(1) This "gender identity movement" has brought together such unlikely collaborators as surgeons, endocrinologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists, and research specialists into a mutually rewarding arena.
(2) The safe motherhood initiative demands an intersectoral, collaborative approach to gynecology, family planning, and child health in which midwifery is the key element.
(3) Based on the results of the Community AIM Exploratory Action, further collaborative work is required at EEC level to create an Integrated Health Information Environment (IHE) allowing essentially for integration, modularity and security.
(4) Since 1987 consultation-liaison (C-L) psychiatrists in Europe have decided to develop a closer collaboration to stimulate the development of the C-L field.
(5) UPDATE II [Tues.] Two other items that may be of interest: first, Guardian editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger was the guest for the full hour yesterday on Democracy Now, discussing the paper's role in reporting the NSA stories, and the video and transcript of the interview are here ; second, marking our collaboration on a series of articles about spying on Indians, the Hindu has a long interview with me on a variety of related topics, here .
(6) "Thousands of scientists and officials from over 100 countries have collaborated to achieve greater certainty as to the scale of the warming," the panel said.
(7) They’ve already collaborated with folks like DOOM, Ghostface Killah and Frank Ocean; I was lucky enough to hear a sneak peek of their incredible collaboration with Future Islands’ Sam Herring from their forthcoming album.
(8) It is argued that the provision of accurate and useful probabilistic assessments of future events should be a fundamental task for biostatisticians collaborating in clinical or experimental medicine, and we explore two aspects of obtaining and evaluating such predictions.
(9) Thus, monocytes may play a dual role, not only as effector cells, but also as cells that collaborate with T cells after OKT3 MoAb stimulation so as to produce PCA.
(10) In April, a Cochrane Collaboration review suggested that oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is not a clinically effective treatment for influenza .
(11) This cell population gives rise initially to oligodendrocytes and then to type-2 astrocytes, both of which apparently collaborate in sheathing axons in the CNS.
(12) Collaborations of epidemiologists and experimental scientists.
(13) Nurses are an indispensable part of these urban health teams and, if they are not already, should start now to become involved in urban policymaking and planning and consider how their national nurses' association can individually or collaboratively support healthy city projects and national healthy city networks.
(14) It is indispensable to establish a close cooperation between the public health authorities and the private physician, and we therefore wish to sincerely thank all colleagues and Public Health Officers for their collaboration.
(15) The collaborative approach focused on rewards of behavioral change and minimized attention to prevention of negative behaviors, while openly valuing input from the women who are potential health promoters in their own communities.
(16) Recommendations are made for continued international collaboration in this field and "Criteria on the Role of the Individual and the Community in the Research, Development, and Use of Biologicals" are formulated.
(17) The accuracy of procedures for sizing hypervariable restriction fragments by Southern blot analysis (SBA) has been tested under three different experimental conditions: (i) intrablot serial analyses: three heterozygous DNA profiles were tested 14 times each in the same gel electrophoresis; (ii) intralaboratory analyses: we replicated three profiles (six autoradiographic bands) in over 100 SBA experiments; (iii) interlaboratory analyses: 15 serial measurements produced in a recent collaborative study (Forensic Sci.
(18) The fiery energy she radiated on stage and her motormouth, ragga-influenced raps brought her to the attention of So Solid Crew, who invited her to collaborate.
(19) Present model pathogenicity systems require standardization, estimation of specificity and sensitivity limits, examination by collaborative study, and ascertainment of human equivalence.
(20) She lives in Brooklyn, where she is currently an MFA candidate at Pratt Institute, co-host of SHIRLEY and a member of the Belladonna* Collaborative.
(n.) A body politic or corporate, formed and authorized by law to act as a single person, and endowed by law with the capacity of succession; a society having the capacity of transacting business as an individual.
Example Sentences:
(1) When reformist industrialist Robert Owen set about creating a new community among the workers in his New Lanark cotton-spinning mills at the turn of the nineteenth century, it was called socialism, not corporate social responsibility.
(2) Stringer, a Vietnam war veteran who was knighted in 1999, is already inside the corporation, if only for a few months, after he was appointed as one of its non-executive directors to toughen up the BBC's governance following a string of scandals, from the Jimmy Savile abuse to multimillion-pound executive payoffs.
(3) Mike Enzi of Wyoming A senior senator from Wyoming, Enzi worked for the Department of Interior and the private Black Hills Corporation before being elected to Congress.
(4) "The Republic genuinely wishes Northern Ireland well and that includes the 12.5% corporate tax rate," he said.
(5) Pickles said that to restore its public standing, the corporation needed to be more transparent, including opening itself up to freedom of information requests.
(6) This includes cutting corporation tax to 20%, the lowest in the G20, and improving our visa arrangements with a new mobile visa service up and running in Beijing and Shanghai and a new 24-hour visa service on offer from next summer.
(7) Analysis of official registers reveals the 38 companies in the first wave of the initiative – more than two-thirds of which are based overseas – have collectively had 698 face-to-face meetings with ministers under the current government, prompting accusations of an over-cosy relationship between corporations and ministers.
(8) He strongly welcomes the rise of the NGO movement, which combines with media coverage to produce the beginning of some "countervailing power" to the larger corporations and the traditional policies of first world governments.
(9) Why Corporate America is reluctant to take a stand on climate action Read more “We have these quantum leaps,” Friedberg said.
(10) Photograph: David Grayson David Grayson, director, The Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, Cranfield University David became professor of corporate responsibility and director of the Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility at Cranfield School of Management, in April 2007, after a 30 year career as a social entrepreneur and campaigner for responsible business, diversity, and small business development.
(11) Can somebody who is not a billionaire, who stands for working families, actually win an election into which billionaires are pouring millions of dollars?” Naming prominent and controversial rightwing donors, he said: “It is not just Hillary, it is the Koch brothers, it is Sheldon Adelson.” Stephanopoulos seized the moment, asking: “Are you lumping her in with them?” Choosing to refer to the 2010 supreme court decision that removed limits on corporate political donations, rather than address the question directly, Sanders replied: “What I am saying is that I get very frightened about the future of American democracy when this becomes a battle between billionaires.
(12) However, Pearson is understood to have believed an offer from News Corporation to buy Penguin outright would not have been financially viable.
(13) The Cambridge-based couple felt ignored when tried to raise the alarm about the way their business – publisher Zenith – was treated by Lynden Scourfield, the former HBOS banker jailed last week, and David Mills’ Quayside Corporate Services.
(14) It will not be so low as to put off candidates from outside the corporation but will be substantially less than Thompson's £671,000 annual remuneration – in line with Patten's desire to clamp down on BBC executive pay, which he said had become a "toxic issue".
(15) And what next for Channel 4's other great digital radio champion, its director of new business and corporate development, Nathalie Schwarz?
(16) The trust was a compromise hammered out in the wake of the Hutton report, when the corporation hoped to maintain the status quo by preserving the old BBC governors.
(17) Ian Read, Pfizer's Scottish-born chief executive, said the tax structure would protect AstraZeneca's revenues from the 38% rate of corporation tax in the US.
(18) Of the three main parties, the most promising ideas are housing zones and self-build for the Conservatives, Labour’s new homes corporations, and the strong garden cities offer from the Liberal Democrats .
(19) Given the importance of knowing the corporal composition according to the model of the four components (fat, mineral, fat free and aqueous) the same was calculated in 220 women and 130 men, considered as normal, between the ages of 15 and 49.
(20) In contrast, corporate support was positively correlated with the number of hours of total work per week, but negatively correlated with the amount of time currently devoted to research.