(1) Ministers can glean vital gossip about cabinet reshuffles if they keep on the right side of their drivers, who form the most high-class grapevine in Britain as they wait in the Speaker's courtyard at Westminster while their charges vote in the Commons.
(2) Its buildings, arranged around a sociable courtyard and a slice of towpath, also nourish a community of businesses that sustain between 250 and 300 jobs, all of which could go if the site’s new owner, Galliard Homes, has its way.
(3) In the silence, I heard a car reversing in the courtyard and then the Þrst slow notes of the call to prayer.
(4) Long Word... Long Word... Blah Blah Blah... I’m So Clever is at the Pleasance Courtyard, to 30 August JOE LYCETT Facebook Twitter Pinterest Joe Lycett.
(5) He is allowed a short, solitary walk in a courtyard each day, and is monitored by security cameras around the clock.
(6) On returning to the courtyard you can take an optional loop through the bee and butterfly wildflower meadow – the start of the path is just behind the engine shed building.
(7) He went on to publish several short-story collections, including A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard, set in Morocco and with an underlying theme of kif smoking.
(8) Alex Horne: Monsieur Butterfly is at the Pleasance Courtyard, 15-29 August JOSEPH MORPURGO Facebook Twitter Pinterest Joseph Morpurgo.
(9) Here, it’s easy to make yourself comfortable in the sweet, slightly whimsical bedrooms that open onto a serene, tree-filled courtyard.
(10) It is a plausible claim, judging by the cacophony of trumpets, cymbals, drums and violins erupting from classrooms, corridors and the courtyard: hundreds of children aged six to 19, some in trainers, others in flip-flops, individually and collectively making music.
(11) At the Pleasance Courtyard, Have I Got News for You regular Reginald D Hunter will perform a show called Work in Progress …and Niggas , for which tickets cost £13.
(12) Random grenade blasts and gunfire sent ripples of tension through the crowds, tearful women ducking as explosions rocked the courtyard.
(13) Some face the interior courtyard, while other, more atmospheric (though also noisier) rooms overlook Alvaro Obregon Avenue.
(14) "We were in the courtyard [of Millbank] and people were smashing through the glass to get into the building and saying 'Come in', so we just went into the building," said Olivia Wedderburn, 18, from east London.
(15) As an added bonus there is a shady courtyard area – which is just as well because people who get a table inside don’t move.
(16) 73 Kloof Street, +27 21 424 6169, onceincapetown.co.za The Backpack Facebook Twitter Pinterest Founder-owners Toni Shina and Lee Harris have created a homely hostel spread across four adjoining houses with cool courtyards and flowery gardens, a chillout lounge, communal kitchen, health-food cafe and terrace bar.
(17) I saw one soldier on the wall of the courtyard shooting inside.” Another witness said he saw soldiers setting fire to the clinic later that afternoon.
(18) Then he stepped over the bodies and chased children into the school courtyard where witnesses said he pursued a child, the eight-year-old daughter of the principal, grabbed her by the hair, pulled her to him and shot her at close range.
(19) In Raj Beti's courtyard, the evening light fades, leaving her face in shadow.
(20) His awareness of US technical capabilities was such that he would wear a cowboy hat when out in the courtyard of his villa to make it impossible for him to be identified by hovering drones and surveillance satellites.
Example Sentences:
(1) Various members of her family, old and young, are squatting on the verandah packing the supplies in preparation for her 14-hour tour of refugee areas the following day.
(2) I was sitting in my bedroom and I saw the door open,” she says quietly as she sits on her verandah, chickens squawking in the yard.
(3) Expect to lose a few hours lolling in the hammocks on the verandah, eating fresh mango and melon breakfasts, with friends of the Capela family dropping by for beers in the evening.
(4) [Outside] everyone was screaming around but on the other side they were all losing their roofs also.” Mael wrapped her five-year-old son – who remained asleep throughout the ordeal – in a blanket and took shelter in a communal bathroom before spending a sleepless night on her neighbour’s verandah.
(5) Outside Bissau city are exclusive Hispanic-style haciendas with wide verandahs, turquoise swimming pools and gates patrolled by armed guards.
(6) Fifteen subjects who formerly went outdoors very infrequently were studied over a 4-week period while spending 0, 15 or 30 minutes daily sitting on the rest-home verandah.
(7) Verandah trap huts in a Tanzanian village were used to assess the effectiveness of impregnated bednets and curtains in preventing hut entry and feeding by, and in killing of, Anopheles gambiae and An.
(8) We live badly," he says, before huddling together with about 30 children on a shop verandah, opposite a nightclub.
(9) This observation and videotaping session took place in a rural setting, with the women lined up on benches on the verandah of Belpukur College.
(10) In the district of Port Loko up the coast there are reports of people dying on verandahs and corpses rotting in homes.
(11) Nylon bednets impregnated with different insecticides were evaluated in 1988 against wild adult mosquito populations, mostly Mansonia africana (Theobald) and Anopheles gambiae Giles sensu lato, entering experimental verandah-trap huts in The Gambia.
(12) Outside the glazed verandah advertising banana splits, jam doughnuts and Sussex cream teas, two young men are having an argument in Russian.
(13) The response of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes to men sleeping under insecticide-impregnated or untreated bednets in six verandah trap huts was studied during the dry season in The Gambia.
(14) Facebook Twitter Pinterest A long, leisurely history ... verandah of the Palm Beach Hotel.
(15) Some of the wounded were lying covered with blankets on verandahs of buildings near the casualty wards.
(16) The planners did a trawl of the most picturesque southern towns – Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans – and borrowed the best from them: town squares, verandahs, gables and front porches.
(17) • Skipness Estate (01880 760207, skipnessseafoodcabin.co.uk ) Kishorn Seafood Bar, Strathcarron, Ross-shire This popular wooden lodge, right in the Highlands, has delicious, cheap seafood and a lovely verandah that looks out over the sea to Skye.
(18) (banana) and Lantana camara thickets as well as under house verandahs and, once, inside a hut.
(19) Each of the twelve huts (including five untreated controls) was fitted with window exit traps and either louvre or verandah traps for mosquito sampling.