What's the difference between ember and flame?



  • (n.) A lighted coal, smoldering amid ashes; -- used chiefly in the plural, to signify mingled coals and ashes; the smoldering remains of a fire.
  • (a.) Making a circuit of the year of the seasons; recurring in each quarter of the year; as, ember fasts.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The board was also asked to make recommendations for the government and council to work to minimise the risk of embers from external fires getting into the open-cut mines.
  • (2) And driving around Baltimore on Monday night, when the riots of 2015 came to town, it was difficult to tell whether this building here had burned in the wake of rising police tensions, or if that house over there had been empty since the embers of another series of riots and near-riots – in April 1968 – that left Baltimore unrepaired, in more ways than one, for nearly half a century.
  • (3) GDF Suez did not adequately recognise a fire caused by ember attack on the worked-out areas of the Hazelwood mine as a mining hazard.
  • (4) I don’t think but we have to wait.” While Stones was stretchered away in the dying embers with ankle ligament damage that should rule him out of England duty, this was a satisfying occasion all-round for United.
  • (5) "embers tell me they have seen their energy costs increase considerably in the last year, typically by 30% or more, and in one case doubling.
  • (6) England, advancing on Ireland, glows like the embers left after a bonfire , or a black dress scattered with shreds of gold leaf; Milan announces itself with starbursts of gold on dark velvet , while Cairo, fed by the glittering ribbon of the Nile (Egypt being the natural equivalent to California's graphic illiustration of our dependence on water), favours white light; central Paris declares its exclusivity , the périphérique hugging the centre tight, keeping it safe from the banlieues .
  • (7) After the boss’s intervention, she emailed him in August requesting a shot which used “no face melting, less fire in the hair, fewer embers on the face” to replace the current version of Kim’s death, which culminates in his head exploding.
  • (8) We cannot stand by until the last embers of the war have died down,” he says.
  • (9) Jim, from Tanjil South, was seeking refuge in his swimming pool as embers dropped in the water around him.
  • (10) It is difficult, as you navigate the embers and haze, to imagine anything ever growing in this desolation.
  • (11) Wait about an hour after the embers start glowing to keep pain to a minimum.
  • (12) When Muhammad Ali rumbled in the jungle with George Foreman exactly 40 years ago on Thursday, they were safely distant from the dying embers of a conflict that still engaged the more perilous commitment of 1.5 million of their compatriots in Vietnam.
  • (13) It was the embers of the Labour government and the then culture secretary Andy Burnham thought: "Why not do it ourselves?"
  • (14) Cooked on embers in boats on the sand, the must-try is espeto de sardinas (just-caught grilled sardines on a stick, €4.50).
  • (15) When the embers had cooled, Kenyans took once again to Twitter to question how well the security services had responded in the crisis.
  • (16) Insurance broker Neil Cook, of Ember JD Insurance , told Cash he is being approached by increasing numbers of leaseholders who are being charged significantly above the going rate.
  • (17) The mine is surrounded by the national park and a change in wind after the burn had ended reignited embers and carried them across containment lines, ERA said on Wednesday.
  • (18) Speaking to the Guardian, he said: “You can see the embers of unrest starting to smoulder.
  • (19) Judy said the wind pushed the fire up and down steep slopes, creating embers that sparked spot fires in different directions.
  • (20) We'll have to reignite the embers of empathy and fellow feeling, the coalition of conscience that found expression in this place 50 years ago.



  • (n.) A stream of burning vapor or gas, emitting light and heat; darting or streaming fire; a blaze; a fire.
  • (n.) Burning zeal or passion; elevated and noble enthusiasm; glowing imagination; passionate excitement or anger.
  • (n.) Ardor of affection; the passion of love.
  • (n.) A person beloved; a sweetheart.
  • (n.) To burn with a flame or blaze; to burn as gas emitted from bodies in combustion; to blaze.
  • (n.) To burst forth like flame; to break out in violence of passion; to be kindled with zeal or ardor.
  • (v. t.) To kindle; to inflame; to excite.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) On Friday night, in a stadium built in an area once deemed an urban wasteland, the flame that has journeyed from Athens to every corner of these islands will light the fire that launches the London Olympics of 2012.
  • (2) They were like some great show, the gas squeezing up from the depths of the oil well to be consumed in flame against the intense black horizon, like some great dragon.
  • (3) He's called out for his lack of imagination in a stinging review by a leading food critic (Oliver Platt) and - after being introduced to Twitter by his tech-savvy son (Emjay Anthony) - accidentally starts a flame war that will lead to him losing his job.
  • (4) He was burnt alive along with three customers as flames from the car set his carpet shop ablaze.
  • (5) Likewise, Merkel's Germany seems to be replicating the same erroneous policy as that of 1930, when a devotion to fiscal orthodoxy plunged the Weimar Republic into mass discontent that fuelled the flames of National Socialism.
  • (6) Three brands of Ca supplement, a laboratory-reagent grade CaCO3 and a certified reference material (International Atomic Energy Agency H-5 Animal Bone) wee analysed for Cd and Pb by four different analytical techniques, viz., anodic stripping voltammetry inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, flame atomic absorption spectrometry and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry.
  • (7) Demolition of a steel railway bridge was carried out by nine workers using flame-torch cutting.
  • (8) Analytically, the major products formed initially from pTFE at 700 degrees C under either condition (flame or cup furnace) are similar but they disappear rapidly in the presence of continuous heat.
  • (9) The main lesions of the tegument included indistinct of the matrix, vacuolization and peeling, while vacuolization of perinuclear cytoplasma in tegumental cells, focus lysis in muscle bundles, and destruction in collection ducts and flame cells were also seen.
  • (10) Using the Perkin Elmer flame photometer sodium and potassium concentrations have been measured in muscle fibers from the m. ileofibularis of Rana temporaria.
  • (11) In 1998, when Jeffrey Archer's son, James, and his trader friends, known as the Flaming Ferraris, took a stretch limo to their bank's Christmas party, the Sunday Telegraph could barely contain itself.
  • (12) This team flamed out early in the last two tournaments despite big expectations.
  • (13) Urine is separated by reversed-phase HPLC and metal-species are detected on-line by flame-AAS (Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu and Fe) or by ETAAS in fractions (Pb, Cd, Sn).
  • (14) Liam Fox, regarded as the flame-keeper of the Tory right, would also be a prime target for the Lib Dems.
  • (15) The propazine was extracted from the powder with chloroform, with dieldrin as an internal standard, and chromatographed on Carbowax 20M, using a flame ionization detector.
  • (16) Flame burns due to domestic accidents were the aetiological factors in the majority of patients; 84 (87.5 per cent) of those who died sustained flame burns, although flame burns were only responsible for 46.6 per cent of all burns cases admitted.
  • (17) While there are similarities between the morphology of the central terminals of cutaneous low-threshold mechanoreceptors in the rat and those previously described in the cat (for example, the longitudinally continuous arrangement of the mediolaterally restricted flame-shaped HFA arborizations and the discontinuous RA arborizations arising from a dorsally located axon), there are also some major differences: the large number of HFA arbors extending to lamina IIi and to lamina IV rather than being restricted to lamina III, the deeper location of the RA arbors (in laminae IV and V rather than lamina III),(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
  • (18) When Black regained consciousness, he made his way down the length of the plane and tried to free the pilot from his seat as flames began to engulf the fuselage.
  • (19) In some instances where direct coupling was impossible, owing to the physical properties of the effluent or eluent, conventional analyses of chromatographically separated iron species were performed by flame AAS.
  • (20) The ion content of heart tissue was measured with flame spectrometer after the decomposition of myocardium by Lumatom tissue solubizer.