What's the difference between exclusive and undivided?



  • (a.) Having the power of preventing entrance; debarring from participation or enjoyment; possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of others; as, exclusive bars; exclusive privilege; exclusive circles of society.
  • (a.) Not taking into the account; excluding from consideration; -- opposed to inclusive; as, five thousand troops, exclusive of artillery.
  • (n.) One of a coterie who exclude others; one who from real of affected fastidiousness limits his acquaintance to a select few.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) But Lee is mostly just extremely fed up at the exclusion of sex workers’ voices from much of the conversation.
  • (2) This computer is connected to a fileserver via a local area network and is used exclusively for data acquisition.
  • (3) Enamel was exclusively present opposite well developed dentine.
  • (4) The sites of action for somatostatin and epinephrine to inhibit insulin secretion have been reported to be exclusively in the exocytotic pathway.
  • (5) In a separate exclusive interview , Alexis Tsipras, the increasingly powerful 37-year-old Greek politician now regarded by many as holding the future of the euro in his hands, told the Guardian that he was determined "to stop the experiment" with austerity policies imposed by Germany.
  • (6) Comparison of the 50% binding concentrations of the compounds for the various PBPs of the five strains with their antibacterial activity indicates that the different antibiotics are excluded to a greater or lesser degree by the outer membrane permeability barrier and that the exclusion is most pronounced in P. aeruginosa.
  • (7) Intelligence scores are also related to feeding patterns, with those exclusively breastfed for 4-9 months displaying the highest scores in relation to their age.
  • (8) The effect of exclusion versus inclusion of the fiducial timing point optimizing routine in the signal averaging program was examined in 21 patients.
  • (9) The findings reported here suggest that if women nurse exclusively for the 1st half year, maintaining night nursing after introducing supplements is important.
  • (10) After approximately 20 in vitro passages, Chinese hamster kidney (CHK) cell cultures transformed upon exposure to different strains of SV 40 can show a diploid modal chromosome number of 22 with chromosome counts exclusively or essentially in the diploid range (20-25).
  • (11) In contrast, in paraffin as well as in frozen sections of chick oviduct, fixed by immersion or in vapor, PR was exclusively nuclear, including in the absence of progesterone, and the intensity of immunostaining was not modified by progesterone treatment.
  • (12) Tracks were almost exclusively written on tour, including this jolting number, with an additional four tracks recorded in the studio.
  • (13) The diagnosis remains primarily one of exclusion, and management is largely nonspecific and supportive.
  • (14) In the absence of adequate data exclusively from studies of inhaled particles in people, the results of inhalation studies using laboratory animals are necessary to estimate particle retention in exposed people.
  • (15) After the emperor's death, they are named after an era chosen for them; thus Hirohito is known exclusively in Japan as Showa Emperor.
  • (16) To investigate whether lipids could also be transported from the inner to the outer leaflet, lipid probes residing exclusively in the inner leaflet were monitored for their appearance in the outer leaflet.
  • (17) It is concluded that in this cell type (i) somatostatin-14 is exclusively generated by dibasic cleavage at the Arg-2-Lys-1 site of the intact precursor with concomitant production of prosomatostatin[1-76], and (ii) no direct interactions between the monobasic and dibasic processing domains occur.
  • (18) Studies performed in our laboratory of the recovery of CMV-specific T cell responses after bone marrow transplantation have demonstrated that CMV disease occurs exclusively in those patients with no reconstitution of CD8+ CMV-specific T cell responses.
  • (19) All FSH isoforms obtained after chromatofocusing represented alpha and beta dimers as disclosed by size exclusion chromatography.
  • (20) However, it should be stressed that none of these mechanisms is mutually exclusive; indeed, the enormous complexity of tumor promotion suggests that several of the mechanisms discussed above may very well be interrelated.



  • (a.) Not divided; not separated or disunited; unbroken; whole; continuous; as, plains undivided by rivers or mountains.
  • (a.) Not set off, as a share in a firm; not made actually separate by division; as, a partner, owning one half in a firm, is said to own an undivided half so long as the business continues and his share is not set off to him.
  • (a.) Not directed or given to more than one object; as, undivided attention or affection.
  • (a.) Not lobed, cleft, or branched; entire.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) mycoides cluster' at a similarity level (S) of 66% and which remained undivided at up to 78% S. At higher similarity levels, these strains fell heterogeneously into mixed sub-phenons containing strains of both subspecies.
  • (2) The performance with the affected limb improved over the 3-month time period and reached a level of performance that was not significantly different from that of the unaffected limb for either the undivided or divided attention task.
  • (3) His technique was based on limited opening of the left side of the chest directly over the common or undivided pulmonary artery and encircling the proximal aorta and pulmonary artery together through the transverse sinus of the pericardium.
  • (4) Under nonpermissive conditions, mcm3-1 exhibited a cell cycle arrest phenotype, arresting at the large-bud stage with an undivided nucleus that had a DNA content of nearly 2n.
  • (5) The differentiation of undivided cells in stg embryos is not restricted to the peripheral nervous system; in all types of tissues analyzed in this study (e.g., epidermis, intestine, muscle, CNS), precursor cells express characteristics normally exhibited by their progeny.
  • (6) Not to mention the impact it would have on the comfortable life he has so far enjoyed – private education, lots of holidays and my undivided time and attention.
  • (7) Khizr Khan paid tribute to his late son, Cpt Humayun Khan, who was killed by a car bomb in 2004, and described his family as “patriotic American Muslims with undivided loyalty to our country”.
  • (8) By contrast, LETS is minimally exposed on undividing, relatively disperse old cells.
  • (9) The operation consists of three parts: (1) end-to-side anastomosis of the superior vena cava to the undivided right pulmonary artery; (2) construction of a composite intraatrial tunnel with the use of the posterior wall of the right atrium; and (3) use of a prosthetic patch to channel the inferior vena cava to the enlarged orifice of the transected superior vena cava that is anastomosed to the main pulmonary artery.
  • (10) But in the process of painting her, says Celia, maybe she finally managed to claim the undivided attention she had missed as the fourth of five daughters.
  • (11) Multiple states of differentiation developed within the same undivided egg cytoplasm of ascidian zygotes cleavage-arrested with cytochalasin B.
  • (12) Therefore, a median furrow in the external hairy skin of the upper lip, found in some platyrrhine monkeys, could be a rudiment of a cleft, indicating that a kind of a split lip condition was ancestral to the undivided lips of platyrrhine monkeys.
  • (13) Undivided atrioventricular valve leaflets were sandwiched between the two patches.
  • (14) The relative movement is the difference of the mean DNA fluorescence of the labeled undivided cells from the G1 channel relative to the difference between the G1 and G2M channels.
  • (15) A modified shunt from the divided end of the superior vena cava to the side of the undivided right pulmonary artery utilized in 21 patients is described.
  • (16) Republican senators introduce bill to move US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem Read more However, while other presidential candidates, including Bill Clinton and George W Bush, also promised to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, they backed away once in office and deferred implementation of the 1995 congressional Jerusalem Embassy Act , which recognises Jerusalem as Israel’s “undivided” capital and calls for relocating the US embassy there.
  • (17) Because the centromere remains undivided until anaphase, it cannot undergo the later stage of condensation found in the chromosome arms after separation into chromatids, and therefore the centromere remains as a constriction.
  • (18) The effects of these dividers on feeding, extending head out of the cage front and agonistic behaviour were compared with undivided areas.
  • (19) One species (Ceratophrys cranwelli) shows undivided bladed monocuspid teeth.
  • (20) The invariable absence of septation of the ventricular infundibula and semilunar valves, in spite of the variable anatomy of the free wall of the conus, indicates that all types of truncus arteriosus, ontogenetically, should be considered as a single undivided conotruncus.