What's the difference between disinterest and uninterested?



  • (p. a.) Disinterested.
  • (n.) What is contrary to interest or advantage; disadvantage.
  • (n.) Indifference to profit; want of regard to private advantage; disinterestedness.
  • (v. t.) To divest of interest or interested motives.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Canonical discriminant function analysis of the relationship between these predictor variables on the first testing and whether participants (a) returned for retesting, (b) did not return because of apparent disinterest, or (c) did not return because of illness or death, revealed two significant canonical variates.
  • (2) It needed independent "trained professional disinterested prosecutors" in charge of prosecutions and military victims who did not get justice had civil courts available to them.
  • (3) He wasn't a disinterested witness: he had been a friend and colleague of Bron's for many years before their children Alexander Waugh and Liza Chancellor married.
  • (4) The most widely used source of drug information for doctors is the industry-sponsored Physicians' Desk Reference, which overrates the therapeutic value of Valium and Librium as compared to disinterested medical sources.
  • (5) Sales of PCs were down in the fourth quarter, reflecting customer disinterest and setting off alarm bells among investors that the future was not auspicious.
  • (6) Unless there is a clear articulation of the proposition to be put before the Australian people, and a timeframe in which to achieve it, we run the risk of the worst possible outcome – a campaign that runs out of steam due to disinterest and disillusionment.
  • (7) It is typical of the perverse misalliance that it contains a refusal to participate, with all the attendant disinterest and deadness and lack of creativity usually associated with that condition.
  • (8) The most plausible explanation for Kennedy’s disinterest in the question is that he believes it will be moot because all of the state bans will fall.
  • (9) Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has regained the interest of physicians and surgeons, including plastic surgeons, after some years of disinterest and suspicion on the part of many.
  • (10) That doesn't mean non-voting youths are disinterested in politics.
  • (11) A defective central thirst regulation mechanism was suspected as the dog was totally disinterested in drinking water despite the chronically elevated serum sodium concentration.
  • (12) Also threatened by the loss of this public ethos is the space that disinterested science and scholarship need in order to flourish.
  • (13) Health care providers must too often stand by helplessly as disinterested or malevolent relatives make these decisions, while caring, competent non-relatives are shut out of the decision-making process.
  • (14) A Christian humanist with a healthy respect for Islam, he was a member of the academic elite; yet he inveighed against academic professionalism, venturing into territories well outside his area of speciality, insisting always that the true intellectual's role must be that of the amateur, because it is only the amateur who is moved neither by the rewards nor the requirements of a career, and who is therefore capable of a disinterested engagement with ideas and values.
  • (15) I wear a hijab and that’s going to be a problem, but once one person is able to do that, it then allows other people to dream too.” Though the never-ending campaign cycle and tawdry political fighting can breed apathy and disinterest in the American political process, Omar’s family fought for political representation, engendering in Omar a deep enthusiasm and optimism about the importance of the vote.
  • (16) If governments are not to become dependent on “insider” corporations, with the exclusion of other voices, overpricing and grotesque corruption risks that entails, then the ironclad regulation of lobbying and the re-establishment of disinterested civil and public service capacity should now be on every democrat’s agenda.
  • (17) Officials have views but their professionalism lies in separating them from disinterested policy advice.
  • (18) The findings demonstrate generalized medical disinterest in the care of ill aged patients in institutions.
  • (19) They appeared disinterested, and their speech was characterized as lacking in fluency and clarity due to their difficulty in finding appropriate words, use of inappropriate expressions and inability to express ideas clearly.
  • (20) His appointment would take a project that has suffered due to the disinterest so far shown by the original Ghostbusters star Bill Murray in a headline-grabbing new direction.



  • (a.) Not interested; not having any interest or property in; having nothing at stake; as, to be uninterested in any business.
  • (a.) Not having the mind or the passions engaged; as, uninterested in a discourse or narration.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Scott insisted he was an abstract painter in the way he felt Chardin was too: the pans and fruit were uninteresting in themselves; they were merely "the means of making a picture", which was a study in space, form and colour.
  • (2) "Anne Hathaway at least tried to sing and dance and preen along to the goings on, but Franco seemed distant, uninterested and content to keep his Cheshire-cat-meets-smug smile on display throughout."
  • (3) I went to the US point of arrival and opened the manhole they come up through: it was heavily piped, dark, uninteresting.
  • (4) But some who have been at lobbying events with Miliband claim he is disengaged, uninterested, and sometimes appears not to have done his homework on the attendant money men.
  • (5) The UK press is uninterested in "regional" stories while the Scottish press is often weak and compromised when it comes to oversight of our representatives.
  • (6) The British citizen says he was also interrogated by two British men who declined to identify themselves and who appeared uninterested in his complaints of mistreatment.
  • (7) She had lived for a long time in the shadow of her unfaithful husband, and, uninterested in the perennial squabbles of the Chilean left, the coup turned her into a significant political figure in her own right.
  • (8) Not because they are uninteresting to me, but because I am making space for all the other questions, the questions about falling in love, about the taste of water in the air, about the blue-black feathers and crimson eyes of the koel bird.
  • (9) You might think Mohamed is an unusual case, an outlier in a nation of apathetic young people disengaged from politics and uninterested in the world around them.
  • (10) Whether the issue is anti-democratic developments in Asia and in and around Russia or, for example, using US leverage to help create a unified, democratic Palestinian state, Obama has often appeared personally detached , even uninterested.
  • (11) "If he had started the negotiations in July (when they were chasing an uninterested ‘Cesc) then fine.
  • (12) Assigning patients at random to treatments and no treatment who are uninterested, who desire particular treatments, or who are in need of specific treatments is impractical and socially unacceptable.
  • (13) Dacre is uninterested in the web, famously dubbing it "bullshit.com" .
  • (14) That’s little comfort to victims of online harassment, who still face uninterested or uninformed law enforcement officers when they report, a patchwork of laws that makes harassment difficult to prosecute across state let alone international lines, and a civil process that is expensive and time-consuming even when it works at all.
  • (15) On the basis of the present findings it was concluded that the problem of rotation was not of importance and scientifically uninteresting and that the hierarchical factor solutions were highly stable.
  • (16) "Another is the way Iranians appear uninterested but will rush and vote at the last minute."
  • (17) Various alternatives have been proposed, in particular the Gini coefficient which clearly answers a different, possibly rather uninteresting, question.
  • (18) As the Obama team conducted its post-mortem, his campaign advisers faced questions about why Obama had appeared tired and uninterested, and about his failure to match Romney's aggression.
  • (19) Speaking in a rare TV interview, Eminem seemed woefully uninterested in his forthcoming record, The Marshall Mathers LP 2.
  • (20) If England had not hung in until they started to win matches, if the home side had made a mid-tournament exit as they have done so many times since, the event as a whole could easily have been dismissed as uninteresting by the television audience at large.