(1) Was all the entanglement research done in the meantime, including Einstein's, unscientific metaphysics?
(2) Americans Stuart Freedman and Jon Clauser and French physicist Alain Aspect were the first to verify quantum entanglement experimentally.
(3) The commonest causes of death were pneumonia and entanglement in fishing gear.
(4) Monoamniotic twin pregnancy involves a heavy risk of fatal umbilical cord entanglement.
(5) Even extraembryonic membranes can form strands of tissue that can entangle the delicate developing foot plate, and calcaneovalgus deformities could conceivably be established.
(6) SEM and TEM examinations suggested that dentinal collagen exposed by the etching but not entangled and impregnated by poly (4-META-co-MMA) easily deteriorated by water during the longer immersion.
(7) These difficulties are not easy to approach as much as psychological and organic factors may be entangled.
(8) Some 59% of voters said the UK's recent entanglements in Iraq and Afghanistan had made them more reluctant to support military interventions by UK forces abroad.
(9) Nuclei appear to be entangled in the channel system and move in an unusual, rolling fashion.
(10) The web of human entanglement resulting from the cry "rape" may twist and disrupt the lives of the persons involved.
(11) The congestive cases were characterized by decreased and disdarrayed myofibrils (loose myofibril disorientation), wheras the hypertrophic cases by abundant myofibrils characteristically entangled with each other (tight myofibril disorientation).
(12) Scanning electron microscopy indicates that these aggregates are surface microvilli entangled with attached EPEC.
(13) During a visit to Britain before he launched his campaign, Walker was so anxious to avoid awkward entanglements that he refused to say whether he believed in evolution, an incident that set of a chain of increasingly controversial comments on social issues.
(14) Although monoamniotic twins frequently die related to cord knotting, sonographic visualization of cord entanglement does not imply impending demise.
(15) Deposits consisted of dense aggregations of randomly entangled spicules spreading within bundles of collagen fibrils.
(16) It would be a little surprising if TNC didn't invest in fossil fuels, given its various other entanglements with the sector.
(17) Umbilical cord entanglement was found in 34% of 555 women in labour.
(18) Grieve said it was crucial that, under the British constitution, the monarch was not seen to be biased towards any political party, or to become entangled in political controversies.
(19) The gel network in mucus may not be infinite, but only an effectively entangled system of very large molecules.
(20) Thermally reversible aqueous gels (crystallized from an under-cooled, rubbery melt) are described by a "fringed micelle" structural model for a three-dimensional polymer network, composed of microcrystalline junction zones crosslinking plasticized amorphous regions of flexible-coiled, entangled chain segments.
(a.) Infolded; entangled; complicated; involved.
(a.) Tacitly comprised; fairly to be understood, though not expressed in words; implied; as, an implicit contract or agreement.
(a.) Resting on another; trusting in the word or authority of another, without doubt or reserve; unquestioning; complete; as, implicit confidence; implicit obedience.
Example Sentences:
(1) It transpired that in 65% of the analysed advertisements explicit or implicit claims were made.
(2) The coefficient of repeatability statistic appears to facilitate the assessment of pattern electroretinograms and permits the comparison of the repeatability of both implicit time and amplitude parameters irrespective of absolute values.
(3) These limitations expressly declared in the ISO 2631 guide are also implicit in the other regulations proposed.
(4) The important concept implicit in this formula is that the hemodynamic evaluation of a stenotic valve requires that the pressure gradient across that valve be examined in light of the cardiac output passing through the orifice.
(5) The interpretation of results with calcium-permeabilized cells, in general, has depended on the implicit assumption that the ionophore-induced calcium distribution among the cells is uniform.
(6) How, we might ask, can homophobic bullying be tackled when implicitly sanctioned by the school’s own literature?
(7) There is always an implicit choice in what is included and what is excluded, and this choice can become a political issue in its own right.
(8) The authors draw attention to an assumption often implicit in presentation and utilisation of attitude data, that attitudes are the cause of behaviour.
(9) The fundamental behavioural adaptations implicit in the 'Upper Palaeolithic Revolution' (possibly including language) are thought to have been responsible for this rapid dispersal of human populations over the ecologically demanding environments of last-glacial Europe.
(10) The repair of PLD was implicitly involved in the probability of the interaction of sublesions.
(11) There's something in an airport which seems to crystallise the notion of implicit catastrophe.
(12) It is further shown that a strict distinction between "implicit" and "explicit" is not possible for behavioural manifestations, but rather they constitute poles of a continuum in which all communicative modes could be incorporated.
(13) The present study examined the possibility that tasks which require memory only implicitly would be performed normally.
(14) The results support the hypotheses implicit in the scanty literature available that the frequency and effects of torture in women differ from those found in men.
(15) It is done implicitly, not explicitly,” he said, with the whole system geared to deliver “a very clear message that you should keep silent and focus on your own research”.
(16) There was no recordable rod response; however, a delay in the cone b-wave implicit time was noted.
(17) All they want, executives say, is for that implicit subsidy to be replaced by cash or other forms of support as it declines in value as we approach digital switchover.
(18) The patient demonstrated arteriolar narrowing, as well as an increased photopic b-wave implicit time, decreased scotopic b-wave amplitude, and a slightly abnormal electro-oculogram (EOG).
(19) It is implicit that overactivity or functional failure of any one or combination of the integral reflexes may cause a significant disorder of lower urinary tract function.
(20) (I leave it implicit, but that's the age the child would be when his — or her — grandmother completed two full terms in the White House.)