(n.) One who, or that which, conducts; a leader; a commander; a guide; a manager; a director.
(n.) One in charge of a public conveyance, as of a railroad train or a street car.
(n.) The leader or director of an orchestra or chorus.
(n.) A substance or body capable of being a medium for the transmission of certain forces, esp. heat or electricity; specifically, a lightning rod.
(n.) A grooved sound or staff used for directing instruments, as lithontriptic forceps, etc.; a director.
(n.) Same as Leader.
Example Sentences:
(1) The orientation of the dilating balloon in the inlet and outlet portions of the left ventricle, change of the catheter-dilator is controlled due to a loop of the conductor connecting the right and left parts of the heart.
(2) The adrenergic fibres form developed plexuses different in the density of disposition of nerve conductors on the arteries of different segments of the spinal cord.
(3) (Peter Adamik) The Order of Merit (OM) awarded to individuals of greatest achievement in the fields of the arts, learning, literature and science, goes to the conductor Sir Simon Rattle , and to the heart surgeon Professor Sir Magdi Yacoub.
(4) The Audiant Bone Conductor has been heralded as an aid for use in conductive hearing loss; however, its possible use in unilateral sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) has also been proposed.
(5) The driver refused to stop at her village despite her repeated pleas and instead drove her, the only passenger on the bus, to a remote farmhouse where he and the bus conductor were joined by five friends.
(6) The extracellular potentials of single frog muscle fibers in homogeneous unbounded volume conductor at different temperature are calculated.
(7) The electrical conduction of the ECG from the fetal heart to the maternal abdomen has been modelled by using volume conductor models based on the measured actual geometry.
(8) This can be deduced from the facts that the inhibition by valinomycin is relatively insensitive to pH, is considerably greater in Na(+)- than in K(+)-containing buffers, and is not enhanced by the addition of proton conductors.
(9) The changes in the integral of the extracellular action potentials (EAPs) generated by an infinite homogeneous fibre in an infinite homogeneous and isotropic volume conductor were studied at different radial distances (yo) from the fibre axis, depending on the propagation velocity (v), duration (Tin) and asymmetry of the intracellular action potential (IAP).
(10) These stationary potentials can spread widely in a volume conductor and can even be detected in a non-stimulated subject making a close contact to the generator source.
(11) These phenomena were attributed to the complex spread of the bioelectrical potentials in the nonhomogeneous volume conductor formed by the tissues of the temporal bone.
(12) No conductor telling me when to come in, no legato or staccato to follow.
(13) It has been suggested that many attributes of gastrointestinal electrical activity cannot be adequately explained by classic "core-conductor" or "cable" models of excitation and conduction.
(14) The antennas are made of thin coaxial cables with a radiation gap or gaps on the outer conductor.
(15) We are thankful for the efficient therapy of the semi conductor Ga As Laser and the possibility that we have through the use of such an instrument to reduce the supply of the anti inflammatory medicines in patients that experience pain.
(16) Following reestablishment of the main blood flow a positive electrical potential (3--4 V) was fed on the prosthesis by means of a current conductor.
(17) Fields H3, H4, H5 send no afferent conductors to the post-commissural fornix.
(18) Out of interest, we were contacted by another reader this week who wrote to say that a train conductor she met on holiday last year, who lived in York, was saying how delighted he was that his rail company had upped the "commission rate he received on tickets sold on the train to people unable to produce a proper ticket".
(19) Myelinated nerve fiber excitation is determined from a core-conductor nerve model, whose nodal currents are described by the Frankenhaeuser-Huxley kinetics and the aforementioned field providing the applied potentials.
(20) Considering the brain as a volume conductor, the ways of revealing the ocular movement artefacts in the frontal EEG leads have been suggested.
(n.) One who, or that which, leads or conducts; a guide; a conductor.
(n.) One who goes first.
(n.) One having authority to direct; a chief; a commander.
(n.) A performer who leads a band or choir in music; also, in an orchestra, the principal violinist; the one who plays at the head of the first violins.
(n.) A block of hard wood pierced with suitable holes for leading ropes in their proper places.
(n.) The principal wheel in any kind of machinery.
(n.) A horse placed in advance of others; one of the forward pair of horses.
(n.) A pipe for conducting rain water from a roof to a cistern or to the ground; a conductor.
(n.) A net for leading fish into a pound, weir, etc. ; also, a line of gut, to which the snell of a fly hook is attached.
(n.) A branch or small vein, not important in itself, but indicating the proximity of a better one.
(n.) The first, or the principal, editorial article in a newspaper; a leading or main editorial article.
(n.) A type having a dot or short row of dots upon its face.
(n.) a row of dots, periods, or hyphens, used in tables of contents, etc., to lead the eye across a space to the right word or number.
Example Sentences:
(1) In attacking the motion to freeze the licence fee during today's Parliamentary debate the culture secretary, Andy Burnham, criticised the Tory leader.
(2) Squadron Leader Kevin Harris, commander of the Merlins at Camp Bastion, the main British base in Helmand, praised the crews, adding: "The Merlins will undergo an extensive programme of maintenance and cleaning before being packed up, ensuring they return to the UK in good order."
(3) On 9 January 2002, a few hours after Blair became the first western leader to visit Afghanistan's new post-Taliban leader, Hamid Karzai, an aircraft carrying the first group of MI5 interrogators touched down at Bagram airfield, 32 miles north of Kabul.
(4) The criticism over the downgrading of the leader of the Lords was led by Lord Forsyth of Drumlean, a former Scotland secretary, who is a respected figure on the right.
(5) David Cameron last night hit out at his fellow world leaders after the G8 dropped the promise to meet the historic aid commitments made at Gleneagles in 2005 from this year's summit communique.
(6) To a supporter at the last election like me – someone who spoke alongside Nick Clegg at the curtain-raiser event for the party conference during the height of Labour's onslaught on civil liberties, and was assured privately by two leaders that the party was onside about civil liberties – this breach of trust and denial of principle is astonishing.
(7) Fatah leader Yahya Rabah said the organisation would celebrate "with our brothers in Hamas", the Ma'an news agency reported.
(8) We have examined the in vitro membrane assembly characteristics of a variety of leader peptidase mutants and found that domains required for insertion in vivo are also necessary for insertion in vitro.
(9) Meanwhile Ed Miliband, the Labour leader, waiting anxiously for news of the scale of the Labour advance in his first nationwide electoral test, will urge the electorate not to be duped by the promise of a coalition mark 2, predicting sham concessions by the Conservatives .
(10) For this to work, its leaders had to be able to at least influence the behaviour and tactics of the militant operators on the ground.
(11) Coup leader Captain Amadou Sanogo on Friday pleaded for foreign help to preserve the territorial integrity of the former French colony, a major gold and cotton producer.
(12) In a poll before the debate, 48% predicted that Merkel, who will become Europe's longest serving leader if re-elected on 22 September, would emerge as the winner of the US-style debate, while 26% favoured Steinbruck, a former finance minister who is known for his quick-wit and rhetorical skills, but sometimes comes across as arrogant.
(13) Leaders of Tory local government are preparing radical proposals for minimum 10% cuts in public spending in the search for savings.
(14) He is a leader and helps manage the defence, while Pablo Armero can be a bit of a loose cannon but he is certainly a talented player.
(15) Gove said in the interview that he did not want to be Tory leader, claiming that he lacked the "extra spark of charisma and star quality" possessed by others.
(16) But to treat a mistake as an automatic disqualification for advancement – even as heinous a mistake as presiding over a botched operation that resulted in the killing of an innocent man – could be depriving organisations, and the country, of leaders who have been tested and will not make the same mistake again.
(17) "It's a very open question as to whether this will come," said a diplomat in Brussels, adding that Cameron could find himself in the lonely position of being the sole national leader urging a renegotiation.
(18) The nucleoprotein gene is located proximal to the 3' end of the genome and is preceeded by a putative leader sequence.
(19) The PUP leader told the ABC his announcement would have international significance.
(20) The prime minister insisted, however, that he and other world leaders were not being stubborn over demands that the Syrian leader, President Bashar al-Assad, step down at the end of the peace process.