What's the difference between equalize and evener?



  • (v. t.) To make equal; to cause to correspond, or be like, in amount or degree as compared; as, to equalize accounts, burdens, or taxes.
  • (v. t.) To pronounce equal; to compare as equal.
  • (v. t.) To be equal to; equal; to match.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The angiographic appearances are highly characteristic and equal in value to a histological diagnosis.
  • (2) We conclude that first-transit and blood-pool techniques are equally accurate methods for determining EF when the time-activity method of analysis is employed.
  • (3) But everyone in a nation should have the equal right to sing or not sing.
  • (4) In patients with coronary artery disease, electrocardiographic signs of left atrial enlargement (LAE-negative P wave deflection greater than or equal to 1 mm2 in lead V1) are associated with increased left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP).
  • (5) These same molecules may be equally responsible for the pathologic characteristics of the immune response seen, for example, in inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • (6) A NYHA-class greater than II was observed in 18% of patients with type-I hypertrophy, in 29% with type II, but in 61% with type III (p less than or equal to 0.05).
  • (7) The effect of S-adenosylhomocysteine on DNA methylation was examined, and it was found at equal molar concentrations of S-adenosylhomocysteine to to S-adenosylmethionine that DNA methylation was competitively inhibited 50%.
  • (8) All five individuals appeared to have acute C. pneumoniae infection as determined by results of serologic tests (titers of IgM antibody for all individuals were greater than or equal to 1:16).
  • (9) Gross brain atrophy was slight and equal in both groups.
  • (10) The amount of water, creatinine, electrolytes, proteins, and enzymes were higher during the day (up to three fold, p always less than 0.05), while equal amounts of amino acids were excreted in the day and the night period.
  • (11) The M 13 specific DNA present in minicells isolated several hours after infection consists of single stranded viral DNA and double stranded replicative forms in nearly equal amounts.
  • (12) Simple cells that are nearly equally dominated by each eye always exhibit strong phase-specific interaction.
  • (13) At sufficiently high field intensities, the reaction may approach a value equal to that of the free enzyme system.
  • (14) lengths with the subjects equally divided into these four groups: distributed trials, distributed sessions; distributed trials, massed sessions; massed trials, distributed sessions; and massed trials, massed sessions.
  • (15) When cultures were pulse labeled for 15 min and then incubated under chase conditions for 105 min, the amount of degraded collagen attained a value equal to approximately 20% of the amount synthesized during the labeling period; the data were fit with a simple exponential function that had a 40-min rise time and a 12-min lag time.
  • (16) Adverse outcomes were reported more frequently by consultant physicians, by those who 'titrated' the intravenous sedative, and by those who used an additional intravenous agent, but were reported equally frequently by endoscopists using midazolam and endoscopists using diazepam.
  • (17) For obstruction of greater than or equal to 50% of the pulmonary vascular cross-sectional area and pulmonary hypertension thrombolytic therapy should be given and insertion of an inferior caval filter can be considered.
  • (18) Johnson and Campion are optimistic that marriage equality will win out, and soon.
  • (19) In 0.17 M Na+(aq), tRNA(Phe) exists in its native conformation and the number of strong binding sites (Ka greater than or equal to 10(4)) was estimated to be 3-4 by titration experiments, in agreement with X-ray structural data for crystalline tRNA(Phe) (Jack et al., 1977).
  • (20) It is commonly assumed that the visual resolution limit must be equal to or less than the Nyquist frequency of the cone mosaic.



  • (n.) One who, or that which makes even.
  • (n.) In vehicles, a swinging crossbar, to the ends of which other crossbars, or whiffletrees, are hung, to equalize the draught when two or three horses are used abreast.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) In cardiac tissue the adenylate system is not a good indicator of the energy state of the mitochondrion, even when the concentrations of AMP and free cytosolic ADP are calculated from the adenylate kinase and creatine kinase equilibria.
  • (2) Graft life is even more prolonged with patch angioplasty at venous outflow stenoses or by adding a new segment of PTFE to bypass areas of venous stenosis.
  • (3) Some of those drugs are able to stimulate the macrophages, even in an aspecific way, via the gut associated lymphatic tissue (GALT), that is in connection with the bronchial associated lymphatic tissue (BALT).
  • (4) Acceptance of less than ideal donors is ill-advised even though rejection of such donors conflicts with the current shortage of organs.
  • (5) Even with hepatic lipase, phospholipid hydrolysis could not deplete VLDL and IDL of sufficient phospholipid molecules to account for the loss of surface phospholipid that accompanies triacylglycerol hydrolysis and decreasing core volume as LDL is formed (or for conversion of HDL2 to HDL3).
  • (6) Even though attempts to generalize the data from childbearing women to women of childbearing age have an inherent conservative bias, the results of our study suggest that 988 women (95% CI 713 to 1336) aged 15 to 44 years in Quebec had HIV infection in 1989.
  • (7) Here we show that this induction of AP-2 mRNA is at the level of transcription and is transient, reaching a peak 48-72 hr after the addition of RA and declining thereafter, even in the continuous presence of RA.
  • (8) Early stabilisation may not ensure normal development but even early splinting carries a small risk of avascular necrosis.
  • (9) Other haematological parameters remained normal, with the exception of the absolute number of lymphocytes, which initially fell sharply but soon returned to, and even exceeded, control levels.
  • (10) Even so, amputation of fifteen extremities and four other major excisions were required in twelve patients.
  • (11) I said: ‘Apologies for doing this publicly, but I did try to get a meeting with you, and I couldn’t even get a reply.’ And then I had a massive go at him – about everything really, from poverty to uni fees to NHS waiting times.” She giggles again.
  • (12) Even former Florida governor Jeb Bush, one of Trump’s chief critics, said ultimately, “anybody is better than Hillary Clinton”.
  • (13) In the German Democratic Republic, patients with scleroderma and history of long term silica exposure are recognized as patients with occupational disease even though pneumoconiosis is not clearly demonstrated on X-ray film.
  • (14) No significant fatty acid binding by proteins was detected in S. cerevisiae, even when grown on a fatty acid-rich medium, thus indicating that such proteins are not essential to fatty acid metabolism.
  • (15) I hope this movement will continue and spread for it has within itself the power to stand up to fascism, be victorious in the face of extremism and say no to oppressive political powers everywhere.” Appearing via videolink from Tehran, and joined by London mayor Sadiq Khan and Palme d’Or winner Mike Leigh, Farhadi said: “We are all citizens of the world and I will endeavour to protect and spread this unity.” The London screening of The Salesman on Sunday evening wasintended to be a show of unity and strength against Trump’s travel ban, which attempted to block arrivals in the US from seven predominantly Muslim countries: Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
  • (16) "The sending off was a joke, and I thought the penalty was even worse," Bruce said.
  • (17) [125I]ET-1 binding to ETB receptors (nonselective to ET isopeptides) in cerebellar membranes was not inhibited by either of these compounds even at 100 microM.
  • (18) No report can be taken seriously if its authors weren’t even in Yemen to conduct investigations.” The UN team was not given permission to enter the country.
  • (19) Control incubations revealed an inherent difference between the two substrates; gram-positive supernatants consistently contained 5% radioactivity, whereas even at 0 h, those from the gram-negative mutant released 22%.
  • (20) He was very touched that President Nicolas Sarkozy came out to the airport to meet us, even after Madiba retired.

Words possibly related to "evener"