(v. t.) To free from accusation, or the imputation of fault or blame; to clear from guilt; to release from a charge; to justify by extenuating a fault; to exculpate; to absolve; to acquit.
(v. t.) To pardon, as a fault; to forgive entirely, or to admit to be little censurable, and to overlook; as, we excuse irregular conduct, when extraordinary circumstances appear to justify it.
(v. t.) To regard with indulgence; to view leniently or to overlook; to pardon.
(v. t.) To free from an impending obligation or duty; hence, to disengage; to dispense with; to release by favor; also, to remit by favor; not to exact; as, to excuse a forfeiture.
(v. t.) To relieve of an imputation by apology or defense; to make apology for as not seriously evil; to ask pardon or indulgence for.
(v. t.) The act of excusing, apologizing, exculpating, pardoning, releasing, and the like; acquittal; release; absolution; justification; extenuation.
(v. t.) That which is offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or irregular deportment; apology; as, an excuse for neglect of duty; excuses for delay of payment.
(v. t.) That which excuses; that which extenuates or justifies a fault.
Example Sentences:
(1) As he told us: 'Individual faults and frailties are no excuse to give in and no exemption from the common obligation to give of ourselves.'
(2) We need to stop making excuses for them: But it is up to the state to close the loopholes Yes, the state must work continually to tighten and simplify the tax regime, which is a deliberate mess keeping an entire industry of accounting firms and tax lawyers fed.
(3) "With hindsight," he writes, "it was a trumped-up excuse for radical activism for its own sake."
(4) The Frenchman has been excused from duty at Everton on Saturday on compassionate grounds and the club have put no time frame on his possible return.
(5) Becton’s lawyer, Hannah Stroud, told a separate news conference that stress was no excuse for Casebolt’s actions and “the manner in which Ms Becton was treated was excessive, inappropriate and without cause” and a civil rights violation.
(6) Well, Machado put those skills on display on Sunday, and this is an excuse to bring you his ridiculous play against the Yankees.
(7) This prompted an angry response from the bill's sponsors who accused opponents of using border security as an excuse to block any immigration reform.
(8) This lovely coastal route also gives you an excuse to hop on the Skye ferry, which plies its way over the narrows to Kylerhea from the start of this walk.
(9) I think the French manager told him ‘it’s very difficult to watch you when you’re not playing for PSG’ – he hasn’t got that excuse now.” Palace are also well worth watching.
(10) I'm not a believer, and my only problem with artistic licence is when the phrase is used as an excuse to oversimplify a work to improve its marketability.
(11) Nothing in this context can be soft-pedalled and excused.
(12) He continues: “And a ‘no excuses’ culture where excellence is the norm.” Police were called by a member of the public shortly after 11am after reports of a disturbance outside the school in George V Avenue, where a number of parents and pupils had gathered.
(13) The current IRS controversy does not excuse sham political organizations masquerading as social welfare organizations, and shines a light on the critical need for campaign spending disclosure legislation.
(14) David Winnick, the MP for Walsall North, said: "None of [May's] excuses can explain away the sheer incompetence and shambles that have occurred on her watch."
(15) Sessions are scheduled regularly throughout the year and take place outside the hospital; interns are excused from their service responsibilities for the duration of the meeting.
(16) "There is no excuse to cut back on services that patients depend on.
(17) His team had been working on a protest-themed game for the past two years, and the frenzy surrounding Occupy Central gave them an excuse to release a prototype.
(18) After years of on-and-off e-dating, in which I've met 150-200 women, fallen in love with one and invented extravagant excuses to extricate myself from awkward encounters with countless others, you might think I'd be tired of it all.
(19) "We are always followed by a crowd of people – not journalists, but people who are following us and track our every move, and look for any excuse to detain us."
(20) The bar on religious weddings was meant to reassure the faithful, but the Church of England has twisted the weird and novel distinction between religious and secular marriages into an excuse to oppose the whole reform , while it is left to Labour's Yvette Cooper to speak for liberal Jews and Quakers who resent the continuing bar on them offering ceremonial equality.
(a.) Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil; feeling regret; -- now generally used to express light grief or affliction, but formerly often used to express deeper feeling.
(a.) Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful.
(a.) Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse.
Example Sentences:
(1) I’m very sorry.” Who is Billy Bush: the man egging on Trump in tape about groping women Read more Trump and Bush had been on a bus headed to the set of the soap opera Days of Our Lives, in which Trump was set to make a cameo.
(2) Israel’s president has told his Mexican counterpart that he was “sorry for the hurt” over a tweet in which the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, appeared to praise Donald Trump’s plans to build a wall on the US-Mexican border.
(3) Leicester looked a little sorry for themselves and, with their concentration down, United twisted the knife.
(4) If I go back to 1995 – and some started earlier, some a little later, but let’s take that as ground zero – I think we’re all sorry.
(5) We had a brief conversation and I said to him he was acting from high honour here, and I said how sorry I was this wasn’t happening in three or four years time..because Barry is a man of honour..and I think he is a very capable premier and I think he has been missed.” Asked whether he had ever met Nick di Girolamo , the prime minister said both he and Mr di Girolamo attended a lot of functions, and “I don’t for a moment say I have never met him but I don’t recall it.” But former federal Liberal MP Ross Cameron sounded much more sceptical about O’Farrell’s memory lapse when speaking to Sky News.
(6) I say ‘fuck sorry.’” Rudd, who addressed a breakfast in Sydney to mark the anniversary, said words must be followed up with actions.
(7) I’ve seen Ukip both at home and abroad, and I’m sorry to say they’re pretty amateur.
(8) But the sorry state of the economy is clearly the main worry.
(9) "I almost feel sorry for them," said Pauline Corton, who was checking out Radley bags in the County Arcade with 20%, 30% and 50% off.
(10) "We are very sorry if customers have not received their baggage and we will reunite them as quickly as possible."
(11) I used to go to meetings and people would say sorry about all the problems and the denialist president.
(12) Hermens went on to say that Aregawi “feels really sorry for all the people that she has let down in Sweden”.
(13) Every time I hear that someone has been injured by a bomb on the ground I feel very sorry.
(14) "In a way I feel sorry for him and I think he needs some sort of counselling as it is obviously very odd behaviour.
(15) I’m desperately sorry, says head who hired paedophile William Vahey Read more Investigators in the UK have already established that while Vahey was teaching in London from 2009 to 2013, teachers on four different trips reported his suspicious behaviour with pupils to the school.
(16) But while the imprisoned activists and their supporters are fervently hoping that the Queen of Pop will use her Russian platform (Olimpiyskiy stadium, which is a pretty big one) to make a strong statement in their support, so far all she's been able to muster in public is a remark that she's "sorry that they've been arrested".
(17) The Jedwabne massacre and Kaminski's line that "Jews should say sorry for killing Poles" during the second world war is by far the most important of the many contentious issues on this man.
(18) André Villas-Boas Villas-Boas was only 33 when he won the Europa League with Porto Gianluca Vialli Sven-Göran Eriksson Pep Guardiola You got… Perfection You hero You star You've done very well there You've done well there You've done OK there Sorry to break it to you but that's a bad score Come on.
(19) It is convention that private conversations with the queen should be kept off the record, and Cameron later said he was embarrassed and sorry about the incident.
(20) DN: Sorry, Julia, but depression is still – as you may know from the recent report from the European Brain Council, of which I'm vice president – the largest cause of disability in Europe.