(v. i.) To pass gradually from a sound, prosperous, or perfect state, to one of imperfection, adversity, or dissolution; to waste away; to decline; to fail; to become weak, corrupt, or disintegrated; to rot; to perish; as, a tree decays; fortunes decay; hopes decay.
(v. t.) To cause to decay; to impair.
(v. t.) To destroy.
(n.) Gradual failure of health, strength, soundness, prosperity, or of any species of excellence or perfection; tendency toward dissolution or extinction; corruption; rottenness; decline; deterioration; as, the decay of the body; the decay of virtue; the decay of the Roman empire; a castle in decay.
(n.) Destruction; death.
(n.) Cause of decay.
Example Sentences:
(1) Q In radioactive decay, different materials decay at different rates, giving different half lives.
(2) 4) Parents imagined that fruit drinks, carbonated beverages and beverages with lactic acid promoted tooth decay.
(3) In the absence of prostigmine, increasing the concentration of ACh in the synaptic cleft did not change the time constant for decay of end-plate currents.
(4) The kinetics of bimolecular decay of alpha-tocopheroxyl free radicals (T) was studied by ESR mainly in ethanol and heptanol solvents.
(5) For those synapses that were close to the soma the time constant for decay for the non-NMDA component, which was voltage insensitive, ranged from 4-8 ms. 7.
(6) In analyzing the results with any regimen it is important to have long follow-up since late relapses do occur and initial very positive results tend to decay with greater numbers of patients treated.
(7) In one normal ear, ten noise trauma ears, 11 Meniere disease ears, and 24 eighth nerve lesion ears to reflexes or reflex decay that were suggestive or retrocochlear lesions were observed.
(8) Biochemical, molecular, and immunohistologic studies have identified membrane cofactor protein (MCP) and decay accelerating factor (DAF) on trophoblast cells, which could assist in preventing lysis of the cells by complement-activating maternal antibodies.
(9) It has been 40 years since the first community in the United States added a regulated amount of fluoride to its public water supply to prevent tooth decay.
(10) This could reflect the existence of a parallel set of synapses with fast decay that serve as a shortterm store.
(11) However, clemastine caused a decay in subjects' performance in both Experiments I and II, but only on the tracking task.
(12) The nylon group had the second highest amount of induced WTR cylinder at one day, which had decayed to ATR cylinder by five months.
(13) The observed signals from germinating seeds of Phaseolus aures and decaying leaves of Eucalyptus are presented to show that the signals have characteristic kinetics and intensity.
(14) We develop an analogy between the steric hindrance among receptors detecting randomly placed haptens and the temporary locking of a Geiger counter that has detected a radioactive decay.
(15) Left ventricular relaxation rate was measured by calculation of a time constant of left ventricular pressure decay (T) derived from an exponential curve fit to the digitized tip-micromanometer left ventricular pressure signal.
(16) Factors increasing presynaptic activity (frequency or number of afferent stimulations) during the induction event did not affect the relative amount of LTP decay.
(17) Inhibitor activity decayed with time after radiation (2 Gy) with no activity detected at 6 h even though the cells remained in G2 phase, suggesting that either synthesis or activation of additional components is necessary for recovery from G2 arrest.
(18) These results are consistent with the previous observation in HTC cells that the decay rate of ODC activity in the presence of cycloheximide correlated well with the proportion of ODC present as a complex with antizyme, suggesting the ubiquitous role of antizyme in ODC degradation.
(19) The outward current decays exponentially with an early and late phase.
(20) The decay of acid soluble radioactivity was similar in the two groups, although protein synthesis was lowered by vitamin A deficiency.
(n.) A certain property of a body, expressed as a measurable quantity, such that when there is no communication of heat the quantity remains constant, but when heat enters or leaves the body the quantity increases or diminishes. If a small amount, h, of heat enters the body when its temperature is t in the thermodynamic scale the entropy of the body is increased by h / t. The entropy is regarded as measured from some standard temperature and pressure. Sometimes called the thermodynamic function.
Example Sentences:
(1) This formalism allows resolution of the intrinsic protein folding-unfolding parameters (enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes) as well as the ligand interaction parameters (binding stoichiometry, enthalpy, entropy, and heat capacity changes).
(2) Dictated by underlying physicochemical constraints, deceived at times by the lulling tones of the siren entropy, and constantly vulnerable to the vagaries of other more pervasive forms of biological networking and information transfer encoded in the genes of virus and invading microorganisms, protein biorecognition in higher life forms, and particularly in mammals, represents the finely tuned molecular avenues for the genome to transfer its information to the next generation.
(3) The Skilling maximum entropy method (MEM) algorithm is applied to in vivo spectra and provides an estimate of the spectrum that is operator-independent, although at the expense of some negative bias.
(4) The changes in E degrees' and the standard entropy (delta S degrees') and enthalpy (delta H degrees') of reduction in the mutant proteins were determined relative to values for wild type; the change in E degrees' at 25 degrees C was about -200 millivolts for the Glu and Asp mutants, and about -80 millivolts for the Asn mutant.
(5) It is shown that the invariant integral, viz., the Kolmogorov second entropy, is eminently suited to characterize EEG quantitatively.
(6) The thermodynamic quantities of change in free energy (delta G degree'), change in enthalpy (delta H degree') and change in entropy (delta S degree') were determined for the interaction of norepinephrine with the alpha-1 adrenoceptor of vascular smooth muscle.
(7) This paper is concerned with the connection between two classes of population variables: measures of population growth rate--the Malthusian parameter, the net reproduction rate, the gross reproduction rate, and the mean life expectancy; and measures of demographic heterogeneity--population entropy.
(8) Recent studies from this laboratory reveal distinct differences in the thermodynamic binding mechanisms between m-AMSA and o-AMSA (Wadkins & Graves, 1989), with the m-AMSA-DNA interaction being an enthalpy-driven process while the binding of o-AMSA to DNA is characterized by more positive entropy values.
(9) Such replacements are presumed to restrict the degrees of freedom of the unfolded protein and so decrease the entropy of unfolding [B. W. Matthews, H. Nicholson, and W. J. Becktel (1987) Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA Vol.
(10) The overall enthalpy change is negative and the overall entropy change is positive for the simultaneous binding of AMP-PNP and L-glutamate or of AMP-PNP and L-Met-(S)-sulfoximine to the enzyme.
(11) The part of entropy depending on the number of elements of the system (cells, individuals, etc.)
(12) 2 orders of magnitude higher than that of free calmodulin; the latter is even more entropy driven (delta H0 = 7.2 kJ X site-1; delta S0 = 158 J X K-1 X site-1) than binding to free calmodulin (delta H0 = 4.7 kJ X site-1; delta S0 = 112 J X K-1 X site-1), thus underlining the importance of hydrophobic forces in the free energy coupling involved in the ternary complex.
(13) Thus, Ca2+ binding to the Ca2+-Mg2+ sites is driven by both enthalpy and entropy and the lower Ca2+ affinity for sites 3 and 4 is reflected in the lower entropy of Ca2+-binding.
(14) This paper presents a unified account of the properties of the measures, Malthusian parameter and entropy in predicting evolutionary change in populations of macromolecules, cells and individuals.
(15) The model stresses that solutes do not act at a single site, but on both states in an equilibrium, and that the perturbation is determined by the difference in entropy.
(16) The "entropy potential" of the membrane may have its molecular origin in the excitation of the hydrocarbon chains to a more disordered configuration and may play a more important role in membrane partition equilibria than the classical hydrophobic effect.
(17) The entropy of activation of kcat for the human enzyme was further decomposed into partially compensating electrostatic(es) (delta S*es = +15.1 cal mol-1 K-1) and nonelectrostatic(nes) (delta S*nes = -19.1 cal mol-1 K-1) terms.
(18) Basic free energy level differences are related to the first-order rate constants for transitions between states while gross free energy differences, along with the corresponding fluxes, determine the rate of entropy production in the system.
(19) Their high-affinity binding component was entropy driven at 2 degrees C and became enthalpy driven when the incubation temperature was increased.
(20) As far as information in nervous systems is connected with an element of energy normalization that is much greater than the scales of molecular energy of single atoms, physical and information self-organization can simultaneously either correlate or be sufficiently independent, because entropy corresponds to statically unstable point, with its output being natural in different ways.