What's the difference between duration and punctual?



  • (n.) The state or quality of lasting; continuance in time; the portion of time during which anything exists.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Large gender differences were found in the correlations between the RAS, CR, run frequency, and run duration with the personality, mood, and locus of control scores.
  • (2) The difference in HDL and HDL2 cholesterol concentrations between the MI+ and MI- groups or between the MI+ and CHD- groups persisted after adjustment by analysis of covariance for the effect of physical activity, alcohol intake, obesity, duration of diabetes, and glycemic control.
  • (3) The active agents modestly improved treadmill exercise duration time until 1 mm ST segment depression (3%), and only propranolol and diltiazem had significant effects.
  • (4) However, there was no consistent protocol for the method or duration of drug administration.
  • (5) For each temporal position of the independent noise, discriminability was a function of the ratio of the duration of the independent noise (tau) to the total burst duration.
  • (6) Careful attention must be given to antibiotic choice as well as the dose and duration of therapy.
  • (7) We conclude that increased duration of exercise can lead to reduced PDH complex activity in rat muscles.
  • (8) These episodes continued for the duration of the suckling test and were enhanced when a second pup was placed on an adjacent nipple.
  • (9) Results demonstrate that the development of biliary strictures is strongly associated with the duration of cold ischemic storage of allografts in both Euro-Collins solution and University of Wisconsin solution.
  • (10) There is a relationship between the duration of stimulation (t) and the total heat production (H) of the type H = A plus bt, where A and b are constants.
  • (11) It is suitable either for brief sampling of AP durations when recording with microelectrodes, which may impale cells intermittently, or for continuous monitoring, as with suction electrodes on intact beating hearts in situ.
  • (12) There was no correlation between disturbed gastric clearance, impaired gall bladder contraction, and prolonged colonic transit time in the patients with cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy nor was there a correlation between any disturbed motor function and age or duration of diabetes.
  • (13) In electrophysiological studies with neurons of Lymnaea stagnalis, THA inhibited the slow outward K+ current and consequently increased the duration of the action potentials.
  • (14) A study of the time-course of the response during aortic stenosis of 30 min duration showed early release of renin from the innervated kidney at a time (5 min) when little release occurred from the denervated one.
  • (15) The elimination half-life of most beta-agonists is relatively short, and pharmacokinetics are independent of dose and duration of treatment.
  • (16) IgG antibody titres to Coxsackie B1-B6 were measured in 113 insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) patients whose mean age was 12.2 years and mean duration of IDDM was 4.6 years, and in 87 normal sibling controls whose mean age was 13.8 years.
  • (17) The maximum duration of the drainage was 24 days and complete recovery was obtained in all patients without further surgical treatments.
  • (18) This study provides strong and unexpected evidence that one admission to hospital of more than a week's duration or repeated admissions before the age of five years (in particular between six months and four years) are associated with an increased risk of behaviour disturbance and poor reading in adolescence.
  • (19) The results suggest that the response continued unabated throughout the duration of exposure to hypoxia.
  • (20) The duration of action correlated with the elimination half-life of the drug (r = 0.87; P less than 0.003) and area under the plasma concentration curve (r = 0.72; P less than 0.03).



  • (a.) Consisting in a point; limited to a point; unextended.
  • (a.) Observant of nice points; punctilious; precise.
  • (a.) Appearing or done at, or adhering exactly to, a regular or an appointed time; precise; prompt; as, a punctual man; a punctual payment.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The punctual verify of vaccinal covering rate in a little Sanitary District in the Province of Treviso points out values higher than 90%.
  • (2) Beside morphologic studies the amounts of silver or chromium can be determined semiquantitatively by the intensity of the specific X-radiate from "sum up-analysis" out of punctual areas.
  • (3) Based upon many years of experience with specific reflexotherapy and conventional stimulation therapy for treatment of pain we started a clinical study in migraine applying the punctual transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PuTENS) performed with self-made pocket electrostimulators (TRG I-III).
  • (4) I will support my contention by examining: (1) Sicilian-Canadian conceptions of punctuality; and, (2) the communicative dimension of the pain experience.
  • (5) It is being dubbed Britain's least punctual plane – a service run (somewhat inappropriately) by Wizz Air, the largest low-cost airline in central and eastern Europe.
  • (6) The elaboration performed discriminates between those stations constantly polluted and the punctual pollution phenomena that seldom affect more than one station.
  • (7) I want to see prisoners motivated to engage in their own learning and governors with the right tools to be more demanding and creative about the education provided in the prisons they run.” Coates recently carried out a review of teaching standards for the Department for Education and her recommended diet of punctuality, respect and constant exams has been credited with turning around Burlington Danes academy in White City in west London, which lies in the shadow of Wormwood Scrubs prison.
  • (8) A device for measuring hardness has been developed which allows an almost punctual evaluation of the mechanic value of bone.
  • (9) The method uses only codon usage tables and takes into account the length of sequences, and preserves the information contained in each codon by a punctual index.
  • (10) It missed its targets on financial efficiency, asset stewardship and, crucially, both freight and passenger train punctuality.
  • (11) They don't have the strength of character … Instead they show submissiveness, spinelessness, lack of punctuality, and many other factors which prevent them from becoming political activists."
  • (12) The laser beam is a punctual source of thermal energy which can be used to vaporize human atheroma.
  • (13) McNulty defended the achievements of privatisation, saying that punctuality and safety standards were now at impressive levels.
  • (14) The general physical properties of living systems, considered as open systems being far from equilibrium, are listed and simple non-linear mathematical models describing gradual and punctual speciation are suggested.
  • (15) Among the numerous musculo-cutaneous flaps, the lower trapezius island appears an interesting procedure for punctual indications.
  • (16) The deflagellated enterobacteria are, therefore, immobilized, and multiply, forming small punctual colonies, of 0.5-1 mm phi, whereas the vibrios tolerating FDF develop and at the same time move in the liquid agar, mass, forming large colonies, of 8-14 mm phi.
  • (17) London Overground has become one of the most popular and punctual railways anywhere in the country.
  • (18) BBC staffers not already familiar with their new boss may also like to know that he is a stickler for punctuality.
  • (19) It's a really strict environment, strict on punctuality, on socialising.
  • (20) Then ordinary passengers can continue to benefit from clean and punctual trains.