What's the difference between desirable and pleasant?



  • (v. t.) Worthy of desire or longing; fitted to excite desire or a wish to possess; pleasing; agreeable.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) I'm not sure Tolstoy ever worked out how he actually felt about love and desire, or how he should feel about it.
  • (2) Further improvement of results will be possible by early operation, a desirable objective.
  • (3) This has been accomplished by insertion of a desired gene into a pre-existing immortal cell or by immortalizing primary cells.
  • (4) The light intensity profile for any desired cell can be examined in "real time", even during acceleration of the rotor.
  • (5) Still, even as unknowable as this decision may be for him, as any decision is, really, he is far more qualified to understand his desires and goals that would inform that decision than anyone else is.
  • (6) It’s not just a matter of will or gumption or desire on my part.
  • (7) "The pattern of consumption is that among ebook readers there is a desire to pre-order, or get it quickly, so ebook sales are particularly high in the first few weeks," he said.
  • (8) Attention is drawn to the desirability of differentiating between supra- and sub-gingival calculus in the CPITN scoring system and to the excessive treatment requirements that arise from classifying everyone with calculus as requiring prophylaxis and scaling.
  • (9) Alternatively, the data presented herein strongly suggest that diets containing conventional quantities of fat, in which saturated fat is replaced by unsaturated fat and dietary cholesterol reduced, would result in the desired reductions to total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations without the adverse effects of increased postprandial glucose and insulin concentrations, increased fasting and postprandial total and very-low-density lipoprotein triglyceride concentrations, and decreased fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations.
  • (10) Combining drugs may only occasionally be advisable to supplement a desired effect or to attenuate an unwanted one.
  • (11) Five hundred sixty grandmultiparous women were interviewed as to their contraceptive awareness, desirability and use in the three major hospitals in Benin City, Nigeria, between October 1, 1980 and September, 1981.
  • (12) It will not be so low as to put off candidates from outside the corporation but will be substantially less than Thompson's £671,000 annual remuneration – in line with Patten's desire to clamp down on BBC executive pay, which he said had become a "toxic issue".
  • (13) The concept of increasing bone mass and decreasing expanded soft-tissue mass has application within the judgment of the surgeon coupled with the patient's desires.
  • (14) This new derivative could represent a desirable complementation to rhbFGF for the development of more stable pharmaceutical formulations in wound healing applications.
  • (15) These concepts of facial harmony and surgical alterations have been difficult to teach in a residency program, especially regarding preoperative evaluation and a clear idea of the desired surgical results.
  • (16) Subsequent efforts focused on achieving high levels of insecticidal activity while minimizing costs of synthesis and retaining desirable levels of selective toxicity.
  • (17) The reasons are often financial, but can also be a desire for a change of pace or new experiences.
  • (18) Noninvasive procedures (such as Holter monitoring or recording of late potentials) are desirable for screening purposes, whereas it would be acceptable to use more aggressive invasive techniques in certain subsets of patients.
  • (19) KAP studies have demonstrated differences in the family size desires of men and women and in the determinants of attitudes toward birth control.
  • (20) An accurate description of the coronary anatomy is desired before anatomic correction of d-transposition of the great arteries.



  • (a.) Pleasing; grateful to the mind or to the senses; agreeable; as, a pleasant journey; pleasant weather.
  • (a.) Cheerful; enlivening; gay; sprightly; humorous; sportive; as, pleasant company; a pleasant fellow.
  • (n.) A wit; a humorist; a buffoon.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Facial expression, EEG, and self-report of subjective emotional experience were recorded while subjects individually watched both pleasant and unpleasant films.
  • (2) Subjects also rated the pleasantness of 29 foods listed on a questionnaire.
  • (3) Bloody odd combination but those Orange Foam Headphones would blast those magnificent records into my developing brain over and over again" chernypyos – Björk's Human Behavior and Sinead O'Connor's Fire On Babylon: "bjork's 'human behavior' and sinead o'connor's "fire on babylon" oddly stick in my head from that one evening walking in the woods, breathing the damp air, and feeling pleasantly invisible" Pyromancer – REM – Automatic for the People Blood Sugar Sex Magic Pearl Jam - Vs RATM's first album Portishead Maxinquaye by Tricky Manic Street Preachers – Gold Against the Soul Smashing Pumpkins, Siamese Dream "I used to go to the local library and take out a CD (50p for 3 weeks!
  • (4) It is pleasant walking, full of character and constantly changing views.
  • (5) At the end of the experiment, the concentration of salt in soup rated as tasting most pleasant increased in the group which added the crystalline salt to food.
  • (6) Some of the choices involved will not be pleasant ones.
  • (7) When my floor was dirty, I rose early, and, setting all my furniture out of doors on the grass, bed and bedstead making but one budget, dashed water on the floor, and sprinkled white sand from the pond on it, and then with a broom scrubbed it clean and white... Further - and this is a stroke of his sensitive, pawky genius - he contemplates his momentarily displaced furniture and the nuance of enchanting strangeness: It was pleasant to see my whole household effects out on the grass, making a little pile like a gypsy's pack, and my three-legged table, from which I did not remove the books and pen and ink, standing amid the pines and hickories ...
  • (8) He said Watts was a “pleasant lady” but described Wright as a “cold fish Craig”.
  • (9) Nearby there is a pleasant park with tables and a barbecue.
  • (10) In sensory-specific satiety, the pleasantness of the sight or taste of a food becomes less after it is eaten to satiety, whereas the pleasantness of the sight or taste of other foods which have not been eaten is much less changed; correspondingly, food intake is greater if foods which have not already been eaten to satiety are offered.
  • (11) The house she walks back to, and in which she and her husband, Geoff, live, is pleasantly unexceptional.
  • (12) Patients with Down's syndrome usually have mild and pleasant temperaments, rarely exhibiting temper tantrums or behavioral problems.
  • (13) One month later the subjects underwent a second recognition test, at the end of which they were required to give an evaluation of the pleasantness of each odour on a nine-point scale.
  • (14) The wipes were found to be pleasant and convenient to use.
  • (15) I am always pleasantly amazed by how the city continues to be improved.
  • (16) "The reality is that we've got a situation where the Conservative party is being run almost as if it's an exclusive coterie, and it's an exclusive coterie on the left of centre of the Conservative spectrum, allied with the Liberal Democrats who are, I think, much more pleasant to associate with from their point of view," he said.
  • (17) Branagh, who received his fifth Oscar nomination (all, incidentally, have been in different categories) declared himself "absolutely thrilled", adding: "It was such an enjoyable experience to make, and this is a very pleasant outcome."
  • (18) 205 subjects each chose a "most pleasant" sound delivered through an earphone by turning the control knob on a continuously variable audio oscillator.
  • (19) To determine the contribution of sensory stimulation to the changing hedonic response to foods, the effects of consuming very low-calorie and higher calorie versions of soup and jello on the subjective pleasantness of foods were compared.
  • (20) The motive seemed to be removal from prison to the fairly pleasant surroundings of the local hospital.