What's the difference between far and fart?



  • (n.) A young pig, or a litter of pigs.
  • (a.) Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent.
  • (a.) Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty.
  • (a.) Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated.
  • (a.) Widely different in nature or quality; opposite in character.
  • (a.) The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts.
  • (adv.) To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other.
  • (adv.) To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity.
  • (adv.) In great part; as, the day is far spent.
  • (adv.) In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) These results indicated that the PG determination was the most accurate predictor of fetal lung well-being prior to birth among the clinical tests so far reported.
  • (2) As far as acrophase table is concerned for all enzymes and fractions the acrophase occurred during the night.
  • (3) A commensurate rise in both smoking and adenocarcinoma has occurred in the Far East where the incidence rate (40%) is twice that of North America or Europe.
  • (4) Brown's model, which goes far further than those from any other senior Labour figure, and the modest new income tax powers for Holyrood devised when he was prime minister, edge the party much closer to the quasi-federal plans championed by the Liberal Democrats.
  • (5) It contains 10,000 apartments so far, in blocks that might appear Soviet but for shades of blue, green and yellow.
  • (6) But not only did it post a larger loss than expected, Amazon also projected 7% to 18% revenue growth over the busiest shopping period of the year, a far cry from the 20%-plus pace that had convinced investors to overlook its persistent lack of profit in the past.
  • (7) Mary's grief, which lasts for about the first half of the two-hour premiere special, is the finest work of the series so far by Michelle Dockery.
  • (8) I hope I can play a major part in really highlighting the need for far more extensive family violence training within all organisations that deal with women and children, including the police and the department of human services,” Batty said.
  • (9) Reasons for non-acceptance do not indicate any major difficulties in the employment of such staff in general practice, at least as far as the patients are concerned.
  • (10) Little is so far known of the origin of this syndrome.
  • (11) Although there was already satisfaction in the development of dementia-friendly pharmacies and Pride in Practice, a new standard of excellence in healthcare for gay, lesbian and bisexual patients, the biggest achievement so far was the bringing together of a strategic partnership of 37 NHS, local government and social organisations.
  • (12) Unlikely, he laughs: "We were founded on the idea of distributing information as far as possible."
  • (13) US presidential election 2016: the state of the Republican race as the year begins Read more So far, the former secretary of state seems to be recovering well from self-inflicted wounds that dogged the start of her second, and most concerted, attempt for the White House.
  • (14) The aim of this paper is to demonstrate that the problems which arise from simultaneously developing regulatory and competitive approaches to health care cost containment can be solved, if recognized, and that those problems deserve more systematic investigation than they have so far received.
  • (15) In general, air from the mediastinum far more often enters the left pleural cavity than the right one.
  • (16) In the far east is the arid, depressed country leading down Hell’s Canyon, which bottoms out at the Snake River, which the wolves crossed when they moved from Idaho, and which they now treat more as a crosswalk than a barrier.
  • (17) We demonstrated that while the protein was incorporated into the cell layer at 6, 24, 48, and 72 hr, a far greater amount was secreted into the media.
  • (18) Still, even as unknowable as this decision may be for him, as any decision is, really, he is far more qualified to understand his desires and goals that would inform that decision than anyone else is.
  • (19) They include the Francoist slogan "Arriba España" and the yoke-and-arrows symbol of the far right Falange, whose members killed the women.
  • (20) For each of the goals, some were far from complying.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thom Yorke described the company as “the last desperate fart of a dying corpse” last year – the dying corpse being the music industry – while David Byrne suggested that "if artists have to rely almost exclusively on the income from these services, they'll be out of work within a year".
  • (2) I mean, there are balloon-popping fetishes and farting.
  • (3) Where other titans became “Old Farts” overnight – “ No Elvis, Beatles or Rolling Stones in 1977” as the Clash had it – Bowie stayed revered.
  • (4) Is it hopelessly old fart-ish to hope exposure that to the horrors described by Buergenthal will remind all of us of the piffling nature of our next household conflagration about who gets to wear which pair of jeans, or whether homework on the weekend really constitutes a hardship – or even, somehow, temper the demand for new electronic equipment?
  • (5) Thom Yorke called the company "the last desperate fart of a dying corpse" in 2013, telling his peers that "I feel like as musicians we need to fight the Spotify thing", suggesting that the company is just another (unwanted) middleman in the music industry.
  • (6) You really can have it all.” A more practical innovation comes from British manufacturer Shreddies, which has developed flatulence-filtering underwear , allowing you to “fart with confidence”.
  • (7) The Tennyson line chosen for the heart of the Olympic Village – "To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield" – is, in the context of his poem Ulysses, hardly a feelgood slogan: it's the empty boast of a vainglorious old fart raging against senility.
  • (8) Peaches is sorry "for any offence caused", although it will presumably be some years before the victims are old enough to have her soz passed on to them – if indeed it came in any more personal form than her begrudgingly farted-out tweet.
  • (9) • On 7 October, the Radiohead and Atoms for Peace musician Thom Yorke described Spotify as 'the last desperate fart of a dying corpse ' as the company celebrated its fifth birthday.
  • (10) Or, if you’re nervous about farting around other people, as I am, you can use a YouTube video at home.
  • (11) "As long as the old farts at the top of the company don't prevent change it's fine," he says.
  • (12) The internet implodes when a black actor is cast in a role of non-specified ethnicity – highlights include the trolling of 14-year-old Amandla Stenberg, who played Rue in The Hunger Games, and the collective online brain fart that happens if you dare put the words “Idris” and “Bond” in the same sentence.
  • (13) Radiohead’s Thom Yorke called for a boycott of the service over unfair payment practices, removing all his solo projects from the site and describing it as “the last desperate fart of a dying corpse”.
  • (14) Footage of cattle is a reminder that we could instead be farted into oblivion.
  • (15) When you first met him, was he a humorous and pompous old fart?
  • (16) He also took things a bit further with a stronger comment in an interview with Mexican website Sopitas , saying of the music business: "This is like the last fart, the last desperate fart of a dying corpse."
  • (17) He joked: “The worst piece of legislation ever – so good news, Fugitive Slave Act, you’re finally off the hook!” John Oliver on Trump: 'He dominates the news like a fart dominates a car' Read more Oliver then gave a brief history lesson on the importance of the act, since before it was implemented 49 million people weren’t covered and now more than 20 million people gained health coverage.
  • (18) I've given this some thought, and I think the only thing more risky than whistling during a live performance is doing armpit farts during a performance.
  • (19) For and against Spotify sceptics “I think it’s really still up for debate whether this is actual progress, or whether this is taking the word music out of the music industry.” Taylor Swift “To me this isn’t the mainstream, this is is like the last fart, the last desperate fart of a dying corpse.
  • (20) People who know me know that I am not somebody who farts higher than …” he smiled.

Words possibly related to "far"

Words possibly related to "fart"