(1) Discontinuation rates of injection equipment sharing practices varied from 33% in shared use of cookers to 74.2% in sharing needles with strangers.
(2) "It was just before Christmas, and I said: 'What are we going to do about the cookers?'
(3) The most popular items bought online were TV and audio equipment, laptops and games items, but customers also snapped up domestic appliances such as kettles, fryers, slow cookers, toasters and vacuum cleaners.
(4) Winter weekly averages in kitchens with gas cookers had a mean of 112.2 ppb (n = 428, range 5-317 ppb).
(5) The human pressure cooker could not contain his indignation at having to watch Channel 4 news reporter, Fatima Manji , cover the tragic attack in Nice.
(6) Information from 29 homes with the highest kitchen NO2 levels paired with 29 low NO2 gas cooking homes showed that the daily number of meals eaten and the frequency with which the cooker was used for heating and drying clothes were significantly greater in the high NO2 homes.
(7) Others live in private rented accommodation where landlords equip the kitchen with only a microwave oven or a single-ring cooker.
(8) Between 20 June and 10 August, Rahami allegedly purchased materials for the pipe and pressure cooker bombs under his own name through eBay, including citric acid, circuit boards, ball bearings and electric igniters, ingredients found in the 27th Street device.
(9) Benedict Birnberg London Palestinian ‘resisters’ are not unarmed | Letters Read more • Predictably, the pressure cooker situation in Israel has finally exploded with spasms of violence by Palestinians and Israelis.
(10) Collectively, we can bargain for a better price on the cookers; collectively, we can help people to know where to get the cookers from.
(11) With Nigel leaving, I think it has taken the lid off a pressure cooker.
(12) According to a criminal complaint by FBI special agent Peter Frederick Licata, Rahami was responsible for bombs constructed out of a pressure cooker and placed in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood on Saturday, as well as pipe bombs in New Jersey’s Seaside Park and Elizabeth, the latter of which is where Rahami resided.
(13) While journalists were following the dull routine of campaigning for Sunday's municipal and regional elections, the steam was beginning to escape from a pressure cooker of discontent.
(14) In an op-ed for the Boston Globe , Bill and Denise Richard, whose eight-year-old son Martin was killed and seven-year-old daughter, Jane , lost a leg when two pressure-cooker bombs exploded near the marathon’s finishing line on 15 April 2013, urge the Department of Justice and federal authorities to take the death penalty off the table.
(15) Hundreds of secondhand furniture charities that distribute recycled fridges, cookers, beds and other basic household goods to Britain's most vulnerable families, have warned that they face rapidly growing demand from destitute clients.
(16) Families in Westminster have received 566 grants to buy cots, mattresses and bedding, and cookers and fridges from the charity's fund.
(17) That includes demonstrations, with nurses chopping onions into a basic pressure cooker before adding lentils, rice and vegetables, and warnings to spend money on protein rather than the sugary foods many lavish on their children.
(18) Cooking times were determined using a Mattson bean cooker.
(19) That warning follows last week's update from home appliance giant Electrolux, which said it would increase the price of its cookers, vacuum cleaners and dishwashers to reflect the soaring price of raw materials such as steel, plastics and chemicals.
(20) It says some food bank clients are so poor they cannot afford to switch on their cooker.
(n.) Alt. of Cookie
Example Sentences:
(1) No agent was isolated from I. cookey, D. albipictus, R. reticulatus, H. concinna.