What's the difference between cue and hint?



  • (n.) The tail; the end of a thing; especially, a tail-like twist of hair worn at the back of the head; a queue.
  • (n.) The last words of a play actor's speech, serving as an intimation for the next succeeding player to speak; any word or words which serve to remind a player to speak or to do something; a catchword.
  • (n.) A hint or intimation.
  • (n.) The part one has to perform in, or as in, a play.
  • (n.) Humor; temper of mind.
  • (n.) A straight tapering rod used to impel the balls in playing billiards.
  • (v. t.) To form into a cue; to braid; to twist.
  • (n.) A small portion of bread or beer; the quantity bought with a farthing or half farthing.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In some experiments heart rate and minute ventilation (central vactors) appear to be the dominant cues for rated perceived exertion, while in others, local factors such as blood lactate concentration and muscular discomfort seem to be the prominent cues.
  • (2) There was no significant effect of the factor "cues."
  • (3) Almost nothing is known about nature and timing of the embryonic cues which induce or initiate spicule formation by these cells.
  • (4) Two mechanisms are evident in chicks' spatial representations: a metric frame for encoding the spatial arrangement of surfaces as surfaces and a cue-guidance system for encoding conspicuous landmarks near the target.
  • (5) Sleep was defined behaviorally as failure to respond to the faint auditory RT cue.
  • (6) Fifty-one severely retarded adults were taught a difficult visual discrimination in an assembly task by one of three training techniques: (a) adding and reducing large cue differences on the relevant-shape dimension; (b) adding and fading a redundant-color dimension; or (c) a combination of the two techniques.
  • (7) However, these models differ in their predictions about the effect of trial order on cue interaction.
  • (8) These additional cues involved different sensations in effort of the perfomed movement – sliding heavy object vs. sliding light object (sS test), as well as different sensations in pattern of movement and joints - sliding vs. lifting of an object (SL test).
  • (9) Through cues or precues, attention was directed to one location of a multistimulus visual display and, while attention was so engaged, the identity of a stimulus located at a different position in the display was changed.
  • (10) For both the single- and multiple-band signals, performance was best when the signal band(s) had a different envelope from the common envelope of the cue bands, and performance was worst when either the cue bands all had different envelopes, or the signal and cue bands all shared the same envelope.
  • (11) Cues conditioned to food elicit eating by selectively activating appetitive systems.
  • (12) Comparison of implant-user performance with the temporal-only data reported here can help determine whether the speech information available to the implant user consists of entirely temporal cues, or is augmented by spectral cues.
  • (13) The students received cues-pause-point training on an initial question set followed by generalization assessments on a different set in another setting.
  • (14) However, in a double-cue conditioning paradigm in which both command words were presented alone on different trials and reinforced, response latency was longer and puff attenuation poorer among Vs than when the UCS was signaled by a unique cue.
  • (15) In 1943 Konrad Lorenz postulated that certain infantile cues served as releasers for caretaking behaviour in human adults.
  • (16) A Rhesus monkey was trained to discriminate between 2 acoustic signals, preceded by visual cues, that instructed which of 2 movements to make.
  • (17) On three of the tests, the independent variable was a spectral cue and on three others a temporal cue was manipulated.
  • (18) These findings suggest that health professionals, particularly nurses, who work with families in their homes, must be alert and sensitive to cues and circumstances which could indicate suffering, and in so doing, take the necessary steps to ameliorate their situation.
  • (19) To investigate this issue, data from two previous papers were reanalysed to investigate the complete time course of precuing target location with either: (1) a peripheral cue that may draw attention reflexively, or (2) a central, symbolic cue that may require attention to be directed voluntarily.
  • (20) Roberts described the TGF-betas as providing the cells with cues to their temporal positions in a developmental program, that is, telling the cells "where they were, where they are, and where they're going."



  • (v. t.) To bring to mind by a slight mention or remote allusion; to suggest in an indirect manner; as, to hint a suspicion.
  • (v. i.) To make an indirect reference, suggestion, or allusion; to allude vaguely to something.
  • (n.) A remote allusion; slight mention; intimation; insinuation; a suggestion or reminder, without a full declaration or explanation; also, an occasion or motive.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The tunes weren't quite as easy and lush as they had been, and hints of dissonance crept in.
  • (2) "Hints that the license fee payer will be hit are the closest the Tories come to explaining how they intend to pay for this."
  • (3) There is never any chink in her composure – any hint of tension – and while I can't imagine what it must feel like to be so at ease with one's world, I don't think she is faking it.
  • (4) Following a first-half surrender, they performed appreciably better in the second period with little cameos hinting at better days to come – eventually.
  • (5) #IfTheyGunnedMeDown tackled the way in which people of colour, especially men, are represented in the media (hint: usually as thuggish and criminal).
  • (6) In addition, practical hints on other means of retention are offered, with the emphasis on nuisance-free and easy application.
  • (7) Henry had hinted during a recent interview with French newspaper L’Equipe he could be interested in a future coaching role with the Gunners, and Wenger insisted on Tuesday that Henry’s return is a certainty when asked about a reunion with the former France striker.
  • (8) | Amy Lawrence Read more Sampdoria have already expressed their interest in bringing Balotelli back to the league where he has represented both Internazionale and Milan, and now Bologna’s director of sport, Pantaleo Corvino, has hinted at a loan deal.
  • (9) The slogan will be unveiled at a rally in Warwick tomorrow, but Alexander gave no hint of Gordon Brown calling an election before 6 May, emphasising the need for a slow reappraisal of Labour to take root.
  • (10) While Chinese media have not spelt out Zhou's woes explicitly, the hints have grown more blatant by the month, with some identifying him via his family relationships.
  • (11) Governor Mark Carney once hinted that a UK rate rise might be on the horizon.
  • (12) In a speech focused on national security, Liam Fox , who is trailing his fellow Tory leadership candidates in terms of support from MPs, hinted that he had doubts that a candidate without significant experience could handle the job.
  • (13) It would have been unprecedented for a large bloc such as the Freedom Caucus to have voted against the party’s choice of nominee, as they had hinted they might do with Webster.
  • (14) Furthermore it was possible to confirm the postoperative space of time needed until restoration of an undisturbed bladder function as a relatively reliable prognostic hint to the expected success of the operation.
  • (15) I got a hint of the price she has paid for her ambidextrous approach to cultural identify after her last interview was published, when a shocking number of British Pakistani men got in touch to denounce her as a shameful infidel.
  • (16) This is no time for partisan politics | Simon Jenkins Read more Downing Street has also hinted that the 1% cap on public sector pay increases could be lifted in the autumn budget, after a growing number of Tory MPs aired their concerns about the policy continuing.
  • (17) He has remained mostly out of sight since his defeat, but recently, while stopping short of any explicit pledge of a comeback, he and his entourage have dropped heavy hints that he may return to the frontline of French politics to "save" the country.
  • (18) It's set in Tokyo, presumably for the Nakatomi connection, and Trebilcook hinted on Twitter that we might see some old faces again.
  • (19) In an article for the Sunday Times, Cameron hinted that other nations in Europe – many of them dependent on Russian gas – are less willing to consider sanctions that could hit their own economies.
  • (20) There has been nothing explicit to confirm as much, but the hints have been there.

Words possibly related to "cue"