(n.) Mineral coal charred, or depriver of its bitumen, sulphur, or other volatile matter by roasting in a kiln or oven, or by distillation, as in gas works. It is lagerly used where / smokeless fire is required.
(v. t.) To convert into coke.
Example Sentences:
(1) An actor dressed like one of the polar bears that figure in Coke ads limped up, wearing a prosthesis on one paw, a dialysis bag and tubing.
(2) The risk for gastric cancer and non-malignant respiratory disease among the workers of the coke shipping department was increased but the SMRs did not reach statistical significance.
(3) The coke sailed up my nasal passage, leaving behind the delicious smell of a hot leather car seat on the way back from the beach.
(4) And failing that, drink a Diet Coke and a beer simultaneously just before you go in.
(5) A video obtained by the Mail on Sunday showing Flowers counting out £300 after being asked for "money for the coke" also sparked calls by Conservative MP Andrew Tyrie for the current system of authorising top bankers to be overhauled.
(6) Thirty years after one of the pivotal clashes in the miners' strike of 1984 when violent confrontations erupted at the Orgreave coking plant, the area outside Sheffield could barely look more different.
(7) The environmentally exposed donors were residents from the vicinity of a coke factory; the occupationally exposed persons were cokery workers, while rural region inhabitants served as a control group.
(8) Last month one woman asked for a bag of crisps and a bottle of cherry coke and burst into tears when she got it.
(9) And while we're thinking of breaking things, check out an Italian's attempt on a world record involving a bottle of coke, some Nutella chocolate spread, some Mentos and a condom.
(10) Also, coke oven workers had slightly higher adduct values than age, sex and smoking matched controls.
(11) Approximate relative risks, which take into account race, age, and calendar years of follow-up, have been calculated for various work areas of the coke plant.
(12) Thiocyanate-assimilatig bacterium, TK 21, was isolated from activated sludge used for the treatment of thiocyanate contained in coke-oven liquor.
(13) Six normal subjects each ingested a single 12-oz can of a diet cola (Diet Coke) providing 184 mg aspartame (APM), of which 104 mg is phenylalanine (Phe), and, on another occasion, a single 12-oz can of regular cola (Coke Classic).
(14) Fuelled by latent ambition (and maybe a bit of that coke), Joan – with the help of some divine Cosgrovian intervention – decided she could turn her hand to producing ads.
(15) The purpose of this study was to determine the clinical, epidemiological and evolutive characteristics of interdigital and plantar intertrigo of the feet among people working in a coking plant, a potash mine and a motorcar factory.
(16) Inoculation of different trypanosome strains into volunteers yielded positive parasitaemia for original isolates from lion, hyaena, and Coke's hartebeest.
(17) The effect is of someone with a boyish energy who has had too many Cokes, but even on bad days, says Fox, "I don't care.
(18) Not only that, it’s allowed other newspapers to declare open season on Cameron’s private life, as we see from today’s “coke parties” splash in the Sun .
(19) However, Innocent was one of the brands highlighted last year as containing high levels of sugar: a 250ml serving of its pomegranate, blueberry and acai smoothie contains 34g of sugar, around the same as a 330ml can of Coke.
(20) And, though I mixed heroin and coke [Goldin continued to use heroin but not intravenously], I never smoked crack.
(n.) A private path or road; also, the wicket or hatch of a door.
Example Sentences:
(1) The students – Hoe-Yeong Loke, Mila Akimova and four unnamed others – complained that the university's decision to speak publicly about the undercover expedition, led by the Panorama presenter John Sweeney, had exposed them to threats from Pyongyang.
(2) These results agree with analogous studies of normal human T lymphocytes [Heikkila, R., Schwab, G., Wickstrom, E., Loke, S. L., Pluznik, D. H., Watt, R. & Neckers, L. M. (1987) Nature (London) 328, 445-449], except that only one-third as much oligomer was needed for a comparable effect.
(3) The possible role of these cells in the regulation of the trophoblast-maternal interface is discussed here by Ashley King and Yung Wai Loke.