What's the difference between follow and train?



  • (v. t.) To go or come after; to move behind in the same path or direction; hence, to go with (a leader, guide, etc.); to accompany; to attend.
  • (v. t.) To endeavor to overtake; to go in pursuit of; to chase; to pursue; to prosecute.
  • (v. t.) To accept as authority; to adopt the opinions of; to obey; to yield to; to take as a rule of action; as, to follow good advice.
  • (v. t.) To copy after; to take as an example.
  • (v. t.) To succeed in order of time, rank, or office.
  • (v. t.) To result from, as an effect from a cause, or an inference from a premise.
  • (v. t.) To watch, as a receding object; to keep the eyes fixed upon while in motion; to keep the mind upon while in progress, as a speech, musical performance, etc.; also, to keep up with; to understand the meaning, connection, or force of, as of a course of thought or argument.
  • (v. t.) To walk in, as a road or course; to attend upon closely, as a profession or calling.
  • (v. i.) To go or come after; -- used in the various senses of the transitive verb: To pursue; to attend; to accompany; to be a result; to imitate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Forty-nine patients (with 83 eyes showing signs of the disease) were followed up for between six months and 12 years.
  • (2) Previous use of the drug is found in more than 50 per cent of the patients, and it was often followed by a neglected side-effect.
  • (3) Guillain Barré syndrome following herpes zoster is rare and only 25 cases have been reported to date.
  • (4) Therefore, it is suggested that PE patients without endogenous erythroid colonies may follow almost the same clinical course as SP patients.
  • (5) We were able to detect genetic recombination between vaccine strains of PRV following in vitro or in vivo coinoculation of 2 strains of PRV.
  • (6) Twenty-seven patients were randomized to receive either 50 mg stanozolol or placebo intramuscularly 24 h before operation, followed by a 6 week course of either 5 mg stanozolol or placebo orally, twice daily.
  • (7) However, this deficit was observed only when the sample-place preceded but not when it followed the interpolated visits (second experiment).
  • (8) Following in vitro C activation in NHS by delta IgG, the 40 KD C4d component increased markedly.
  • (9) within 12 h of birth followed by similar injections every day for 10 consecutive days and then every second day for a further 8 weeks, with mycoplasma broth medium (tolerogen), to induce immune tolerance.
  • (10) It is concluded that acute renal denervation augments the pressure diuresis that follows carotid occlusion.
  • (11) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
  • (12) "This is the third event in the last few days following An-26 and SU-25 planes being brought down.
  • (13) Following central retinal artery ligation, infarction of the retinal ganglion cells was reflected by a 97 per cent reduction in the radioactively labeled protein within the optic nerve.
  • (14) It is followed by rapid neurobehavioral deterioration in late infancy or early childhood, a developmental arrest, plateauing, and then either a course of retarded development or continued deterioration.
  • (15) Both the vitellogenesis and the GtH cell activity are restored in the fish exposed to short photoperiod if it is followed by a long photoperiod.
  • (16) Results indicated a .85 probability that Directive Guidance would be followed by Cooperation; a .67 probability that Permissiveness would lead to Noncooperation; and a .97 likelihood that Coerciveness would lead to either Noncooperation or Resistance.
  • (17) Changes in cardiac adenosine triphosphate (ATP), phosphocreatine (PCr) and inorganic phosphate (Pi) were followed and intracellular pH (pHi) was estimated from the chemical shift of Pi.
  • (18) The LD50 of the following metal-binding chelating drugs, EDTA, diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), hydroxyethylenediaminetriacetic acid (HEDTA), cyclohexanediaminotetraacetic acid (CDTA) and triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (TTHA) was evaluated in terms of mortality in rats after intraperitoneal administration and was found to be in the order: CDTA greater than EDTA greater than DTPA greater than TTHA greater than HEDTA.
  • (19) Furthermore, all of the sera from seven other patients with shock reactions following the topical application of chlorhexidine preparation also showed high RAST counts.
  • (20) Our results indicate that increasing the delay for more than 8 days following irradiation and TCD syngeneic BMT leads to a rapid loss of the ability to achieve alloengraftment by non-TCD allogeneic bone marrow.



  • (v. t.) To draw along; to trail; to drag.
  • (v. t.) To draw by persuasion, artifice, or the like; to attract by stratagem; to entice; to allure.
  • (v. t.) To teach and form by practice; to educate; to exercise; to discipline; as, to train the militia to the manual exercise; to train soldiers to the use of arms.
  • (v. t.) To break, tame, and accustom to draw, as oxen.
  • (v. t.) To lead or direct, and form to a wall or espalier; to form to a proper shape, by bending, lopping, or pruning; as, to train young trees.
  • (v. t.) To trace, as a lode or any mineral appearance, to its head.
  • (v. i.) To be drilled in military exercises; to do duty in a military company.
  • (v. i.) To prepare by exercise, diet, instruction, etc., for any physical contest; as, to train for a boat race.
  • (v.) That which draws along; especially, persuasion, artifice, or enticement; allurement.
  • (v.) Hence, something tied to a lure to entice a hawk; also, a trap for an animal; a snare.
  • (v.) That which is drawn along in the rear of, or after, something; that which is in the hinder part or rear.
  • (v.) That part of a gown which trails behind the wearer.
  • (v.) The after part of a gun carriage; the trail.
  • (v.) The tail of a bird.
  • (v.) A number of followers; a body of attendants; a retinue; a suite.
  • (v.) A consecution or succession of connected things; a series.
  • (v.) Regular method; process; course; order; as, things now in a train for settlement.
  • (v.) The number of beats of a watch in any certain time.
  • (v.) A line of gunpowder laid to lead fire to a charge, mine, or the like.
  • (v.) A connected line of cars or carriages on a railroad.
  • (v.) A heavy, long sleigh used in Canada for the transportation of merchandise, wood, and the like.
  • (v.) A roll train; as, a 12-inch train.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Circuit weight training does not exacerbate resting or exercise blood pressure and may have beneficial effects.
  • (2) The Trans-Siberian railway , the greatest train journey in the world, is where our love story began.
  • (3) Pretraining consumption did not predict (among animals) post-training consumption.
  • (4) Inadequate treatment, caused by a lack of drugs and poorly trained medical attendants, is also a major problem.
  • (5) Training in social skills specific to fostering intimacy is suggested as a therapeutic step, and modifications to the social support measure for future use discussed.
  • (6) Accuracy of discrimination of letters at various preselected distances was determined each session while Ortho-rater examinations were given periodically throughout training.
  • (7) In the case of nonspecific loading highly trained individuals may have low VT values close to the level characteristic for normal subjects.
  • (8) The results suggest that RPE cannot be used reliably as a surrogate for direct pulse measurement in exercise training of persons with acute dysvascular amputations.
  • (9) A 24-h test trial employing a dry target demonstrated a robust memory for the training manifested in passive avoidance behavior.
  • (10) Consequently, the present data indicate that training-induced changes in the CS-evoked activity of PFCm cells are significantly related to aversively conditioned bradycardia in rabbits.
  • (11) Thus, brain NE levels after training were not predictive of retention performance in amygdala-implanted or -stimulated animals.
  • (12) In a comparative study 11 athletes and 11 untrained students were investigated at rest, of these 6 trained and 5 untrained individuals during exercise as well.
  • (13) Before training, SV at VO2max was 9% lower than during exercise at 50% VO2max (P less than 0.05).
  • (14) I hope I can play a major part in really highlighting the need for far more extensive family violence training within all organisations that deal with women and children, including the police and the department of human services,” Batty said.
  • (15) Participants were selected from existing classes forming a weight training, aerobic exercise and activity control group.
  • (16) In common with other studies, we found that the injury occurred in competitive runners, especially females, and was likely to develop during competitive races or intensive training sessions.
  • (17) Little difference exists between the proportion of programs that offer training in first-trimester techniques and the proportion that train in second-trimester techniques.
  • (18) There was no significant correlation between mitochondrial volume and number of SO fibers following endurance exercise training.
  • (19) Following mass disasters and individual deaths, dentists with special training and experience in forensic odontology are frequently called upon to assist in the identification of badly mutilated or decomposed bodies.
  • (20) Neuromuscular transmission was measured using "train-of-four" stimulation.