(a.) Pertaining to, or used in, conversation, esp. common and familiar conversation; conversational; hence, unstudied; informal; as, colloquial intercourse; colloquial phrases; a colloquial style.
Example Sentences:
(1) When the Washington Post reports a boom in bullet-proof backpacks for children, it is not a good time to be a resident of a place colloquially known as The Arms.
(2) The prose rhythm and colloquial diction here work against exaggeration, but allow for humour.
(3) In colloquial terms, senior ministers in the new government should have been having more cups of tea with the crossbench members in the Senate in the weeks and months after the election.
(4) This paper attempts a new departure both in German dialectology and in phonemic analysis: (i) It is based on an open corpus of spontaneous, colloquial speech.
(5) The Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire was modified for use amongst British patients by the substitution of colloquial expressions.
(6) For both thyroxine and triiodothyronine the component contribution of within-individual variation to the population-based variation (the latter also termed the 'reference interval', or colloquially the 'normal range') was small.
(7) We can end our nation’s domestic violence epidemic by properly funding crisis lines, legal centres, emergency accommodation, affordable long-term accommodation and prevention.” Thousands of Australians still turned away from homeless services Read more Labor introduced a private members’ bill earlier in the year to criminalise the sharing of private sexual imagery without the consent of the subject, a practice colloquially known as revenge porn.
(8) Emad Hajjaj, a popular Jordanian cartoonist, drew an elderly Palestinian woman by her sagging UN tent saying – in an untranslatable pun on the words “Charlie” and the colloquial Arabic “I have been” – that she had lived as a refugee for the 67 years since the creation of Israel in 1948.
(9) The media as a whole should be united in defending freedom of expression.” NewstrAid, known colloquially as “Old Ben”, was set up in 1839 to support newspaper vendors in London.
(10) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a poem that succeeds through a series of vivid contrasts: standard English contrasting with colloquial speech; the devotion and virtue of the young knight contrasting with the growling threats of his green foe; exchanges of courtly love contrasting with none-too-subtle sexual innuendo; exquisite robes and priceless crowns contrasting with spurting blood and the steaming organs of butchered animals; polite, indoor society contrasting with the untamed, unpredictable outdoors.
(11) Whereas in 37 of 51 patients a normal or almost normal colloquial speech could be demonstrated, 30 of 39 patients with cleft lip and palate showed a normal or almost normal realization of the test sentences.
(12) Comey made self-deprecating jokes and slipped into colloquialisms.
(13) He was studiedly colloquial – "You won't believe this, Jacqueline" – and cast himself as the rebel.
(14) Being friends with Irish people is almost a nostalgic thing – we can speak some Irish language, reminisce about Irish colloquialisms and talk about sports.
(15) Similar changes were also observed on acupuncture points CV17 (Shan Zhong), CV 22 (Tian Tu), Yin Tang (at an area just between the eyebrows: the pituitary gland representation area, colloquially known as the "third eye") and GV20(Bai Hui), the entire pericardium meridian & triple burner meridian, their acupuncture points, the adrenal glands, testes, ovaries and perineum, as well as along the entire spinal vertebrae, particularly on and above the 12th thoracic vertebra, medulla oblongata, pons, and the intestinal representation areas of the brain located just above and behind the upper ear.
(16) In his commentary, Robinson writes that Chaplin "can move without warning from the baldly colloquial to dazzling yet apparently effortless imagery, as when the crushed Calvero gazes 'wearily into the secretive river, gliding phantom-like in a life of its own … smiling satanically at him as it flecked myriad lights from the moon and from the lamps along the embankment'".
(17) When a physician performs unprofessional activity breaking the rules of his profession, which is colloquially interpreted as charlatanism, the term "malpractice" is used.
(18) He volunteered initially but within months had secured a permanent position in the West Wing, latterly as the President's aide – a role dubbed the "body man", or more colloquially "butt boy" in the US.
(19) The voice that Plath eventually created is indeed fresh, brazen and colloquial, but also sardonic and bitter, the story of a young woman's psychological disintegration and eventual – provisional – recovery.
(20) He might have said "we agree to disagree" or used some other flaccid political colloquialism for the truth – that to Gordon, this lady's views were bizarre – but he just said it like it was.
(v. i.) To slaver; to let spittle drop or flow from the mouth, like a child, idiot, or dotard.
(v. i.) To be weak or foolish; to dote; as, a driveling hero; driveling love.
(n.) Slaver; saliva flowing from the mouth.
(n.) Inarticulate or unmeaning utterance; foolish talk; babble.
(n.) A driveler; a fool; an idiot.
(n.) A servant; a drudge.
Example Sentences:
(1) The 2010 manifesto , which Farage has called "drivel", called for taxi drivers to be required to wear uniforms, dress codes for the theatre and for the Circle line on London's underground to be made a circle again.
(2) The flame is never extinguished.” Olympic flame extinguished by Rio protesters Seeking comfort in drivel Alexis Petridis considers Khloe Kardashian’s thoughts on vitamin E vaginal oil, topless model Katie Price’s “double-bum selfie”, or the news that Kris Jenner refused to visit Cuba with the Kardashian brood.
(3) Suzanne Evans, the party policy chief, confirmed the U-turn as she set out how the manifesto would be a much more serious document than the 2010 one, which was later dismissed by Farage as nonsense and drivel.
(4) The authors compared nine manic patients exhibiting formal thought disorders (tangentiality, neologisms, drivelling, private use of words, and paraphasias) with 102 manic patients without these thought disorders and with 31 schizophrenic patients.
(5) Nigel Farage rightly dismissed Ukip's 2010 election manifesto as total drivel, then tried to distance himself from such nonsense as bringing in uniforms for taxi drivers, until it emerged he'd written the foreword.
(6) In 51 years working in the City of London rarely have I heard such drivel spoken by senior politicians, trade union leaders and fully paid-up members of the bleeding-heart club over the valuation of the Royal Mail's flotation .
(7) They are bolstered by nonsense economics and spun out by thinktanks endowed for the specific purpose of mainstreaming drivel through relentless repetition.
(8) Ever since this exhibitionist drivel began, otherwise sentient people have been sobbing into their popcorn about thwarted love and the passing of time.
(9) Who needs a programme in which no one believes, even one that its leader thinks is drivel, when preaching the language of betrayal brings a warm glow of recognition to a swath of the electorate.
(10) Despite sitting for 50 hours of taped interviews – scarcely credible, I know, given the drivel that follows – Julian decided there was no point in making himself look like an unstable, megalomaniac dickhead as his entire advance had been pocketed by his lawyers.
(11) By applying an intelligence-led model and working with our partner agencies across the border continuum,” this Matrix-induced drivel goes on, “we deliver effective border control over who and what has the right to enter or exit, and under what conditions.” Other than the weird licence such words give to find and punish evil, well, anywhere – hot spots of global people smuggling such as Flinders Lane, my pub, your cafe – the last two clauses, eerily echo John Howard’s infamous 2001 speech in which he declared: “But we will decide who comes to this country and the circumstances in which they come.” Only now, it seems they seem to want to decide a whole lot more about us all.
(12) Prefiguring attitudes now associated with John Humphrys and Jeremy Paxman, Robinson succeeded in breaking through what he called the "sonorous drivel" of politicians, of whom he once said: "It's impossible to make the bastards reply to a straight question."
(13) Daniel Taylor The hour before every England match when Arsenal's pitch-announcer, Paul Burrell, subjected us to all that boneheaded drivel – "think of 1966" and "are we ready?"
(14) Last week Farage had to confess that the party's 2010 manifesto was "drivel" , with its pledges to repaint trains in traditional colours, to bring back "proper dress" at the theatre and to investigate discrimination against white people at the BBC.
(15) Nigel Farage disowned it (“drivel”) and the man who wrote it has long since rejoined the Tory party.
(16) So much of Wolf's work is utter drivel – and I say this as someone in possession of the sacred feminine "force".
(17) On the idiocy, waste and vacuous drivel that constitutes “the case for Trident”, he has been right.
(18) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Nigel Farage's attempt to distance himself from the "drivel" and "nonsense" in Ukip's policy documents at the last election was undermined on Friday after it emerged he wrote the foreword to the party's manifesto and helped to launch it at an event in London.
(19) The series of general frequency shows: driveling 67.9%, desultory thinking 57.3%, withdrawal, broadcasting, insertion 32.7%, loosening of association, gaps, derailment 28.9%, blocking 16.5%, transitoriness, movielike thinking, double-sense thinking 12.0%.
(20) Everyone can see it for the climate denier drivel it is.