(n.) The dried leaf of a South American shrub (Erythroxylon Coca). In med., called Erythroxylon.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the UK, Coca-Cola owns Innocent smoothies while PepsiCo has Tropicana.
(2) The low pH carbonated drink, coca-cola, and a blackcurrent cordial produced no effects.
(3) Potential, polarization, and pH measurements were performed before and after Coca-Cola and orange juice rinsing and intake of sweets, which were used as test products.
(4) In the nineteenth century, some natives of Peru noticed circumoral numbness, euphoria and analgesia after chewing the leaves of the Erythroxylen coca bush.
(5) The beverages tested were a cola beverage ("Coca-Cola"), a carbonated orange drink ("Jaffa") and single strength orange juice.
(6) Nestlé and the other water giants, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, have often cut deals with relatively isolated, impoverished rural communities whereby they take a percentage of the local water supply, paying enough to keep municipal rates low for local residents.
(7) Cocaine base or white coca paste was smoked heavily by 188 patients who came to four hospitals of Lima, Peru.
(8) Red Bull is now the UK's third bestselling soft drink, after Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
(9) Coca leaf, from which cocaine and extracts for some commercial carbonated soft drinks are obtained, remains relatively unknown by the medical and allied professions elsewhere.
(10) In our study of patients with anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) we found a highly significant association of COCA with ALCAPA (85%), although no patient with ALCAPA in this study had evidence of tracheal stenosis documented in the hospital chart.
(11) Good to see that Coca-Cola are paying homage to the Sheffield derby match with those stripes on the pitch."
(12) Meanwhile, the government has suspended its aerial coca crop spraying program and is setting out its new social investment packages.
(13) Daily chewing of coca leaves was reported by 70 (65%) respondents.
(14) At the very least, it would seem to be tinkering with the formula of the biggest spiritual brand in the world, analogous to Coca-Cola changing its famous recipe in 1985 .
(15) Its partners are the Coca-Cola Foundation and the Beverage Institute.
(16) The fumigations ruined our food crops but the coca would just grow back stronger.” As the herbicide rained down on their farms, NGO’s with Plan Colombia cash offered coca growers were offered incentives to substitute coca for legal crops.
(17) Lord Coe has staunchly defended the sponsorship of the London Olympics by fast food and soft drinks companies, arguing that the investment by brands such as Coca-Cola and McDonald's is essential to making the event a success.
(18) The group Georgia Prospers, of which Moore is a member, includes a range of businesses – from Fortune 500 companies like Delta, Coca-Cola, and Home Depot to smaller ones across the state – in support of “treating all Georgians and visitors fairly”.
(19) He began in the cocaine business smuggling small quantities of coca paste from Peru to Colombia.
(20) Instead, the least attractive aspects of London 2012, the ZiL lanes and the Visa-only policy and McDonald's and Coca-Cola as purveyors of sustenance to a sporting nation, were smothered not only by the competition but by the ocean of good humour fostered by the joviality of the volunteers, the inspirational architecture and the attention given to the natural landscape (with apologies to those who had to move to make room for it all).
(n.) Sodium oxide or hydroxide.
(n.) Popularly, sodium carbonate or bicarbonate.
Example Sentences:
(1) Aerobically, the gyrase inhibitors increased the expression of sodA::lacZ in the presence or absence of either paraquat or the iron chelator 2,2'-dipyridyl.
(2) But the truth is that too often, it’s nearly impossible to get the most basic facts about the food we buy for our families.” If the alterations are adopted, drinks companies, for example, would no longer be able to treat a 20oz bottle of soda as containing 2.5 servings of 8oz each for the purpose of labelling estimated calorie levels.
(3) It is hard to determine the impact on obesity and disease, in part because so few sugar taxes have been passed The World Health Organisation calls soda taxes the most effective strategy for improving diet (along with subsidising fruit and vegetables).
(4) Beliefs best differentiating among the three groups were: (1) superiority of taste of their "own" sodas, (2) perceived efficiency to quench thirst, and (3) perceived compatibility with other menu items.
(5) An Australian walked into a bar in Edinburgh and asked for a scotch and soda.
(6) The precise location of the rhaT gene, encoding rhamnose permease, has been established between sodA and rhaC at 3605-3607 kb of Kohara's physical map, which corresponds to 88.4 min on the Escherichia coli chromosomal map.
(7) This procedure employed a column chromatography on DE-52, followed by three steps of HPLC procedures with threonine-Sepharose (prepared as described in this report), TSK gel Phenyl-5PW (Toyo Soda), and TSK gel G3000SW (Toyo Soda) columns.
(8) DNA minor components were not found in haloalkalophilic microorganisms from soda saline soils in contrast to those from soda lakes.
(9) The soda lime capacity is 25 litres (approximately 20 kg).
(10) As obesity and diabetes rates soar around the world, a soda tax is one of the top recommendations of global health experts.
(11) In Mexico, the soda industry responded with more than arguments about exercise – it responded with money.
(12) But raising the kind of money required to defeat the soda industry in a fight over taxes seemed impossible – until Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor of New York City and food nanny to the world, stepped in.
(13) The proper name of this panel is "How I Learned to Stop Worrying & Love Plastic Water Bottles, Fracking, Genetically Modified Food, & Big Gulp Sodas."
(14) Fast "inactivation" of the potassium current is seen with patch pipettes fabricated from soft glass (soda glass or potash lead glass), and is probably caused by block of the potassium channels by di- or multivalent cations released from the glass.
(15) Serves 2 100ml bourbon or whisky 250ml soda water 2 lemon slices 2 sprigs of rosemary For the syrup (makes about 250ml) 225ml lemon juice (5-6 lemons) 120g sugar 4-6 sprigs of rosemary 1 Combine all the syrup ingredients in a medium saucepan, then heat until just boiling.
(16) Annie's soda bread Photograph: Pai9arhonalcna for the Guardian Easy peasy and very tasty.
(17) Detection limits of 0.063 ng of As(III), 0.037 ng of As(v), 0.032 ng of DMA and 0.080 ng of MMA in club soda were achieved using the He-Ar plasma source.
(18) People no longer huddled together where they worked but had to drive out of town to the oil and gas fields and the mine that extracted trona (a mineral used to make baking soda, glass, detergents and textiles).
(19) Mechanical homogenization of sputa before making the smear, carried out by shaking the sputum with glass beads, had a significant effect on the number of detected mycobacteria while homogenization using soda lye did not influence the positivity in any direction.
(20) Consumption of 0% mustard meal and 15% soybean meal, 7.5% mustard meal and 7.5% soybean meal, or 15% mustard meal and 0% soybean meal rations did not differ in palatability studies with 10 group-fed lactating cows when the mustard meal was treated with 3% caustic soda.