(v. t.) Serving, or helping, to form; composing; constituting; constituent.
(n.) A constituent part; an ingredient.
Example Sentences:
(1) The femoral component, made of Tivanium with titanium mesh attached to it by a new process called diffusion bonding, retains superalloy fatigue strength characteristics.
(2) Following in vitro C activation in NHS by delta IgG, the 40 KD C4d component increased markedly.
(3) Sequence variation in the gp116 component of cytomegalovirus envelope glycoprotein B was examined in 11 clinical strains and compared with variation in gp55.
(4) Results show diet, self-control and parts of insulin-therapy to be problematic treatment components.
(5) Family therapists have attempted to convert the acting-out behavioral disorders into an effective state, i.e., make the family aware of their feelings of deprivation by focusing on the aggressive component.
(6) The specific limited trypsinolysis of bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase (T7RP) was performed in the presence of various components of the polymerase reaction and some GTP-analogs--irreversible inhibitors of the enzyme.
(7) One of the main components was confirmed to be caffeic acid which had inhibitory effect on renal failure in mice by Ac1-P.
(8) This paper has considered the effects and potential application of PFCs, their emulsions and emulsion components for regulating growth and metabolic functions of microbial, animal and plant cells in culture.
(9) CRF-ir cells were for the most part concentrated in the medial parvocellular component of PVN.
(10) We conclude that the rat somatosympathetic reflex consists of an early excitatory component due to the early activation of RVL-spinal sympathoexcitatory neurons with rapidly conducting axons and a later peak that may arise from the late activation of these same neurons as well as the early activation of RVL vasomotor neurons with more slowly conducting spinal axons.
(11) Mixtures of 2 components involving kappa-casein were more readily dephosphorylated than alphas- and beta-casein mixtures.
(12) Histone mRNA, labeled with 32P or 3H-methionine during the S phase of partially synchronized HeLa cells, was isolated from the polyribosomes and purified as a "9S" component by sucrose gradient sedimentation.
(13) Our results on humoral and cellular components of immunity in dependence of age, according to SENIEUR protocol admission criteria are presented.
(14) Normal cultured human epidermal melanocytes and melanoma cells derived from three different malignant melanomas were examined for synthesis of extracellular matrix components before and after treatment for one day with interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, or both.
(15) Mild, significant improvement was noted in one of the hearing components, "attenuation," and an adverse effect was shown on "distortion," owing to noise.
(16) Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE (non-reduced and then reduced) analyses of HSV-1-infected HEL cells treated with the cleavable cross-linker DTBP demonstrated that molecules that comigrated with gC were the only components of these high Mr complexes.
(17) In subsequent experiments, both components were found to be significant and additive predictors of face recognition with no residual effect of typicality.
(18) Digestion of cytoplasmic components of horny cells was observed by electron microscopy, but both cell membranes and desmosomes remained intact.
(19) In the presence of high external Cl, a component of outward current that was inhibited by the anion channel blocker diphenylamine-2-carboxylate (DPC) appeared in 70% of the cells.
(20) A key component of a career program should be recognition of a nurse's needs and the program should be evaluated to determine if these needs are met.
(n.) The act of distributing or dispensing; the act of dividing or apportioning among several or many; apportionment; as, the distribution of an estate among heirs or children.
(n.) Separation into parts or classes; arrangement of anything into parts; disposition; classification.
(n.) That which is distributed.
(n.) A resolving a whole into its parts.
(n.) The sorting of types and placing them in their proper boxes in the cases.
(n.) The steps or operations by which steam is supplied to and withdrawn from the cylinder at each stroke of the piston; viz., admission, suppression or cutting off, release or exhaust, and compression of exhaust steam prior to the next admission.
Example Sentences:
(1) However, as other patients who lived at the periphery of the Valserine valley do not appear to be related to any patients living in the valley, and because there has been considerable immigration into the valley, a number of hypotheses to explain the distribution of the disease in the region remain possible.
(2) The resulting dose distribution is displayed using traditional 2-dimensional displays or as an isodose surface composited with underlying anatomy and the target volume.
(3) The distribution and configuration of the experimental ruptures were similar to those usually noted as complications of human myocardial infarction.
(4) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
(5) Using monoclonal antibodies directed against the plasma membrane of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, we demonstrated previously that a glycoprotein with an Mr = 23,000 (gp23) had a non-polarized cell surface distribution and was observed on both the apical and basolateral membranes (Ojakian, G. K., Romain, R. E., and Herz, R. E. (1987) Am.
(6) Models able to describe the events of cellular growth and division and the dynamics of cell populations are useful for the understanding of functional control mechanisms and for the theoretical support for automated analysis of flow cytometric data and of cell volume distributions.
(7) The subcellular distribution of sialyltransferase and its product of action, sialic acid, was investigated in the undifferentiated cells of the rat intestinal crypts and compared with the pattern observed in the differentiated cells present in the surface epithelium.
(8) Sixteen patients were operated on for lumbar pain and pain radiating into the sciatic nerve distribution.
(9) Furthermore, their distribution in various ethnic groups residing in different districts of Rajasthan state (Western-India) is also reviewed.
(10) A quantitative comparison of tissue distribution and excretion of an orally administered sublethal dose of [3H]diacetoxyscirpenol (anguidine) was made in rats and mice 90 min, 24 hr, and 7 days after treatment.
(11) Their contour lengths varied from 0.28 to 51 micron, but unlike in the case of maize, a large difference was not observed in the distribution of molecular classes greater than 1.0 micron between N and S cytoplasms of sugar beet.
(12) The regional distribution of beta-adrenoceptor subtypes was found to be similar to that seen in the rat brain.
(13) The distribution of gelsolin, a calcium-dependent actin-severing and capping protein, in the retina of the developing and adult rabbit was studied.
(14) In the cannulated group, significant decreases (P less than 0.05) in the area under the elimination curve (AUC), the volume of distribution at steady-state (Vdss) and the mean residence time (MRT) were observed.
(15) Febrile reactions were not distributed randomly among the patients; those with respiratory tract infection experienced more febrile reactions during periods with infection than during periods without.
(16) Despite this alteration in subcellular distribution, the mutant polypeptide retained the ability to induce fibroblast transformation by several parameters, including the ability to display anchorage-independent growth.
(17) Probability distributions are fitted to these data and it is shown that the log-series distribution best fits the data for two subgroups.
(18) Employed method of observation gave quantitative information about the influence of odours on ratios of basic predeterminate activities, insect distribution pattern and their tendency to choose zones with an odour.
(19) Flow cytofluorometric analysis of the strain distribution of the molecules defined by the mAb revealed that two of the antibodies (I-22 and III-5) were directed against nonpolymorphic determinants of Thy-1, whereas V-8 mAb reacted only with Thy-1.2+ lymphocytes.
(20) In contrast with oligodendrocytes, [Cl-]i in astrocytes is significantly increased (from 20 to 40 mM) above the equilibrium distribution owing to the activity of an inward directed Cl- pump; this suggests a different mechanism of K+ uptake in these cells.