What's the difference between cluster and stratified?



  • (n.) A number of things of the same kind growing together; a bunch.
  • (n.) A number of similar things collected together or lying contiguous; a group; as, a cluster of islands.
  • (n.) A number of individuals grouped together or collected in one place; a crowd; a mob.
  • (v. i.) To grow in clusters or assemble in groups; to gather or unite in a cluster or clusters.
  • (v. t.) To collect into a cluster or clusters; to gather into a bunch or close body.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The patterns observed were: clusters of granules related to the cell membrane; positive staining localized to portions of the cell membrane, and, less commonly, the whole cell circumference.
  • (2) We used the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify the breakpoint area of alpha-thalassemia-1 of Southeast Asia type and several parts of the alpha-globin gene cluster to make a differential diagnosis between alpha-thalassemia-1 and Hb Bart's hydrops fetalis.
  • (3) In some cervical nodes, a few follicles, lymphocyte clusters, and a well-developed plasmocyte population were also present.
  • (4) The 68C intermolt puff of Drosophila melanogaster contains a cluster of three glue protein genes, Sgs-3, Sgs-7, and Sgs-8.
  • (5) This analysis demonstrated that more than 75% of cosmids containing a rare restriction site also contained a second rare restriction site, suggesting a high degree of CpG-rich restriction site clustering.
  • (6) Typically the iron-iron axis (gz) of the binuclear iron-sulfur clusters is in the membrane plane.
  • (7) The fourth cluster included the type strains of Actinobacillus lignieresii, A. equuli, A. pleuropneumoniae, A. suis, A. ureae, H. parahaemolyticus, H. parainfluenzae, H. paraphrohaemolyticus, H. ducreyi, and P. haemolytica.
  • (8) Each species has approximately 500 core histones cluster repeats per haploid genome.
  • (9) mycoides cluster' at a similarity level (S) of 66% and which remained undivided at up to 78% S. At higher similarity levels, these strains fell heterogeneously into mixed sub-phenons containing strains of both subspecies.
  • (10) Thus, succinate dehydrogenase is the first enzyme which has been shown to contain all 3 of these Fe-S clusters.
  • (11) We examined 10 life areas clustered around the general categories of "substance use," "social functioning," and "emotional and interpersonal functioning."
  • (12) Genetic regulation of the ilvGMEDA cluster involves attenuation, internal promoters, internal Rho-dependent termination sites, a site of polarity in the ilvG pseudogene of the wild-type organism, and autoregulation by the ilvA gene product, the biosynthetic L-threonine deaminase.
  • (13) Neutral sucrose density sedimentation patterns indicate that neutron-induced double strand-breaks sometimes occur in clusters of more than 100 in the same phage and that the effeciency with which double strand-breaks form is about 50 times that of gamma-induced double strand-breaks.
  • (14) The difference in Brazil will be the huge distances involved, with the crazy decision not to host the group stages in geographical clusters leading to logistical and planning nightmares.
  • (15) Fifty-four cases were analysed, and a two-fold excess of clustering within one year was observed, both within single districts and between adjacent districts.
  • (16) All of the multivariate data were treated with mathematic method of cluster analysis.
  • (17) The perinatal development of the levator ani (LA) muscle in male and female rats was investigated by measuring the total number of muscle units (MU) (i.e., mononucleate cells, clustered or independent myotubes, and muscle fibers) in transverse semithin sections of the entire muscle and the MU cross-sectional area in 22-day-old fetuses (F22), 1-day-old (D1 = day of birth), 3-day-old (D3), and 6-day-old (D6) newborns.
  • (18) Since only a few of these medium sized terminals in any one cluster degenerate after tectal lesions, and none degenerate after cortical lesions, it is suggested that the morphological arrangement of these clusters may permit the convergence of axons from several sources, some of which are unidentified, onto the same dendritic segment.
  • (19) A transurethral prostatic resection for prostatism in a 73 year old man showed a cluster of richly capillarised clear cells originally thought to be indicative of invasive carcinoma.
  • (20) Moderately differentiated tumor revealed a wider range of nucleus size, less clustering (coefficient--3.59) and more hyperchromatic (70.1%) and "bare" (49.4%) nuclei and large nucleoli (22.2%).



  • (a.) Having its substance arranged in strata, or layers; as, stratified rock.
  • (imp. & p. p.) of Stratify

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Proliferating cells were abundant and scattered throughout the stratified epithelium before the appearance of villi.
  • (2) Cation concentrations were determined in a stratified subsample (n = 89) of the study group.
  • (3) It is a pluri-stratified squamous layer which has some epithelial features (desmosomes and tonofilaments), and lacks connective tissue fibers in the extracellular spaces.
  • (4) Urothelial cells form organoid stratified epithelium.
  • (5) Lactobacillus strains of numerous species isolated from several animal sources exhibited cellular hydrophobicities that differed from those expected on the basis of their abilities to colonize the keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium in the mouse stomach.
  • (6) The movement of the heart reduces stratified inhomogeneity.
  • (7) These studies have therefore identified a constitutive viral promoter which is active throughout stratified epithelium as well as a novel promoter which is induced upon epithelial cell differentiation.
  • (8) It was previously reported that rat keratinocytes grown at the air-liquid interface on collagen gels or on nylon membranes produce multilayered cultures of uniformly stratified cells, comparable to the epidermis in situ by morphological and biochemical criteria.
  • (9) A cross-sectional survey of an age-stratified random sample of 619 independently-living adults (307 males, 312 females) aged 60 years and over, living in Toronto was conducted.
  • (10) This study compares the ages of menarche with ages of first intercourse among adolescent females in 1971 and 1976, stratified by ethnic group and residence (urban versus rural).
  • (11) There was no significant difference when patients were stratified for diabetes (log rank = 2.213, p = no significance [NS]), operative indication (disabling claudication vs. limb salvage) (log rank = 0.0005, p = NS), or outflow (no profundaplasty vs. profundaplasty) (log rank = 2.011, p = NS).
  • (12) This difference persisted stratifying women with gallstones and those in the control group for age.
  • (13) An analysis of all patients, stratified for tumor size, revealed an impact of transfusions on increasing recurrence (P = .007) and decreasing survival (P = .016).
  • (14) The effect of varying degrees of hyperglycaemia on insulin secretion was studied in newly diagnosed non-insulin dependent diabetic patients, stratified according to the fasting plasma glucose values.
  • (15) To control for possible confounding variables, the authors repeated the analyses after stratifying by demographic and diagnostic variables that were distributed differently among men and women.
  • (16) It can be concluded that (i) stratified inhomogeneity in distal alveolar space does not exhibit a limiting factor of oxygen uptake in lungs, (ii) a contribution of stratificational effects to sloping alveolar plateau is expected to be of minor importance.
  • (17) Five acceptable forced expiratory maneuvers were obtained with a portable spirometer from each person in a population of 1,670 selected from a stratified random sample of a community.
  • (18) Stratified analyses showed that this increased risk for clinical disease among smokers was evident at all levels of occlusion, even among women with minimal stenotic disease.
  • (19) Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the stratified squamous epithelium of the esophagus is replaced by metaplastic columnar epithelium that predisposes to the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma.
  • (20) The prevalence of diabetes and obesity were assessed in an age- and sex-stratified sample of 1078 individuals living in Mahé, The Republic of Seychelles.

Words possibly related to "stratified"