What's the difference between congruent and congruous?



  • (a.) Possessing congruity; suitable; agreeing; corresponding.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) negative intention and congruent behavior (CONG-, N = 42).
  • (2) Peak pressures measured with the RP probe decreased to congruent with50 mm Hg and radial pressure asymmetry vanished.
  • (3) The rank order of potency was WEB 2086 congruent to L-652,731 greater than BN 52021 and was the same for the two cell types.
  • (4) The branching pattern derived from the DNA comparisons is congruent with the fossil evidence and supported by comparative biochemical, chromosomal, and morphological studies.
  • (5) The time constant of the increase of force during the stretch decreased (tau rise congruent to 7 ms to tau rise congruent to 4 ms) with increases in v (congruent to 4 microns s-1 to v congruent to 10 microns s-1; P = 0.02).
  • (6) The two G1(+) mutants belonging to complementation group V are temperature sensitive for expression of the G1(+) phenotype (G1 congruent with 0, 4, and 6 hr at 33 degrees , 37 degrees , and 39 degrees , respectively).
  • (7) Material in peak 1 bound IGF-I congruent to IGF-II and had no affinity for insulin and proinsulin.
  • (8) Children recalled incongruent material more than congruent material on the comprehension-monitoring task.
  • (9) These differences are congruent with age-related changes in speech and voice but also might be explained by other physiological or sociological variables.
  • (10) This study investigated whether Nonstandard English (NSE) dialect responses to an examiner-constructed sentence completion test were congruent with and predictive of use of NSE during spontaneous conversation.
  • (11) Hypotheses suggesting that hip joints which develop osteoarthritis are congruent, have a single area of peak pressure, and have peak pressure which exceeds normal values were tested.
  • (12) One joint was congruent, in agreement with the hypotheses, but the other was incongruent.
  • (13) The findings were not only congruent with Vernon's ability paradigm but also suggest that the ability structure for retardates may well be more complex than the structure for normals.
  • (14) Japanese psychiatrists tended to diagnose social phobia congruently for the Japanese cases but not for the Japanese-American cases.
  • (15) The present results are consistent with the supposition that the high-affinity site for ATP on the holoenzyme is congruent with the phosphotransferase site of the catalytic subunit.
  • (16) Many aspects of the theory's descriptive claims about depressive thinking have been substantiated empirically, including (a) increased negativity of cognitions about the self, (b) increased hopelessness, (c) specificity of themes of loss to depressive syndromes rather than psychopathology in general, and (d) mood-congruent recall.
  • (17) In addition, background music was either congruent or incongruent with the affect of an episode's outcome.
  • (18) The issue at stake for children such as ours appears to be firmly rooted in a gender identity not congruent with their natal sex: a condition called gender dysphoria.
  • (19) Semantically congruent situations consisted of adjective-noun pairs that were not highly predictable but were nonetheless plausible (e.g., GOOD-AUNT).
  • (20) From data on splitting the associate CD spectra of type I and II the excitation interaction energy V12 congruent to 75 cm-1 was estimated.



  • (a.) Suitable or concordant; accordant; fit; harmonious; correspondent; consistent.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This assumes that equating retinal image size results in congruous cortical images.
  • (2) In Experiment 1, at a stimulus onset asynchrony of 300 ms, congruous situations showed 59 ms of facilitation while incongruous situations did not differ from the baseline.
  • (3) This investigation examined the validity of the hypothesis that the acetabulum in congenital dislocation of the hip will develop satisfactorily provided accurate congruous and concentric reduction is obtained as early as possible, and is maintained throughout growth.
  • (4) Early diagnosis is vital for a congruous femoral head to be obtained at the conclusion of treatment.
  • (5) In Experiment II, three types of sentence frames were used: Semantic and Syntactic Congruous (CC) Semantic Incongruous and Syntactic Congruous (CI) and Semantic and Syntactic Incongruous (II).
  • (6) Incubation of the toxin with intact membranes or extracted lipids as well as application of the lipid layer technique resulted in congruous crystalline properties.
  • (7) In all cases, the patients heard sentence fragments that were completed either by semantically congruous or incongruous words briefly flashed to the left visual field, right visual field or to both fields simultaneously.
  • (8) A young woman developed the sudden onset of a congruous right lower quadratic visual field defect two weeks prior to examination.
  • (9) Ten digits had minor roentgenographic changes but, with the exception of one digit, the joint space was congruous and free of significant abnormalities.
  • (10) Model-dependent and noncompartmental pharmacokinetic parameters were congruous.
  • (11) The data are congruous with the hypothesis that intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.)
  • (12) Visual field defects may be congruous or not in lesions affecting the optic radiation.
  • (13) In addition, congruous motion of the septum and posterior wall was recorded at a rate that was half the heart rate and corresponded to the electrical alternans.
  • (14) I found that Korean fetal acetabuli and femoral heads are spherical and that the proportion of the head contained in the acetabulum remains constant and congruous throughout the fetal life.
  • (15) These findings are congruous with the high affinity (greater than 98%) of MK-196 and the major metabolite with plasma proteins.
  • (16) However, fibrinogen was the only protein, which also showed congruous mean values for the two different arterial types.
  • (17) However, congruous, irregular central scotomas with vertical step were observed in both eyes with Goldmann perimetry.
  • (18) The lateral wall of the iliac bone at the lateral edge of the affected acetabulum is raised as a proximally-based flap and massive bone grafts are inserted to provide a congruous, non-absorbable roof for the capsule and femoral head.
  • (19) Dogs had their femoral head replaced with a smaller prosthesis (smaller prosthesis group), a larger prosthesis (larger prosthesis group) or a virtually congruous prosthesis (diameter discrepancy: less than 2 mm; congruous prosthesis group) and were examined both roentgenographically and histologically for subsequent changes in the acetabulum.
  • (20) As a result, acetabular changes were found to be more profound in both the smaller and larger prosthesis groups, especially the latter, than in the congruous prosthesis group.