What's the difference between curiosity and interest?



  • (n.) The state or quality or being curious; nicety; accuracy; exactness; elaboration.
  • (n.) Disposition to inquire, investigate, or seek after knowledge; a desire to gratify the mind with new information or objects of interest; inquisitiveness.
  • (n.) That which is curious, or fitted to excite or reward attention.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Squamous cell carcinoma of the colorectum is a rare pathologic curiosity.
  • (2) The Glaxo Australia-Baker Medical Research Institute Agreement is for curiosity driven research in specified areas of vascular pharmacology of interest to Glaxo Group Research.
  • (3) There may be cases in which youngsters have travelled overseas perhaps out of curiosity or with an interest but upon arriving shall we say in Turkey, through which a lot of these people are staged, get cold feet and decide they don’t want to pursue that objective.
  • (4) Interview with Donald Hutera In other words "Maliphant's choreography slips under our guard, arouses our curiosity and hones our gaze, without us realising the force of its aim."
  • (5) Miller is suing the NoW's parent company, News Group, and Mulcaire, accusing them of breaching her privacy and of harassing her "solely for the commercial purpose of profiting from obtaining private information about her and to satisfy the prurient curiosity of members of the public regarding the private life of a well-known individual".
  • (6) Active reading of the micrograph is aided by a curiosity in the functional significance of the various details of the picture; there has to be a dialogue between the mind and the eye concerning the structural elements and their significance.
  • (7) Curiosity now has the chance, for example, to do some closer up, but still remote, measurements, using the ChemCam instrument with lasers, to look at composition.
  • (8) It is being stressed that whereas the significance of these unusual organelles remains uncertain, their widespread occurrence may indicate that their role is more important than was believed previously, and they should cease being a curiosity only.
  • (9) If you look at the sponsorship and marketing, look at the bidding contracts, and you will see more,” he said after Pound had laid out just how badly the IAAF’s processes and a collective lack of curiosity had failed to deal with the corruption in their midst.
  • (10) What it did, at least at first, was exaggerate my natural curiosity and need for emotional affection.
  • (11) Yet the mating of zebrafish has implications that go far beyond mere biological curiosity.
  • (12) A morphologic curiosity is presented in a polypoid gastric tumor combined with adenocarcinoma and carcinoid tumor.
  • (13) Her rhetoric hits a modest peak in the introductory remarks: "This book is the result of a long practical experience, a lively curiosity and a real love for cookery.
  • (14) There’s also Birdsong, an e-commerce platform selling high-quality products made by women’s charities – and Curiosity Club, an education venture which wants to cultivate an inquisitive nature and passion for learning in children from less privileged socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • (15) The ties between the two are more than a historical curiosity, says Benjamin Young, a contributor to NK News whose Masters research at the State University of New York: the college at Brockport, uncovered surprising details of the relationship.
  • (16) For half a century the systolic click and late systolic murmur lay dormant as innocent auscultatory curiosities.
  • (17) We want them to gain the following: an understanding of how to use technology to enhance learning; an appreciation for, and facility in, the arts; scientific curiosity; an appreciation and knowledge of their cultures and those of others; and the capacity to think critically.
  • (18) What I want to do, inasmuch as I want to do anything, is go on satisfying my curiosity."
  • (19) Seahorses are threatened by overexploitation for traditional medicines, aquariums and curiosities, accidental capture by fishing fleets, and degradation of their habitats.
  • (20) Such curiosity is not a big ask, and demanding such rigorous thinking from tutors seems a much more effective way of getting diverse students into top universities than creating a mythical list of "better" subjects, writing them into the league tables and thereby sanctioning the lazy dismissal of anyone who does not fit the mould.



  • (n.) To engage the attention of; to awaken interest in; to excite emotion or passion in, in behalf of a person or thing; as, the subject did not interest him; to interest one in charitable work.
  • (n.) To be concerned with or engaged in; to affect; to concern; to excite; -- often used impersonally.
  • (n.) To cause or permit to share.
  • (n.) Excitement of feeling, whether pleasant or painful, accompanying special attention to some object; concern.
  • (n.) Participation in advantage, profit, and responsibility; share; portion; part; as, an interest in a brewery; he has parted with his interest in the stocks.
  • (n.) Advantage, personal or general; good, regarded as a selfish benefit; profit; benefit.
  • (n.) Premium paid for the use of money, -- usually reckoned as a percentage; as, interest at five per cent per annum on ten thousand dollars.
  • (n.) Any excess of advantage over and above an exact equivalent for what is given or rendered.
  • (n.) The persons interested in any particular business or measure, taken collectively; as, the iron interest; the cotton interest.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A group of interested medical personnel has been identified which has begun to work together.
  • (2) Hypothyroidism complicated by spontaneous hyperthyroidism is an interesting but rare occurrence in the spectrum of autoimmune thyroid disorders.
  • (3) It is quite interesting to analyse which gene of the virus determines the characteristics of the virus.
  • (4) Another interested party, the University of Miami, had been in talks with the Beckham group over the potential for a shared stadium project.
  • (5) "Britain needs to be in the room when the euro countries meet," he said, "so that it can influence the argument and ensure that what the 17 do will not damage the market or British interests.
  • (6) Angle closure glaucoma is a well-known complication of scleral buckling and it is of particular interest when it occurs in eyes with previously normal angles.
  • (7) Today’s figures tell us little about the timing of the first increase in interest rates, which will depend on bigger picture news on domestic growth, pay trends and perceived downside risks in the global economy,” he said.
  • (8) To this figure an additional 250,000 older workers must be added, who are no longer registered as unemployed but nevertheless would be interested in finding another job.
  • (9) Whittingdale also defended the right of MPs to use privilege to speak out on public interest matters.
  • (10) David Cameron has insisted that membership of the European Union is in Britain's national interest and vital for "millions of jobs and millions of families", as he urged his own backbenchers not to back calls for a referendum on the UK's relationship with Brussels.
  • (11) But if you want to sustain a long-term relationship, it's important to try to develop other erotic interests and skills, because most partners will expect and demand that.
  • (12) One of the most interesting aspects of the shadow cabinet elections, not always readily interpreted because of the bizarre process of alliances of convenience, is whether his colleagues are ready to forgive and forget his long years as Brown's representative on earth.
  • (13) While the majority of EU member states, including the UK, do not have a direct interest in the CAR, or in taking action, the alternative is unthinkable.
  • (14) And the irony of it is it doesn't interest me at all.
  • (15) Further exploration of these excretory pathways will provide interesting new insights on the numerous cholestatic and hyperbilirubinemic syndromes that occur in nature.
  • (16) The information about her father's semi-brainwashing forms an interesting backdrop to Malala's comments when I ask if she ever wonders about the man who tried to kill her on her way back from school that day in October last year, and why his hands were shaking as he held the gun – a detail she has picked up from the girls in the school bus with her at the time; she herself has no memory of the shooting.
  • (17) Our interest in the role of association brain structures during this behavior is not occasional.
  • (18) Apart from their pathogenic significance, these results may have some interest for the clinical investigation of patients with joint diseases.
  • (19) Photograph: AP Reasons for wavering • State relies on coal-fired electricity • Poor prospects for wind power • Conservative Democrat • Represents conservative district in conservative state and was elected on narrow margins Campaign support from fossil fuel interests in 2008 • $93,743 G K Butterfield (North Carolina) GK Butterfield, North Carolina.
  • (20) Interestingly, different mechanisms of nucleated and non-nucleated TC directed lysis by CD4+ effectors were implied by distinct patterns of sensitivity to cholera toxin (CT) and cyclosporin A (CsA).