

  • (v. t.) To turn up, or delve in, (earth) with a spade or a hoe; to open, loosen, or break up (the soil) with a spade, or other sharp instrument; to pierce, open, or loosen, as if with a spade.
  • (v. t.) To get by digging; as, to dig potatoes, or gold.
  • (v. t.) To hollow out, as a well; to form, as a ditch, by removing earth; to excavate; as, to dig a ditch or a well.
  • (v. t.) To thrust; to poke.
  • (v. i.) To work with a spade or other like implement; to do servile work; to delve.
  • (v. i.) To take ore from its bed, in distinction from making excavations in search of ore.
  • (v. i.) To work like a digger; to study ploddingly and laboriously.
  • (n.) A thrust; a punch; a poke; as, a dig in the side or the ribs. See Dig, v. t., 4.
  • (v. t.) A plodding and laborious student.

Compare dig with other words:

dig vs. scavenge

dig vs. div

dig vs. ding

cig vs. dig

dig vs. vig

dib vs. dig

dig vs. dit

dig vs. tig

dig vs. rig

dig vs. dip

dig vs. dim

dig vs. jig

dig vs. wig

dig vs. fig

dig vs. din

dig vs. gig

dig vs. dis

dag vs. dig

dig vs. lig

dig vs. pig

did vs. dig

big vs. dig

die vs. dig

dig vs. mock

dig vs. pluck

dig vs. sig

dig vs. flintlock

dig vs. underdig

dig vs. underdelve

dig vs. fodient

dig vs. galaxy

dig vs. irregular

dig vs. dwarf

dig vs. fossorious

dig vs. dug

dig vs. engrave

cat vs. dig

dig vs. dog

dig vs. show

dig vs. ditcher

dig vs. unbury

dig vs. excavator

dig vs. gravedigger

dig vs. digger

dig vs. lock

dig vs. pit

dig vs. shard

dig vs. pitcher

delve vs. dig

becket vs. dig

dig vs. digging

clam vs. dig

delver vs. dig

backsword vs. dig

dig vs. grave

dig vs. quarry

dig vs. dike

dig vs. hoe

burrow vs. dig

dig vs. grub

dig vs. root

dig vs. undermine

dig vs. fork

dig vs. spade

dig vs. sap

dig vs. spit

canal vs. dig

dig vs. get

dig vs. student

dig vs. laborious

dig vs. plodding

archeological vs. dig

dig vs. excavation

dig vs. investigation

bed vs. dig

dig vs. ore

dig vs. drill

dig vs. hole

dig vs. shovel

dig vs. earth

dig vs. lockbox