; covering.
  • (n.) The art of process of making cloth.
  • (n.) A covering of non-conducting material on the outside of a boiler, or steam chamber, to prevent radiation of heat.
  • (n.) See Card clothing, under 3d Card.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But when they decided to get married, "finding the clothes became my project," says Melanie.
  • (2) All subjects showed a period of fetishistic arousal to women's clothes during adolescence.
  • (3) His mother, meanwhile, had to issue Peyton with a series of polaroids of his own clothes showing him which ones went together.
  • (4) The Macassans traded iron, tobacco, cloth and gin for access to Yolngu waters.
  • (5) This week they are wrestling with the difficult issue of how prisoners can order clothes for themselves now that clothing companies are discontinuing their printed catalogues and moving online.
  • (6) Thirteen of the fourteen melanomas detected were on anatomic sites normally covered by clothing.
  • (7) This study investigates the use of the incentive inspirometer to observe the effects of tight versus loose clothing on inhalation volume with 17 volunteer subjects.
  • (8) A case-control study of 160 patients with cancers of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and 290 controls showed an excess risk associated with employment in the textile or clothing industries, with the increase (relative risk [RR] = 2.1) found only among female workers.
  • (9) Problems associated with cloth wear and the unexpectedly slow rate, in man, of tissue ingrowth into the fabric of the Braunwald-Cutter aortic valve prosthesis have been discouraging, although this prosthesis has been associated with a very low thromboembolic rate in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy.
  • (10) "When I look at a lot of other bands, it does seem that we're the strange minority," says drummer, Jeremy Gara, who, with his standy-up hair and dishevelled clothes, seems the most old-school indie musician of them all.
  • (11) But this is how we live even before we are forced, through penury to claim: fine dining on stewed leftovers, nursing our one drink on those rare social events, cutting our own hair, patchwork-darned clothes and leaky shoes.
  • (12) Tesco uniforms can be bought through the supermarket's Clubcard Boost scheme, where £5 in Clubcard vouchers equals a £10 spend on clothing, while Asda is offering free delivery on uniform purchases of over £25.
  • (13) A young literature student accused him of manipulating the language, and then – at the end – another woman noted that he spoke very nicely before declaring him “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”.
  • (14) The trip raised millions for Comic Relief but prompted some uncharitable headlines after it emerged in July that Parfitt had billed the taxpayer £541.83 for "specialist clothing" – and a further £26.20 for the cost of picking it up in a cab.
  • (15) Never had I heard anything about what I saw documented so unsparingly in Evan’s photographs: families sleeping in the streets, their clothes in shreds, straw hats torn and unprotecting of the sun, guajiros looking for work on the doorsteps of Havana’s indifferent mansions.
  • (16) So Mick Jagger still wears clothes that he wore when he was 20 – quite possibly the exact same clothes – and the man looks great, because that's who he is.
  • (17) The matter of clothing is closely related to another of Wimbledon’s quiet triumphs: the almost total lack of corporate graffiti in the form of logos and advertising.
  • (18) Should I be killed, I would like to be buried, according to Muslim rituals, in the clothes I was wearing at the time of my death and my body unwashed, in the cemetery of Sirte, next to my family and relatives.
  • (19) On the regulatory side, Carney's role as chair of the Financial Stability Board suggests an individual cut from relatively orthodox cloth while working at the coal face of implementation on a range of issues.
  • (20) You couldn’t walk into the ward in your own clothes.



  • (n.) That which admits of being counted or reckoned; a unit, or an aggregate of units; a numerable aggregate or collection of individuals; an assemblage made up of distinct things expressible by figures.
  • (n.) A collection of many individuals; a numerous assemblage; a multitude; many.
  • (n.) A numeral; a word or character denoting a number; as, to put a number on a door.
  • (n.) Numerousness; multitude.
  • (n.) The state or quality of being numerable or countable.
  • (n.) Quantity, regarded as made up of an aggregate of separate things.
  • (n.) That which is regulated by count; poetic measure, as divisions of time or number of syllables; hence, poetry, verse; -- chiefly used in the plural.
  • (n.) The distinction of objects, as one, or more than one (in some languages, as one, or two, or more than two), expressed (usually) by a difference in the form of a word; thus, the singular number and the plural number are the names of the forms of a word indicating the objects denoted or referred to by the word as one, or as more than one.
  • (n.) The measure of the relation between quantities or things of the same kind; that abstract species of quantity which is capable of being expressed by figures; numerical value.
  • (n.) To count; to reckon; to ascertain the units of; to enumerate.
  • (n.) To reckon as one of a collection or multitude.
  • (n.) To give or apply a number or numbers to; to assign the place of in a series by order of number; to designate the place of by a number or numeral; as, to number the houses in a street, or the apartments in a building.
  • (n.) To amount; to equal in number; to contain; to consist of; as, the army numbers fifty thousand.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
  • (2) These included bringing in the A* grade, reducing the number of modules from six to four, and a greater attempt to assess the whole course at the end.
  • (3) When micF was cloned into a high-copy-number plasmid it repressed ompF gene expression, whereas when cloned into a low-copy-number plasmid it did not.
  • (4) Use of the improved operative technique contributed to reduction in number of complications.
  • (5) Nutritionally rehabilitated animals had similar numbers of nucleoli to control rats.
  • (6) Simplicity, high capacity, low cost and label stability, combined with relatively high clinical sensitivity make the method suitable for cost effective screening of large numbers of samples.
  • (7) The hemodynamic efficiency of the drive was tested in a number of in vivo experiments.
  • (8) The final number of fibers--140,000-165,000--is reached by the sixth week after birth.
  • (9) On removal of selective pressure, the His+ phenotype was lost more readily than the Ura+ Trp+ markers, with a corresponding decrease in plasmid copy number.
  • (10) This article describes a number of syndromes affecting the nail unit.
  • (11) At the time, with a regular supply of British immigrants arriving in large numbers in Australia, Biggs was able to blend in well as "Terry Cook", a carpenter, so well in fact that his wife, Charmian, was able to join him with his three sons.
  • (12) Since 1979 there has been an increase of 17,122 in the number of beds available in nursing homes.
  • (13) Other haematological parameters remained normal, with the exception of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which initially fell sharply but soon returned to, and even exceeded, control levels.
  • (14) All the twins were born in years 1973-1987, the total number was 2,226 boys and 2,302 girls.
  • (15) The number of neoplastic cells in each cell suspension was determined by cytologic criteria.
  • (16) aeruginosa and Enterococci) were significantly reduced in number during the manipulation (Fig.
  • (17) Because of the small number of patients reported in the world literature and lack of controlled studies, the treatment of small cell carcinoma of the larynx remains controversial; this retrospective analysis suggests that combination chemotherapy plus radiation offers the best chance for cure.
  • (18) Further, at the end of treatment fewer patients had depressive symptoms and the total daily number of hours of wellbeing and normal movement increased.
  • (19) The country has no offshore wind farms, though a number of projects are in the research phase to determine their profitability.
  • (20) Despite a 10-year deadline to have the same number of ethnic minority officers in the ranks as in the populations they serve, the target was missed and police are thousands of officers short.