What's the difference between desolate and solitude?



  • (a.) Destitute or deprived of inhabitants; deserted; uninhabited; hence, gloomy; as, a desolate isle; a desolate wilderness; a desolate house.
  • (a.) Laid waste; in a ruinous condition; neglected; destroyed; as, desolate altars.
  • (a.) Left alone; forsaken; lonely; comfortless.
  • (a.) Lost to shame; dissolute.
  • (a.) Destitute of; lacking in.
  • (v. t.) To make desolate; to leave alone; to deprive of inhabitants; as, the earth was nearly desolated by the flood.
  • (v. t.) To lay waste; to ruin; to ravage; as, a fire desolates a city.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Downtown LA is improving, but for years it was a desolate hell zone of freeways, office blocks and closed stores.
  • (2) The coast here feels like an island, desolate and full of surprises.
  • (3) The Eritrean government requires every pupil to complete their final year of high school by serving in Sawa Military Camp, in the desolate, semi-desert region of eastern Eritrea .
  • (4) But for the next few hours, though, there's little to excite us: Joseph Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) The economic data calendar is a desolate wasteland of nothingness.
  • (5) When it is not clogged with weekend traffic, Container – the English word is used in Arabic – is a desolate spot: a lonely stretch of asphalt, four dingy tollbooth-like structures painted white and green, a few bored Israeli soldiers with automatic rifles.
  • (6) They are kept in a small pen behind the Lion's Den, a pub on a ranch in desolate countryside 75 miles south of Johannesburg.
  • (7) It was after the Indian wars of the 1870s that the indigenous tribes started to be consigned to reservations – on the worst, most desolate lands for grazing or growing crops.
  • (8) And, Jinkyo-En which was a desolate waste has come to an oasis in life for the Hansenites.
  • (9) The first time I saw the building - a stark, unapologetically angular silver bunker throwing back the heat of a rather desolate part of Berlin - I was content to register its disturbance without question, submitting to its strategies of oppression and disorientation as a child would.
  • (10) "Given the complexity of this crisis and the extent of the distress of our people from the north … we must together, I say together, clear the path ahead to free our country from these invaders, who only leave desolation, deprivation and pain in their wake."
  • (11) And it's Christmas bonanza time along the high streets of Britain, where Oxfam outlets and estate agents lie lonely amid empty sites and desolate closed doors.
  • (12) Australian visual effects wizard Dave Clayton has been nominated for his work on The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
  • (13) But, like many streets in New York City and in cities across the US, it is becoming increasingly desolate.
  • (14) Season two crafted complex characters racked with existential ambivalence – heroines marked for the abyss, fragile, flammable outcasts and desolate prodigies, all of whose private pain was as palpable as the crimson bloodbath head witch Evelyn Poole soaks in.
  • (15) Instead, they suggest expanding the scope of services in family planning clinics, out of an awareness that the continuing high prevalence of unintended childbearing, among the young and disadvantaged in particular, is part of a larger problem of living in a desolate social environment.
  • (16) "I watched this guy brushing off dirt from a skull in the most desolate landscape and right then I just knew," Rincón said of his first encounter with palaeontology.
  • (17) There was nothing to see for miles but sage-covered high desert, a landscape of stark beauty and eerie desolation.
  • (18) The contemporary state of the sub-discipline of endocrinology within the framework of internal medicine is generally considered rather desolate, but so far actual data were lacking.
  • (19) Howell said in July: "There are large uninhabited and desolate areas, certainly up in the north-east where there's plenty of room for fracking well away from anyone's residence where it can be conducted without any kind of threat to the rural environment."
  • (20) A subroutine called DESOL for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of the type arising in biological simulation problems is described.



  • (a.) state of being alone, or withdrawn from society; a lonely life; loneliness.
  • (a.) Remoteness from society; destitution of company; seclusion; -- said of places; as, the solitude of a wood.
  • (a.) solitary or lonely place; a desert or wilderness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) She wanted it used as a winter White House – a place where a president could find solitude and rest.
  • (2) The only sound was the breeze whispering to the grass: splendour in solitude.
  • (3) Solitude becomes a way of life and social interaction a scarce commodity for many chronic schizophrenics who are in institutional settings.
  • (4) I yearned for solitude; most of all, I wanted to sleep alone.
  • (5) A '"demi-alien", he began, in his solitude, to write a novel.
  • (6) You won't need a guide on the Petroglyph Point or Nordenskiold Site No 16 trails, where hikers can experience solitude among the primitive paintings and ruins.
  • (7) 'Solitude' was a measure of the time during each day when potential sources of help were spontaneously available.
  • (8) The years of solitude spent pushing others towards your goal, the decision to place yourself in harm's way (as in Stachel's case), and the constant threat of failure.
  • (9) Most important, Carlin says, Freeman, abetted by the screenwriter, "impressively conveys the giant solitude of Mandela".
  • (10) Eventually this marriage gets to old age in solitude, with the bitterness of loneliness."
  • (11) She doesn't mind being lonely – "if you call it solitude it doesn't seem so bad" – and she takes long walks, another of her salvations.
  • (12) Additional research is suggested to increase the generalizability of the findings of this study and to isolate conditions related to Orem's (1985) sets of actions for maintenance of a balance between solitude and social interaction.
  • (13) Symbiontic psychoses (induced delusions) are marked by 'solitude by twos'--together in alienation to the environment.
  • (14) But it was Salinger's own war that seems to have perpetuated his adolescence, trapping him in the mind and spirit of a disaffected teen and subsequently sponsoring a deep yearning for solitude.
  • (15) The differences in general activity were detected after 69 and 79 days of social deprivation; the hyperactivity induced by amphetamine was greater after 79 days of isolation and the pentylenetetrazol CD50's were higher after 56, 69 and 79 days of solitude.
  • (16) This resulted in the isolation of provincial psychiatric hospitals, general hospital psychiatric units and community mental health programs, with little overall accountability for the services provided--three solitudes.
  • (17) Either you play your difference for all it is worth, or you retreat into solitude.
  • (18) Photograph: National Trust What do you do if you hanker after a dose of solitude somewhere scenic and remote, but can no longer heft a heavy rucksack because of a dodgy back?
  • (19) Distinct hypochondriac and relation delusions evolved and the feeling of solitude increased.
  • (20) After a standing ovation and several prizes at Sundance, this quiet little film about a very small man who gets so fed up with people's reaction to his tiny size that he decides to live in total solitude, has made its way around the world as an example of the kind of American cinema you now hardly ever see.