What's the difference between croaked and crooked?
(imp. & p. p.) of Croak
Example Sentences:
(1) The first two experiments imply that stimulation of the skin of the trunk initiates the release croak; Experiments 3 and 4 suggest that an internal afferent source inhibits the release croak and might mediate an important aspect of receptivity in female frogs.
(2) The cathartic moment, in which the king realises he's OK and lovable just as he is, was wonderful for the film-makers to discover, and has been wonderful for worldwide audiences ever since (and the king doesn't die… he merely "croaks").
(3) Poppies in the long grass, frogs croaking for mates, wasps droning lazily at the window, tomatoes and strawberries ripening in garden pots and crickets buzzing at dusk: these are the sights and sounds of an English summer.
(4) We are all getting older thanks to better living conditions, and the French are way older than they have any right to be considering their diet, but the dependable Swedes who have always been goody-goodies are still croaking in their 80s, so most of us will have to settle for that.
(5) And so they hardly ever leave a flat in which, thanks to the croaking boiler, the temperature hovers around 10 degrees.
(6) With drugs, oblivious, in a basement, frozen nobly on a mountain top, screaming in a car crash, or traditionally in a bed surrounded by our family and children, croaking out our last wishes?
(7) "Intelligent tadpoles reconcile themselves to the inconvenience of their position by reflecting that although most of them will live to be tadpoles and nothing more, the most fortunate of the species will one day shed their tails, distend their mouths and stomachs, hop nimbly on to dry land and croak addresses to their former friends on the virtue by which tadpoles of character and capacity can rise to be frogs."
(8) Three decades later, in July 2011, to watch a slightly pasty, croaking, self-styled "humble" Murdoch appear before a televised committee of suddenly irreverent MPs was to see something dragged out into the light: a power relationship that would never be quite the same again.
(9) Talked a lot about Under Milk Wood: how he came to London in 1953, with a fiver in his pocket, and went in search of Dylan Thomas in the Soho and Fitzrovia pubs, only to find that he had just croaked in New York.
(10) But as the fearless Ali strutted on, inventing new ways, new scenes, new angles, new endings, those croaking pronouncements of veterans petered out.
(11) The only MacTaggarts regularly recalled with relish are those in which all-powerful television grandees were venomously slagged off in public - Dennis Potter's attack on the then BBC director general John Birt as a "croak-voiced Dalek" in 1993, and Michael Grade's escalation of his own feud with Birt the previous year.
(12) I learn to distinguish the croaks of the marsh frog from the scratchy cry of the reed warbler and watch brightly coloured damselflies darting about in the bullrushes.
(13) This report investigates the sources of stimuli which initiate and inhibit the release croak of Rana pipiens.
(14) It can be a surprisingly noisy place, what with the barking of the muntjac deer, the croaking of the frogs, the quacking of the widgeons … Look and listen out for Faint lights near the ground, especially in June and July.
(15) Cool off after a hot day on the beach in the natural swimming pond, complete with lily pads and croaking frogs.
(16) At the moment the city also sounds like seagulls croaking at each other from outside my window from about 3am every morning.
(17) Roger no longer expresses a desire to croak it prematurely although he is 69 years old now and back on the road.
(18) Even if it was in a husky croak, and I couldn't manage the chorus.
(19) There was no trace of human life, only the croak of a raven and a trickling stream.
(20) The pectoral fin of the croaking gourami, Trichopsis vittatus, has become modified as a sound-producing organ and retains its original function in locomotion and hovering.
(imp. & p. p.) of Crook
(a.) Characterized by a crook or curve; not straight; turning; bent; twisted; deformed.
(a.) Not straightforward; deviating from rectitude; distorted from the right.
(1) A patient presented at the Department of Orthodontics, Medunsa Dental Hospital, complaining of "crooked teeth".
(2) And, I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Trump doubles down on his Isis comments, saying that Hillary Clinton is the group’s MVP On Thursday, Clinton attacked Trump for the remarks on Twitter.
(3) Subjects were examined for somatic symptoms in accordance with Crooks' index of hyperthyroidism.
(4) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Toby Jones and Mackenzie Crook in Detectorists.
(5) I have these words for the authorities: [it is a] creepy, crooked, evil way."
(6) Reinforced polyethylene or polyurethane catheters in the shape of a "Shepherd Crook" have led to improve selective and superselective catheterization of visceral arteries.
(7) The restenosis rate was 18% in the shepherd's crook group and 21% in the control group; repeat PTCA (14% v 15%) and bypass surgery (2% v 6%) rates were also similar in both groups.
(8) Julia Donaldson will be showcasing her latest book The Flying Bath as part of the children's programme, as the actor Mackenzie Crook launches his new title The Lost Journals of Benjamin Tooth, Frank Cottrell Boyce returns to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and Rosen celebrates 25 years of We're Going on a Bear Hunt.
(9) He is less concerned with the legal debate than he is with the fact that western firms are being fleeced by shadowy cyber-crooks half a world away.
(10) The spear-phishing tricks we saw the Chinese secret police using against the Dalai Lama in 2008 were being used by Russian crooks to steal money from US companies by 2010.
(11) Some of them may feel favourable towards what they're doing, but many of them are able to hear their inner Jiminy Cricket over the voices of their leaders and crooked politicians – and of the people whose intimate communication they're tapping.
(12) For analysis of the cytokeratin (CK) of Crooke's cells, 28 post-mortem pituitary glands with unequivocal Crooke's hyaline change were investigated immunohistochemically using monoclonal antibodies for CK subfamilies.
(13) We drove north from Salima, past Nkhotakota, looking out for the crooked painted sign, but it had disappeared.
(14) Various locations, Chicago, opens 3 October New Objectivity: Modern German Art in the Weimar Republic, 1919–1933 It’s 1920: the German Empire has crumbled, and Berlin is a city of cripples and crooks, communists and cabaret stars.
(15) Clinical assessment (using the Crooks-Wayne index) was combined with the measurement of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine indices (FT4I and FT3I) and the assessment of two tissue markers of thyroid hormone action--sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) levels and the thyrotrophin responses to TRH.
(16) The zones were perpendicular to the long axes of the crooked floccular folia, forming the crooked zones.
(17) 'During the war, my grandparents were often uprooted - they moved in and out of London, and even came over here to America - but their Steinway always went with them and had to be squeezed up crooked staircases wherever they lodged.
(18) • The trip was provided by Crooked Trails (+1 206 383 9828, crookedtrails.org ), which works to help indigenous and rural communities worldwide benefit from tourism.
(19) about some property crook he'd first exposed in 1969 but who wasn't finally convicted until five or six years ago.
(20) Meanwhile in September 2014 we told how Barclays “has been accused by victims of fraud of loose security procedures which have enabled international crooks to open accounts with foreign passports and then use them to fleece individuals online”.Victims who have contacted Money this week include: • A judge and his wife living in the north of England who have lost £5,040.