What's the difference between creature and mouth?



  • (n.) Anything created; anything not self-existent; especially, any being created with life; an animal; a man.
  • (n.) A human being, in pity, contempt, or endearment; as, a poor creature; a pretty creature.
  • (n.) A person who owes his rise and fortune to another; a servile dependent; an instrument; a tool.
  • (n.) A general term among farmers for horses, oxen, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Maybe it’s because they are skulking, sedentary creatures, tied to their post; the theatre critic isn’t going anywhere other than the stalls, and then back home to write.
  • (2) "They are soul-less creatures pandering to the NRA ."
  • (3) The outcome is a belief that the Earth is being slowly strangled by a gaudy coat of impermeable plastic waste that collects in great floating islands in the world's oceans; clogs up canals and rivers; and is swallowed by animals, birds and sea creatures.
  • (4) While his more eminent predecessors, Gerald Durrell and John Aspinall, established that displaying wild creatures may occasionally be compatible with respect for them, zoos around the world have also sanitised – with extravagant claims about conservation, breeding programmes and species reintroduction – the essentially unchanged business of showing caged animals for cash.
  • (5) But nevertheless Theco is a fascinating creature because of both its place in the history of palaeontology and what it reveals about the south-west of England in prehistoric times.
  • (6) Although most studies emphasise the similarity of the australopithecines to modern man, and suggest, therefore, that these creatures were bipedal tool-makers at least one form of which (Australopithecus africanus--"Homo habilis", "Homo africanus") was almost directly ancestral to man, a series of multivariate statistical studies of various postcranial fragments suggests other conclusions.
  • (7) Highlights included TV series All Creatures Great and Small, competing in Strictly Come Dancing and starring in the touring stage production of Calendar Girls.
  • (8) They are two separate creatures with very different structures, more like a virus and a host: co-dependent but each with delusions about who is the superior form of life.
  • (9) Like traditional English philanthropists, the ladies running Hailsham believe that some wider public will feel more humanely towards these "poor creatures" if they can be shown to make art.
  • (10) Arthur Koestler in The Act of Creation expresses it thus: "From the Pythagoreans onward, through the Renaissance to our times, the oceanic feeling, the sense of participation in the mystery of the infinite, was the principal inspiration of the wingèd and flat-footed creature, the scientist."
  • (11) A campaign involving children in Syrian villages has latched on to the Pokémon Go craze, asking gamers in the west to take a break from their frenzied hunt for digital creatures to turn their attention to young people trapped in war zones.
  • (12) They could hardly believe it, this tiny creature sitting on the bench.
  • (13) The film uses new technology to transport viewers back 200 million years, to the time when pterosaurs lived – flying creatures with a wingspan of up to 14 metres.
  • (14) The unfairly maligned camel is a model of sleek, practical and elegant design compared with the clumsy creature the coalition has produced.
  • (15) When Rolls-Royce launched a $1.2m Year of the Dragon edition of its Phantom, with the creature hand-painted on its wheelbase and hand-stitched on to cushions, all eight sold in two months.
  • (16) Many of the patients anthropomorphise the seal, enjoy pretending that it is a real, living creature, with all the associated foibles.
  • (17) Executives at Lafarge global headquarters in Paris should take note that the second part of the name allocated by the molusc specialists who named this new creature is lafargei.
  • (18) In some ways, roaches are no different to gorillas, gerbils or iguanas, or any other creatures that we don’t routinely eat.
  • (19) Records show there were many reports of beaching whales in the Netherlands in the early 17th century, prompting a surge of public interest in the creatures.
  • (20) Sir David suggested spyholes to allow the public to watch the gorillas without the creatures realising they were being observed, but he didn’t seem entirely convinced by his own idea.



  • (n.) The opening through which an animal receives food; the aperture between the jaws or between the lips; also, the cavity, containing the tongue and teeth, between the lips and the pharynx; the buccal cavity.
  • (n.) An opening affording entrance or exit; orifice; aperture;
  • (n.) The opening of a vessel by which it is filled or emptied, charged or discharged; as, the mouth of a jar or pitcher; the mouth of the lacteal vessels, etc.
  • (n.) The opening or entrance of any cavity, as a cave, pit, well, or den.
  • (n.) The opening of a piece of ordnance, through which it is discharged.
  • (n.) The opening through which the waters of a river or any stream are discharged.
  • (n.) The entrance into a harbor.
  • (n.) The crosspiece of a bridle bit, which enters the mouth of an animal.
  • (n.) A principal speaker; one who utters the common opinion; a mouthpiece.
  • (n.) Cry; voice.
  • (n.) Speech; language; testimony.
  • (n.) A wry face; a grimace; a mow.
  • (v. t.) To take into the mouth; to seize or grind with the mouth or teeth; to chew; to devour.
  • (v. t.) To utter with a voice affectedly big or swelling; to speak in a strained or unnaturally sonorous manner.
  • (v. t.) To form or cleanse with the mouth; to lick, as a bear her cub.
  • (v. t.) To make mouths at.
  • (v. i.) To speak with a full, round, or loud, affected voice; to vociferate; to rant.
  • (v. i.) To put mouth to mouth; to kiss.
  • (v. i.) To make grimaces, esp. in ridicule or contempt.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Cancer of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus has decreased in all Japanese migrants, but the decrease is much greater among Okinawan migrants, suggesting they have escaped exposure to risk factors peculiar to the Okinawan environment.
  • (2) Patients with cancer of floor of the mouth and oral tongue had higher odds ratios for alcohol drinking than subjects with cancers of other sites.
  • (3) In some ways, the Gandolfini performance that his fans may savour most is his voice work in Spike Jonze's Where the Wild Things Are (2009), the cult screen version of Maurice Sendak 's picture book classic – he voiced Carol, one of the wild things, an untamed, foul-mouthed figure.
  • (4) Translation of foot-and-mouth disease virus RNA for extended periods in rabbit reticulocyte lysates results in the appearance of a previously undescribed protein.
  • (5) Measurements of mouth opening were made for up to 10 min after loss of the adductor pollicis twitch and cessation of muscle fasciculations.
  • (6) A philosophy student at Sussex University, he was part of an improvised comedy sketch group and one skit required him to beatbox (making complex drum noises with your mouth).
  • (7) Patients with complaints of dry eyes and dry mouth but with no objective abnormalities served as control group.
  • (8) Generated droplets were dried in line and led to an inhalation chamber from which the dry aerosol was inhaled using a nose or mouth inhalation unit.
  • (9) Three hundred sixteen female patients with cancer of the larynx, pharynx, and mouth were examined and the following cancer sites were compared with respect to alcohol and tobacco consumption: oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, epilarynx, lip, and mouth.
  • (10) Unexpected displacement of the endotracheal tube during anesthesia caused by postural change of the neck or passive compression by the mouth gag was investigated under transluminal fiberoptic observation.
  • (11) Mouth-to-cecum transit, however, does not play a major role in carbohydrate or fat malabsorption in these patients.
  • (12) Although 41% of the participants complained of dry mouth, neither serious adverse effects nor evidence of medication abuse appeared.
  • (13) I opened my eyes and my mouth wide, which made everyone in the audience think I was amazed at what I was seeing.
  • (14) The jaw deviated to the right when he opened his mouth fully.
  • (15) The study supports the view that even a moderate reduction of mouth opening capacity may indicate mandibular dysfunction and we recommend that this variable be routinely recorded.
  • (16) Greatly admired Murdoch is certainly putting his money where his mouth is.
  • (17) The raw air curve is determined by sequentially counting radionuclide activity in respiratory gases sampled at the mouth.
  • (18) The gradient of increasing copper and zinc concentrations with increasing distance upstream from the mouth of the estuary reported in 1975 could not be statistically validated.
  • (19) A certain number of parameters involved in the manufacture, control and use of an efficacious vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease have been studied.
  • (20) Histopathological examination alone could not be relied upon to differentiate between well-established skin lesions caused by swine vesicular disease and foot and mouth disease.