(a.) Composed of stones, pebbles, or fragments of rocks, cemented together.
(n.) That which is heaped together in a mass or conpacted from various sources; a mass formed of fragments; collection; accumulation.
(n.) A rock, composed or rounded fragments of stone cemented together by another mineral substance, either calcareous, siliceous, or argillaceous; pudding stone; -- opposed to agglomerate. See Breccia.
(v. t.) To gather into a ball or round body; to collect into a mass.
Example Sentences:
(1) Silicotuberculous bronchadenitis, conglomerate-cirrhotic lower-lobe silicotuberculosis and their complications (e.g.
(2) The Hashd al-Shaabi, a conglomerate of primarily Shia militias that has played a key role in ousting Isis from cities such as Tikrit, appeared to take a backseat in the liberation of Ramadi, ceding the task primarily to the Iraqi elite counter-terrorism force, local police, the Iraqi army and a small group of Sunni tribesmen, backed by US-led airstrikes.
(3) It is thought Tata, the Indian conglomerate that also owns Jaguar Land Rover and Tetley Tea, is also preparing to cut several hundred roles in operations that serve the Scunthorpe plant, mainly at its Rotherham site.
(4) Physiological functions are a conglomeration of cell functions, and all cells are regulated by information processing and energy distributing systems.
(5) Hutchison Whampoa, the Hong Kong conglomerate that owns Three, agreed in March 2015 to buy O2 from Telefónica of Spain.
(6) In both the experiments there were detected cells in their majority with thinner walls, L-form-like structures, protoplasts and single conglomerates of the cells with thicker walls and anomalous division and the cells at the moment of lysis.
(7) Yet in recent months, Ma has pushed the company far beyond its core domain, placing it among the ranks of highly diversified conglomerates such as Google and GE.
(8) At the beginning of the 2000s, Motsepe began to found a number of companies which would constitute the ARM conglomeration.
(9) His Ukrainian conglomerate reportedly controls nearly half of that country’s coal production, and around a third of its electricity production and distribution.
(10) Apparently the latter represented conglomerates of adherent spheroid elements that resembled somewhat "large bodies" of L-forms.
(11) Among the other detainees was Wu Minglie, the chairman of the New Huangpu group, one of the city's biggest conglomerates.
(12) Its director, Roland Demleitner, said large brewery conglomerates had been increasingly aggressive in their attempts to push small regional breweries out of the shrinking market.
(13) The roentgenological picture of median oat-cell cancer is characterized by the presence of tumor conglomerate in the lung hilus, which consisted of the primary tumor penetrating in lymph nodes adjacent to the bronchus in 66.6% of canses.
(14) Tata Steel has halted plans to sell the Port Talbot steelworks and is instead working on keeping its UK business as part of a joint venture with the German conglomerate ThyssenKrupp.
(15) Electronmicroscopically, the former was a conglomerate of electron-dense materials of various degrees and the latter had a membrane-limited granular structure.
(16) As was found by immunoelectron microscopy, the initial and resistant cells contained WRS in most of their cellular compartments: on free polyribosomes, as large conglomerates in the cytoplasm, on polysomes bound to the rough endoplasmic reticulum membranes and to the outer nuclear membrane, on the cytoskeleton, and in the detergent-insoluble nuclear matrix.
(17) Three banks have been hired to advise on the restructuring with the possibliity of a fourth bank involved, Murdoch's long time adviser Allen & Co. Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Centerview Partners have been hired to advise the media conglomerate, a person familiar with the matter told Fox News.
(18) Whole-tissue stress-strain behavior under uniaxial loading is predicted from an analysis of the compression of a conglomerate of cells in a simple arrangement.
(19) • Far from giving you a blueprint for your rise to the top, these routines will probably cause you to reconsider the whole idea of becoming CEO of a major communications conglomerate.
(20) Aristegui’s team not only uncovered the fact that the president’s wife and his finance minister, [Luis] Videgaray, had received a couple of luxurious residences from a big construction conglomerate that was doing business with the federal government; they also exposed a network of corruption, a radiography of how the president is managing the country’s finances as if he was a feudal lord, as if laws, international treaties and transparency did not exist.
(n.) A rock consisting chiefly of calcium carbonate or carbonate of lime. It sometimes contains also magnesium carbonate, and is then called magnesian or dolomitic limestone. Crystalline limestone is called marble.
Example Sentences:
(1) Another pint of Guinness That evening we set out again, this time to O'Donoghue's in Fanore, a blue-painted stone pub set on the thin shelf of land between the sea and the great limestone mountain that is called the Burren.
(2) Using Koufonissi as a base, there are daily excursions by caique and ferry to nearby islands, including Iraklia, where walkers can follow a pilgrims' trail across the high lands to spectacular St John's Cave, carved into a limestone cliff.
(3) Bacterial counts did not differ between sand and crushed limestone.
(4) Earlier this year, a century-old wasteland of limestone and red dirt in south-west Nigeria was transformed into the biggest cement plant in Africa.
(5) Built on a scrubby ridge of limestone pavement, the houses of Khirbet Susiya are closely overlooked by a neighbouring Israeli settlement built on land expropriated from the villagers – illegal under international law – and, unlike the Palestinian village, connected to public services.
(6) Effects were evaluated of high dietary levels of magnesium oxide (MgO) or limestone on DM, OM and CP digestibility, N balance and intestinal absorption of amino acids by lambs fed a high concentrate diet.
(7) FIVE MORE FRENCH COASTAL GEMS Marseille grotto Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photograph: Alamy A 40-minute walk from Marseille’s Luminy university campus, Calanque de Sugiton, the most picturesque of the city’s rugged, limestone coves has blue-green waters, twisted pine trees and a narrow island-rock to swim out to known as Le Torpilleur.
(8) Limestone supplied supplemental Ca and treatment P levels were supplied by monosodium phosphate.
(9) Off the south-west coast of Ibiza stands Es Vedrà, a 400m-high limestone rock which legend suggests was the island of the Sirens who lured sailors to their deaths in Homer's Odyssey.
(10) Diets containing 25:75 corn silage to concentrates and .95% calcium from either coarse or fine limestone were fed to rumen-fistulated heifers.
(11) Treatments included control diet alone or control diet with the addition of 1.60% defluorinated rock phosphate-medium (DRP-M, 77% greater than 150 mu but less than 1,180 mu), 1.60% defluorinated rock phosphate-coarse (DRP-C, 85% greater than 850 mu but less than 1,700 mu), 1.28% limestone (92% greater than 150 mu but less than 850 mu) or .50% MgO, (81% greater than 250 mu but less than 1,180 mu), as an as-fed basis.
(12) The in vivo Ca solubilization in hens was determined by subtracting Ca recovered as limestone in the excreta (by repeated washing) from Ca fed as limestone.
(13) Detail from a Mayan limestone relief of a blood-letting ritual.
(14) Milk, flavor score was acceptable but tended to be lower for milk from cows fed sunflower seeds with additional limestone (8.4, 8.5, and 7.9).
(15) Target Field, a $545m limestone-encased jewel that opened in 2010, produced an All-Star cycle just eight batters in, with hitters showing off flashy neon-bright spikes and fielders wearing All-Star caps with special designs for the first time.
(16) A highly reactive limestone was selected for use in two digestion trials with Holstein steers.
(17) The Florida resort lies less than 10 feet above sea level; an increasing number of tropical storms are inundating the city; and it is built on a dome of porous limestone which is absorbing the rising seawater.
(18) Stand on the limestone pavement near Long Churn Cave in the Yorkshire Dales and it feels as if you are standing on top of time itself.
(19) Approximately 14 days after exploring a limestone cave in northcentral Florida in February 1973, an 18-year-old female developed a respiratory illness with pronounced shortness of breath and cyanosis.
(20) There's limestone and sandstone to the north, but Aswan's bedrock is hornblende granite.