(n.) A worthless, snarling fellow; -- used in contempt.
Example Sentences:
(1) Mating experiments indicated that the kinky-coat character is controlled by a single autosomal recessive gene designated kc (kinky coat), which is not allelic to the gene ch (curly hair) previously reported in the Tr strain derived from wild musk shrews on Taramajima Island, Japan.
(2) Girls loved him, his flouncy lace sleeves, tight trousers, big hats, curly hair.
(3) We also recognized areas of early involvement with deposition of this "peculiar curly" material between a distorted epithelial basal lamina and a normal undisturbed Bowman's layer.
(4) Rosemary antioxidants (RA) and Curcumin (Cur) have weaker scavenging effects than Vc, but stronger than VE.
(5) The analysis and expression of the cur genes for detailed molecular studies of the mechanism of polyketide biosynthesis is discussed.
(6) The subunit protein of curli was highly homologous at its amino terminus to SEF-17, the subunit protein of thin, aggregative fimbriae of Salmonella enteritidis 27655 strain 3b, suggesting that these fibres form a novel class of surface organelles on enterobacteria.
(7) The structures were curly, fibrillary strands, resembling paramyxoviral filaments morphologically, but larger in diameter (25 to 40nm).
(8) Preincubation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells with interferon alpha (IFN alpha), interleukin 2 (Il-2), interleukin 1 (Il-1) and tumor necrosis factor alpha greatly increased the rate and magnitude of Cur killing.
(9) He is sporting a bohemian look, with a long, curly ponytail and large spectacles.
(10) The PT23 Cur gene(s) was located on pCOP1 by subcloning PstI restriction endonuclease fragments of pCOP1 in the broad-host-range vector pRK404.
(11) We have investigated in detail the cytokine induced killing of a NK resistant renal carcinoma cell line Cur by human NK cells.
(12) The copper resistance (Cur) genes encoded on pXV10A, a 190-kb plasmid in Xanthomonas campestris pv.
(13) No differences were observed in the severity of symptoms or levels of viral DNA when transformants and controls were challenged with the related geminiviruses beet curly top virus and tomato golden mosaic virus, demonstrating the specific nature of the interaction.
(14) My dark, curly (and at the time) unnecessarily long hair was an obvious display of my Greek heritage.
(15) When males with curly wings were mated, females dropped either unfertilized egg cases (no mating) or partially fertilized egg cases.
(16) In plants infected with the curly top virus, the crystalloids do not differ from those in non-infected controls in structure and conformation.
(17) A curly-toe system was observed in coturnix chicks fed low levels of folacin and might also be a consequence of folacin deficiency.
(19) BGMV DNA 1 and beet curly top virus (BCTV) DNA are closely related, whereas BGMV DNA 2 and BCTV DNA are not related.
(20) SamCam: He's not the plebby, curly-haired golfer, is he?
(a.) Having the qualities, or exhibiting the characteristics, of a cur; snarling; quarrelsome; snappish; churlish; hence, also malicious; malignant; brutal.
Example Sentences:
(1) Aspiring assassin Arya Stark traipses the country with her fellow fugitive, the currish Hound, who finally got fed up with King Joffrey.