(a.) Securely placed or fastened; settled; established; firm; imovable; unalterable.
(a.) Stable; non-volatile.
Example Sentences:
(1) The catheter must be meticulously fixed to the skin to avoid its movement.
(2) The binding properties of formalin-fixed amelanotic melanoma cells were not identical to those of endothelial or unfixed target cells.
(3) On the basis of 180 interventions, they describe in detail the use of fibrin glue in myringo- and tympanoplasty for correct fixing of grafts.
(4) Theresa May signals support for UK-EU membership deal Read more Faull’s fix, largely accepted by Britain, also ties the hands of national governments.
(5) According to the finite element analysis, the design bases of fixed restorations applied in the teeth accompanied with the absorption of the alveolar bone were preferred.
(6) At a fixed concentration of nucleotide the effectiveness of elution was proportional to the charge on the eluting molecule.
(7) This suggests that molars do not maintain a fixed relationship to incisors over time, and extreme care must be taken to standardize an experiment to a specific body weight when using this method.
(8) Using an antibody to the nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR), we examined dendritic reticulum cells (DRCs) immunohistochemically in 62 formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded lymph nodes from patients with reactive follicular hyperplasia or with various types of lymphoma.
(9) Females were killed at various times after the onset of mating or artificial insemination, oviducts were fixed and sectioned serially, and spermatozoa were counted individually as to their location in the oviduct.
(10) Rigidly fixing the pubic symphysis stiffened the model and resulted in principal stress patterns that did not reflect trabecular density or orientations as well as those of the deformable pubic symphysis model.
(11) Using a monoclonal antibody against dopamine and a rabbit antiserum against serotonin, 5-methoxytryptamine or tryptamine, we were able to achieve the simultaneous localization of two amines in glutaraldehyde-fixed sections of rat dorsal raphe nuclei.
(12) In one series of experiments, the animals were not treated before the tissues were conventionally fixed; in another, anesthetized animals were administered horseradish peroxidase 20 min before the tissues were fixed.
(13) Since all human cadaveric tissue is fixed whilst on the skeleton, we may assume that shrinkage of the muscles in such specimens is negligible.
(14) Isolated outer hair cells from the organ of Corti of the guinea pig have been shown to change length in response to a mechanical stimulus in the form of a tone burst at a fixed frequency of 200 Hz (Canlon et al., 1988).
(15) After permeabilization, with attendant partial extraction, the preparation can be fixed, then viewed by either deep-etch replication, or by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, with structure of interest revealed in deep view.
(16) In contrast, in paraffin as well as in frozen sections of chick oviduct, fixed by immersion or in vapor, PR was exclusively nuclear, including in the absence of progesterone, and the intensity of immunostaining was not modified by progesterone treatment.
(17) Filipin-induced lesions in glutaraldehyde-fixed parasites indicated higher levels of beta-hydroxysterols in the amastigote than in the promastigote plasma membrane, and in the promastigote flagellar membrane than in the body membrane.
(18) Using a silver staining technique (AgNOR technique), we have investigated the nucleolar organizer-associated proteins (NORs) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded conjunctival specimens of 15 intraepithelial squamous carcinomas, 10 hyperplastic-dysplastic samples and 10 control epithelial fragments; the mean number of intranuclear black dots was determined for each case.
(19) Radiologists may encounter patients with fixed dental prostheses that may produce image distortion on MRI scans of the face and jaw.
(20) A rubber cuff was fixed on the metal cylinder and let an opening of 8 cm, simulating the cervix uteri.
(n.) A furrow, channel, or long hollow, such as may be formed by cutting, molding, grinding, the wearing force of flowing water, or constant travel; a depressed way; a worn path; a rut.
(n.) Hence: The habitual course of life, work, or affairs; fixed routine.
(n.) A shaft or excavation.
(v. t.) To cut a groove or channel in; to form into channels or grooves; to furrow.
Example Sentences:
(1) The ligands bind at discrete sites in the minor groove of DNA, and analysis on DNA sequencing gels show pronounced protection at the ligand binding sites, as well as more generalized protection.
(2) Recent reports have indicated the usefulness of nuclear grooves (clefts or notches) as an additional criterion for the diagnosis of papillary thyroid carcinoma in fine needle aspirates; most of these studies were carried out on alcohol-fixed material stained with the Papanicolaou stain or with hematoxylin and eosin, which yield good nuclear details.
(3) Intermolecular contacts occur in both oligomers in the minor groove: in the B form through twisted guanine-guanine hydrogen bonding, and in the Z form through base-base stacking and the water network.
(4) The nogalose and aminoglucose sugars lie in the minor and major grooves, respectively, of the distorted B-DNA double helix.
(5) The AFB1 moiety is face-stacked in the major groove with its long axis approximately perpendicular to the helix axis.
(6) These results strongly indicate that metallobleomycin binds in the minor groove of B-DNA and that the 2-amino group of guanine adjacent to the 5' side of the cleaved pyrimidine base is one key element of the specific 5' G-C or G-T recognition by the bleomycin-metal complex.
(7) As a basis for the discussion a possible structure for the DNA complex of the phenylated neutral red is considered in which the extra phenyl ring at N-5 of the phenazinium system, protrudes into the large groove of the DNA helix while the tricyclic part of the ligand is inserted between the DNA base-pairs.
(8) A high intensity of the reactions was observed in certain cells of the neural groove in 24-hours' embryos and in the neural tube of 48-hours' embryos.
(9) Recent STM studies of calf thymus DNA and poly(rA).poly(rU) have shown that the helical pitch and periodic alternation of major and minor grooves can be visualized and reliably measured.
(10) In the absence of boxes or grooves, pins markedly enhanced both retention and resistance.
(11) Therefore in artificial knee replacement a lateral tilt of the patella sliding groove should not be propagated as 'physiological'.
(12) Many antitumor drugs, and many carcinogens, act by binding within the minor groove of double-helical DNA, interfering with both replication and transcription.
(13) This instrument, a modification of a corneal trephine, provides a neat, smooth groove of adjustable depth.
(14) and the fluid ejected from the ejaculatory groove region (about 0.2 ml.).
(15) 3) The significance of minor groove Mtase-DNA interactions to specificity is confirmed.
(16) (v) The bis-benzimidazole drug Hoechst-33258, which binds in the minor groove of B-DNA, exhibits very little fluorescence in the presence of the ps hairpins but a normal, enhanced emission with the aps oligonucleotides.
(17) We have studied the time-resolved and the steady-state fluorescence of the DNA groove binders 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and Hoechst 33258 with the double stranded DNAs poly(dA-dU) and poly(dI-dC) and their halogenated analogs, poly(dA-I5dU) and poly(dI-Br5dC).
(18) The complexation-induced chemical shifts and NOE cross peaks in the NOESY map of the 1:1 complex of lexitropsin (1) and d-[CGCAATTGCG]2 reveal that the thiazole ring of the lexitropsin (1) intercalates between dA4.A5 bases and the rest of the ligand resides in the minor groove of the AT rich core of decamer, thus occupying the 5'-AATT sequence on the DNA.
(19) All cases had true hypertelorism and a median nasal groove with absence of the nasal tip.
(20) Distamycin, Hoechst 33258, and DAPI were used as agents capable of AT-specific binding in the minor groove of DNA while producing no profound long-range distortion of DNA structure.