(v. i.) A place in a river, or other water, where it may be passed by man or beast on foot, by wading.
(v. i.) A stream; a current.
(v. t.) To pass or cross, as a river or other water, by wading; to wade through.
Example Sentences:
(1) Migrant voters are almost as numerous as current Ukip supporters but they are widely overlooked and risk being increasingly disaffected by mainstream politics and the fierce rhetoric around immigration caused partly by the rise of Ukip,” said Robert Ford from Manchester University, the report’s co-author.
(2) She knew that Ford needed parts for the best-selling truck in America, and she knew how to make them.
(3) Last year Ford sold more than 25,000 white Fiestas.
(4) Read more “We know Tafe can be transformative for people who are doing it hard, bringing new skills to Indigenous communities, helping close the gender pay gap, empowering mature-age workers with the chance to retrain – not standing by while people from Holden and Ford are cast on the scrapheap,” Shorten will say.
(5) If that's what's happening here, we might soon be in a position to learn if Henry Ford was right.
(6) Car manufacturers such as Ford, General Motors and Volkswagen have plants here.
(7) Eamonn Forde of the music business website Music Ally says: "I think the change would just be chipping at the edges at first, but then you see things like a new generation of artists who are just huge on YouTube, who don't make the charts because they don't see themselves as having to put out singles, they make their money online.
(8) As plantation owners go, Ford is a kindly sort: he delivers sermons and permits his slaves moments of humanity, even giving Northup a violin.
(9) Ford takes from time out from studying to go rollerskating in Pyongyang.
(10) While promoting 1983's Return of the Jedi, Ford told an interviewer: "Three is enough for me.
(11) Peter Ford Ambassador to Syria 2003-06 • Join the debate – email guardian.letters@theguardian.com
(12) • David Hinds (Barbados), Mark Bob Forde (Barbados), Richard Groden (Trinidad & Tobago), Yves Jean-Bart (Haiti) and Horace Reid (Jamaica) all received a warning.
(13) If only she could have foreseen the levels of excitement and anticipation surrounding Star Wars: The Force Awakens , the seventh instalment, in which she will return alongside co-stars from the original trilogy including Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill.
(14) Abrams currently has the production on a two-week hiatus to allow Ford to recover from a broken leg sustained on set.
(15) In a 38-year review (1950 to 1988) of surgically treated thymic tumors at Henry Ford Hospital, only 7 cases of thymic carcinoids were identified.
(16) Of approximately 6000 admissions to the Henry Ford Hospital medical ICU between October 1969 and September 1984, 61 (1%) had active tuberculosis (TB).
(17) Nevertheless, Manafort’s role with Trump has expanded quickly since he was tapped in late March to manage Trump’s convention operation and round up delegates, a speciality of Manafort’s going back to the 1976 GOP convention, when he worked for Gerald Ford’s campaign.
(18) Cameron referred to Forde, who runs a business supplying kitchen worktops, while speaking about immigration during the ITV debate on Thursday.
(19) That was the verdict of Anna Ford on Buerk's advance publicity for a Channel Five programme in which he bemoaned the fact that men have become mere "sperm donors" in a female-dominated society.
(20) Also free, there's 2012 best newcomer nominee Cariad Lloyd in her new show with Louise Ford, Alternative Comedy Memorial Society supremo John-Luke Roberts, controversialist Josh Howie, Sunday Assembly co-founder Pippa Evans – and indeed Omielan.
(n.) An edge or point; also, a beginning.
Example Sentences:
(1) The ORD titrations of ApAp(3') and CpCp(3'), which were made by measuring the ORD curves at closely spaced pH intervals, exhibit a maximum at approx.
(2) Sir Hugh Orde, Acpo's president, said on Friday the introduction of police commissioners would create "inevitable tension" with chief constables over local and national policing priorities.
(3) Ironically, Hogan-Howe in part owes the job to Orde, who managed to persuade the home secretary to oppose Downing Street's plan to bring in Bill Bratton, the former US police chief, to run the Met.
(4) The absolute configuration of a novel chiral neuroleptic agent SU 23397 (I) was determined by ORD comparison of (+)-5-methoxy dihydro coumarilic acid (VIII), a synthetic precursor of SU 23397 (I), with (+)-dihydro coumarilic acid, whose absolute configuration is known.
(5) Although the Acpo statement today was more measured, its president, Sir Hugh Orde, has warned in recent months that low turnouts would risk returning BNP candidates and even "lunatics" as police commissioners.
(6) Experimental differences in the curves of the optic rotation dispersion (ORD) of cystrans-heptaenic antibiotics were found.
(7) After a brief introduction of the ORD and CD methods, the advantages and drawbacks of the application of the two methods have been described, and compared, and the calibration of ORD and CD instruments have been given.
(8) ORD spectra of hybrid viruses, reconstituted from RNA of one virus and coat protein of another, proved to be identical to the ORD of the virus, whose protein was used in reconstitution.
(9) The ORD and CD spectra of the analogs are similar to those of the natural oligonucleotides.
(10) We have a problem already and, to my mind, if we allow access to countless millions without any means or ability of checking who they are, we’re adding to a problem that already exists within our countries.” But Orde, one of the most respected figures in policing, says the anti-EU campaigners have “misused the horrific events in Paris to try to support their failing cause.
(11) In ORD measurements, the rotatory behaviors of lysozyme and its derivative were identical at the 233 nm negative minimum and the 199 nm positive extremum.
(12) Gel chromatography and ORD measurements show no strong conformational change.
(13) $200m will be set aside for a water infrastructure fund and a further $20m on the feasibility of dams and infrastructure projects in northern Australia, including the third stage of the Ord river venture.
(14) In addition, one of them was found to have approximately 15% alpha-helical conformation by the Moffitt-Yang analysis of ORD data.
(15) Analysis of the ORD and CD spectra of various glycosaminoglycans, as well as those of oversulphated and desulphated preparations allowed the following conclusions concerning the secondary structure.
(16) Sir Hugh Orde, the president of the Association of Chief Police Officers, last week played down allegations of a cover-up.
(17) Although simple nearest-neighbour calculations based on the ORD data of IpIp(3') and 5'-IMP account for the observed ORD spectrum of polyinosinic acid at low salt concentration, there were large discrepancies between calculated and experimental results of the polyguanylic acid ORD even at low ionic strength.
(18) A model is developed which shows that studies of the effect of radiation on ORD properties may be useful in providing information on possible intermediate steps in protein denaturation.
(19) The study shows that the stereochemical configuration of lipids isolated from biological material can be assessed by ORD and CD.
(20) It is perhaps unsurprising, then, that Kevin Rudd has promised to “unlock” the Northern Territory, including by expanding stage three of the Ord River irrigation scheme.